At a period when unity is increasingly becoming the common language, Jollof News Online, the product of pro-regional integration brains, is intended to take a lead in pushing for an accelerated sub regional and continental African unity. Such geopolitical option is more critical than ever as the European Union confirms this need in a rather unequivocal term while the Commonwealth has been working on admission applications by non-British colonies, with the African Union following the European’s steps.
The force behind the formation of Jollofnews.gm, a pan-Africanist medium, strongly believes that there cannot be any possible successful integration at the continental level if the people at the sub regional level do not accept and appreciate the inherent unity that underlies their relations. Arguably, no two people are more so closely related than those in the Senegambia region. JollofNews.com is an attempt to encourage integration of the socio-cultural identities that hold a promising bounty for the two peoples of the Gambia and Senegal.
Jollofnews.gm will cover exclusively news on both Gambia and Senegal, and it will serve as the first site to provide exclusive news on Senegal in English. Our efforts, of course, will also be extended to reports beyond the borders of Senegambia since we are talking about eventual continental unity. Our ultimate goal is to change for the better the way news is reported in this part of the world.
Jollof News is a registered trademark or trade name of Jollof News Media Group Limited. located at Bertil Harding Highway, Coastal Road, Sukuta. Telephone: +447400130000 / +447969170360. Email: editor@jollofnews.gm