
Madi Jobarteh: Armed Men In Public Without Uniforms Threatens National Security

Officers in plainclothes were deployed last week to quell riots in Serrekunda

The presence of men armed with AK47 rifles with no uniforms on our streets is indeed a new threat to national security in case the Director General of NIA has not noticed.

The Gambia is not a narco-state or engulfed in a civil war neither fighting an insurgency or terrorism. Hence it is utterly unjustified that law enforcement officers of the Gambia could carry assault rifles openly without uniforms while facing ordinary citizens protesting the death of another citizen.

In the first-place assault rifles must not be in the hands of law enforcement agents when they are engaging the civilian population. AK47 is a combat rifle that must not be used ever again by our police as a first instance weapon in controlling crowds. There was no evidence that angry demonstrators in Serre Kunda on July 24 were armed especially with assault rifles so as to warrant a similar response from the police.

Secondly even if the police were to use these weapons in a faceoff with an armed civilian population those officers must be inside their police uniforms. One of the purposes of police putting on uniforms is to ensure identification, legitimacy and accountability. Every Gambian is required to recognise the uniform of the Gambia Police Force. Hence to deploy men without uniforms is to undermine the identification, legitimacy and accountability of those officers in the eyes of the people and therefore undermine the cooperation of the public towards those armed men.

Thirdly the presence of men without uniforms and bearing arms in such situations as a demonstration threatens peace. This is because where such men were to unlawfully use their weapons it will be difficult to identify the shooters. Even where the use of that gun was lawful it has the potential to generate a negative and violent reaction from the demonstrators as they might mistaken the officer to be a criminal. Therefore, this would have endangered the life of that officer just because he was not in a uniform.

Therefore, it is pertinent that we ask why the Anti-Crime Unit command decided to hand weapons to its men knowing fully well that they were not in uniform? What is their objective? If indeed those officers were CID officers as claimed by the Police PRO, I wish to put it to the PRO that CID officers expected to be undercover agents or operate in counter-insurgency scenarios. For that matter it is unjustified to arm CID officers in such public situations.

What we know is that the practice of law enforcement agents bearing such arms openly and in public and without uniforms happens mainly under authoritarian and criminal regimes. They do so because they wish to generate chaos with an objective to shoot to kill identified persons or implicate certain people. Such regimes also employ these tactics in order to create an unpleasant situation that they will now use to justify the creation of more draconian laws or adoption of more oppressive measures against the people. Is this the objective of the Barrow Government?

We all recall how in April 2000 after killing 14 schoolchildren the Jammeh Regime came to say that shooting came out from the protesting students. It appears by then the regime had not fully mastered the gimmicks of notorious regimes in full otherwise they would have planted gunmen inside the students and take their pictures so they can show that as evidence. This is why it is so dangerous to see today, in 2019 after defeating that Dictatorship that this Government would put armed men without uniforms on the streets!

When all is considered it will be clear that this country urgently needs a security sector reform otherwise the peace and security of this country is fast eroding. Since the launch of the security sector program several weeks ago, may we ask the Minister of Justice what is happening so far? The events of July 24 in Brikama and Serre Kunda clearly point to the urgent need for these reforms.

One will find more justification for these reforms when you read the Faraba Commission Report. In that report it was categorically recommended that the IGP should vet all PIU officers and those found to have been involved in torture to be removed. Has the IGP done that? We know that some of the PIU officers deployed in Brikama and Serre Kunda on that fateful day are notorious torturers and killers since 2000! Why are they still in our uniforms?

The Anti-Crime Unit is notorious for torture. The evidence is overwhelming, yet the Gambia Government continues to close its eyes to malpractices that characterised the country under Yaya Jammeh. Those of us monitoring this Unit have reports that the detention conditions at the ACU headquarters are subhuman while various other abuses continue to take place there. The death of Ousman Darboe is a case in point which must be thoroughly investigated.

After 22 years of indiscriminate killing of Gambians by the Gambia Government under Yaya Jammeh, we must not ever again allow a single Gambian to die at the hands of Gambian armed and security forces. So far, we have registered the death of several Gambians at the hands of security forces in Kanilai, Faraba and now Serre Kunda. This is unacceptable and there must be accountability.

Meantime the practice of Gambian law enforcement officers appearing with guns and without uniforms in public must also be investigated and those responsible held accountable.

For The Gambia Our Homeland.


  1. Fourthly, if I may add Madi, is that where these men carrying AK-47’s were to be disarmed by rogue elements, the weapons may simply disappear into thin air and could then be used on other security agents that go about working diligently to to put food on the table for their families everyday.
    Fifthly, the men showing in the photos look ill equipped to deal with a delicate and tense security situation where everyone must be allowed to go out to express their views on what is perceived to be injustices meted out to citizens by security officers that’ll stretch any sort of authority accorded to them. What’s particularly mind boggling is the sight of “officers” carrying lethal weapons of war but dressed in flip flops, raggedy jeans and T shirts. A perfect recipe for indiscipline where the mice come out to play while the cat is asleep. Is that a scare tactic of the kind that would be hatched by by the hapless buffoon of a Minister of the Interior Mballow. A fellow that has no place in that ministry.
    Sixthly, (is that a word?) the security chiefs that were involved in giving out orders for those raggedy looking, AK-47 totting individuals must be brought before a disciplinary body to justify their rational for giving out orders that amount rebel zone like scare tactics to cower demonstrators into subservience.
    The question that arises in my mind has to do with what would stop a shady rebel group within or without the sub region from joining the melee for the object of wreaking havoc and looting businesses in Brikama and the surroundings for personal gain?
    Looks to me that the security chiefs have clearly failed this test!!

  2. Fourthly, if I may add Madi, is that where these men carrying AK-47’s were to be disarmed by rogue elements, the weapons may simply disappear into thin air and could then be used on other security agents that go about working diligently to to put food on the table for their families everyday.
    Fifthly, the men showing in the photos look ill equipped to deal with a delicate and tense security situation where everyone must be allowed to go out to express their views on what is perceived to be injustices meted out to citizens by security officers that’ll stretch any sort of authority accorded to them. What’s particularly mind boggling is the sight of “officers” carrying lethal weapons of war but dressed in flip flops, raggedy jeans and T shirts. A perfect recipe for indiscipline where the mice come out to play while the cat is asleep. Is that a scare tactic of the kind that would be hatched by by the hapless buffoon of a Minister of the Interior Mballow. A fellow that has no place in that ministry.
    Sixthly, (is that a word?) the security chiefs that were involved in giving out orders for those raggedy looking, AK-47 totting individuals must be brought before a disciplinary body to justify their rational for giving out orders that amount rebel zone like scare tactics to cower demonstrators into subservience.
    The question that arises in my mind has to do with what would stop a shady rebel group within or without the sub region from joining the melee for the object of wreaking havoc and looting businesses in Brikama and the surroundings for personal gain?
    Looks to me that the security chiefs have clearly failed this test!!

  3. No wonder alt Jammeh spy insider now director Sowe is calling the shots at SIC (K).
    It is a tragedy and embarrassment for The Gambia. Leaderless to the point of having the EU representative concluding that the security reform is nuts. It hasn’t taken off not to talk of progress..

  4. To any willing listener, I will repeat myself.
    The security sector in The Gambia, the entire sector are “thugs in uniform” remnants of Yahya Jammeh’s operatives. For 22 years, they were poorly trained, poorly paid and used for illegal “mission” to settle political scores, silence opposition and commit APRC sanctioned murders.
    They are not and will never be professional men and soldiers. This is why I and many have called for complete dismantling of our military and security forces. The Gambia will never be safe with these men running around with assault weapons killings innocent civilians.
    These men are being paid with our tax dollars to be deployed to kill our children, that is NOT very smart, Is it?
    God protect us from evil men.

  5. Today we expected the President to come out and condemn the presence of unkempt, police officers dressed in second hand shirts and trousers wielding assault rifles on our streets.
    By not coming out to at least express shock and disappointment, tell us that it was unacceptable for the police to deploy armed officers to control the crowd of unarmed Gambians who has every right to peacefully protest, and promise to look into it, he kept silent. What does his silence mean. Approval, indifference, unawareness or negligence. You decide.
    Makes no difference now, the damage is done. Property damage, life changed, some destroyed, but our reputation as a country in the community of nations tarnished. We are now seen as brutal and irresponsible.
    Now where do we go from here.
    1. As Commander in Chief Mr Barrow must investigate how this happened, who authorized the deployment and recommend retraining.
    2. Sack the police commander
    3. Sack the Defense Minister
    4. Sack the Minister of Interior
    Why? None of them is in control of what is going on in the country and certainly there is lack of coordination between them. On their watch the country is in grave danger of disintegrating into armed conflict.
    God Help The Gambia.

    • Sister Sarr, “Rome burns while Nero plays the fiddle!”! I have been saying this for a very long time and again, it is worth repeating. The best that can happen to Gambia is for the president to call a press conference and tell the nation that he is resigning, because he is not fit to be president. Does anyone expect this president to address the nation and articulate in simple language how to govern and to explain the current issues in The Gambia? It is like everything is in disarray. Issues are popping up daily and all you get are press releases from the so-called experts. I fully understand your prayer “God Help The Gambia” but you see God does not dwell in unclean hearts. In a country where the largest religion is hypocrisy, this is what you get. Peace to you all!!

    • Dr. Sarr, the guy will not raise to the occassion. He just does not have the character, will, competence and wisdom to step out and speak on the issue. If he even steps out, you wouldn’t be able to watch him talk. It is an incredible dilema we are in.

      • Kinteh(Kemo), I agree with you that it is indeed an incredible dilemma we are in, but hold on a minute Kinteh! Isn’t it the truth that your party (UDP) and party leader (Ousainou Darboe) created this problem for The Gambia? Some may ask why and how and here’s my reasons:
        1. Adama Barrow was presented to the electorate by the UDP as its presidential candidate in 2016 (Adama’s subsequent performance and gross incompetence is an indictment on the UDP and I will say why later);
        2. The UDP and GMC, and probably some other parties, secretly plotted and connived to get Adama elected at the convention, which contradicted the objectives and spirit of the occasion;
        3. Ousainou Darboe (UDP Leader) planted the idea in Adama’s head that there are legitimate and constitutional grounds for him to renege on the MOU and reject the Transition Programme and convinced him that if he reneged on the agreement, no one would dare force him to step down after 3 years because he, Ousainou Darboe, one of Gambia’s most accomplished and top lawyers, will sue the person(s) to court.
        Having had that assurance from Ousainou Darboe and being preyed upon by the many sycophants, hypocrites and self serving charlatans, some of whom went as far back as 1994/96 with Lt. Yaya Jammeh, the emboldened Adama did exactly what his political God-Father advised. Hence, the source of our problem with Adama Barrow is UDP and Ousainou Darboe.
        Why is Adama’s failure an indictment on the UDP? Well, as a National Institution, one of the many tasks of the UDP is to identify and select a leader who will be presented to the nation as their presidential candidate to seek the office of president.
        Unfortunately, the UDP had failed in that basic task by selecting someone who “does not have the character, will, competence and wisdom to step out and speak on the issue (or any issue for that matter) and even if he steps out, you wouldn’t be able to watch him talk.”
        If a party that seeks to govern the country cannot get the simplest of tasks right, how the hell is it going to take Gambia out of the doldrums? No wonder the party is in so much confusion about its role during the transition: is it in government or in opposition? Officially, they claim to be part of the government and in support of its programmes, but when they speak or release statements, they sound like an opposition party.
        The leader (Ousainou Darboe) supports a 5 year term for President Barrow and vowed to sue anyone who wants to force Adama to adhere to the 3 years, but the party pursues a policy of ambiguity on the matter; not clear whether they want a 3/5 year term for Mr Barrow. The confusion even extends to the parliamentary UDP, with members showing divided loyalties. It is shambolic, but this is the party that many think can lead us somewhere. Are we serious Gambia?

        • @JollofNews: where is the like or love button?
          UDP is the cancer in Gambian politics as far as records are concerned. That’s because there is only one person calling the shots, Ousainou Darboe.

  6. @Samba: “In a country where the largest religion is hypocrisy, this is what you get.”
    Very hard to argue against that statement. In fact, sycophancy could be added as a component of this “religion”, thus naming it, “hypocrisy and sycophancy”. The unfortunate truth is that just too many people practice it in our country, hence the state of our nation.

  7. Bax and Mwalimu,
    These accusations, again, are simplistic conclusions devoid of any rationale.
    Firstly, Barrow’s ascend to UDP Leadership was conditioned on the fact that the entire UDP Leadership were in jail at the time. And Barrow’s demeanour at the time didn’t foretell his abandonment of the party credo. That he turns against his own party speaks volumes of his own character but not the character of the party he hails from. A person is not merely a product of his family. A person is an individum whereby the influences of the family alone is a marginal one. The same goes for associations be it political. A person’s true agenda is a secret dear to him / her alone. No one can for sure predict the likely outcome of somebody once that person reach position of power. The same went for Jammeh, Sanna Sabally etc.
    Secondly, Darboe’s insistence on the 5 year is the most widely used excuse for all and sundry who have no convictions of their own. As if Darboe is the only person in the country. OJ and Halifa are prominent Gambians with their own opinions. Therefore, why can’t we abduce their opinions as Darboe did and take those opinions as their personal opinions. Why Darboe’s opinion would be stated as a law? That is why 3 years Jotna are exemplary because they have disregarded all opinions contrary to their firmly felt conviction that barrow promised 3 years and that must be kept because it is on this premise that he was elected. That is 3 years Jotna’s conviction. Why can’t Bax and PDOIS stay with their convictions and consider the utterances of Darboe and UDP as contrary opinions that are not absolute truths and are contestable?

  8. The matter is very simple. Those who want to support the 5-year Barrow determination to stay on(Bax, Bajaw &Co……) may equally come out in the streets in December. That would never stop the 3-Year Jotnah Movement from coming en masse to halt all sectors of our social and economic activities until the BUFFON learns that Allah SWT has passed HIS DIVINE powers onto HIS creatures to elect him. If Barrow thinks his election is DIVINE and the Almighty Allah SWT’s creatures do not matter, he will learn that in December.
    We are no longer having LIARS, CORRUPT, INEFFICIENT leaders to steer our destiny into blunders.
    We are not taking the constitutionalist arguments, niceties and pseudo theoretical rhetorics to overshadow a firm promise made to the people.
    That cannot be brushed aside as SHIT.
    Why fulfill the CRC, Janneh Commission, TRRC and not the 3-Year deal?
    Ask Ex-British Prime Minister D. Cameron about the Brexit referendum promise.
    Promises MUST be fulfilled especially when they come from a national leader. Nothing short of that.

  9. “…rhetorics to overshadow a firm promise made to the people…”
    Babu, those in supportive of that promise are in the minority (43.3%) as per election 2016 results voter indications; the majority (56.7%) of the people who didn’t vote for the Coalition MOU are entitled to their peace & quiet as Constitutionally guaranteed…
    You are just being your Typical-Devilish-self as you’ll ever remain to be; since you wish nothing good ever for the innocent Gambian community apart from fabrications of lies in typical attempts to sow discord & strife….
    One thing is certain, one like Devil-babu Soli calling & inciting for disturbances will be hiding miles away cowardly, luring others into the heat….
    Every peaceful Gambian should know that all Gambia including those who didn’t support the Coalition MOU & in the majority, are entitled to their opinion & peace quiet…
    The legal legitimate action is to mobilise politically & vote against in the presidential next election; let’s always be aware of the Devils & Advocates amongst us….
    God bless Gambia; Ameen….

  10. Rectification please – presidential next election – should be – next presidential election…
    Thank you…