Human Rights, News

Missing Naturalised Gambian-Americans Confirmed Dead

(JollofNews) – Two Gambian born naturalised US citizens who went missing while on a trip to the Gambia in 2013 have died in state custody, their families have confirmed.

Alhagie Mamut Ceesay and Ebou Jobe are said to have been killed by security officers of the previous regime of President Yahya Jammeh.

“To everyone who have supported and prayed for Alhaji Mamut Ceesay and Ebou Jobe, it is with a heavy heart that I relay to you that they have returned to their Creator,” Alhaji Mamut Ceesay’s sister, Olay Ceesay said.

“This has been a long journey which began on 23rd June 2013, but through it all every one of you have felt the pain, prayed and encouraged us as a family to have hope, and for that we say thank you!”

Ceesay and Jobe arrived in the Gambia in May 2013 to start a business and provide employment opportunities to youths.

But according to eye-witness accounts reported to the US State Department and the FBI, their vehicle was stopped at a security checkpoint in Burusubi while travelling back from a music concert on the night of  22nd June 2013.

According to their families, the two friends were asked to get out of the car by the officers who placed them in handcuffs and threw  them in the back of a pick-up truck. They were later taken to a private apartment that they rented, which was ‘completely’ ransacked before they were transported to headquarters of the feared National Intelligence Agency (NIA) in Banjul. They have not been heard or seen ever since.

Olay Ceesay added: “This is their fate as well as many others that have lost their life through this ordeal and they are all in a better place. I cannot begin to describe the type of people my brother and his best friend are; they are humble, sincere, kindhearted, loving, honest. The best brother, cousin, son, friend, dad and of course husbands!”

While the whereabouts of their bodies is unknown, their families will next Sunday hold a funeral prayer for them in Latrikunda German and have invited all Gambians to pay their respect and prayers for them.


  1. A deeply shocking story; A deeply shocking experience’ A deeply wounding ordeal for there families and friends;

    Words can never explain there total loss;

    My sympathies are not enough:

    Let us catch and prosecute those whose actions fell below all humanity;

    So So sorry,

  2. This is what I said earlier this year after completing investigation, jammeh should face justice.

  3. This is what I said earlier this year after completing investigation, jammeh should face justice. Again all these involved should face justice.

  4. This should be enough reason for our politicians to stop bickering and get on with the work they are being paid to do by the taxpayer. A lot of people have been denied Justice for too long, it is incumbent on those in positions of authority to work together to end the suffering of the victims and their families. Enough with all this political posturing!!

  5. Mai Fatty is doing exactly the right thing. I think this terrible confirmation, once again, will vindicate his steadfast actions. If we waste time with declarations aka “Gambia TO set up commission of enquiry ” and not swiftly move on to “Gambia is prosecuting jammeh’s crimes”, valuable evidence will get lost and perpetrators will run away and out of reach. That would be a bigger injustice than remanding NIA heads under whose active watch all these atrocities took place. They belong remanded until all disappeared persons and whereabouts of corpses are accounted for. Again terrorist with a clear connection to a act of terror, has no claim to the democratic privileges. They abused their rights and competencies hence they cannot lay claim to the privileges that comes with responsibility.

  6. Rest in perfect peace
    After darkness is light
    No liars can live forever, truth always prevail so shall justice stand in the end

  7. May their souls rest in perfect peace and their families be comforted.

  8. May Allah (swt) grant them Jannah.

  9. To the families of the two fellow Gambians, relatives and neighbors, my sincere and deepest Condolences and Prayers to the Departed and Loved Ones. To all Others Who are Said to be Missing or Confirmed Dead, but Never Spoken or Written about, You are Not Forgotten and Shall Never be Forgotten. May Your Souls rest in Peace. Conversely, may Your Murderer (s) Souls​ be Tormented and not Rest in Peace. May the Ultimate Price you Paid so Dearly, Guide and Direct us the living to the Right Path and not that of Vengeance and Retribution.

    • May their residence be in the kingdom of GOD.

    • Making someone taking responsibility for this gruesome killings, is not retribution nor vengeance.

    • Making someone taking responsibility for these gruesome killings, is not retribution nor vengeance. Justice is the founding pillars upon which a nation is or can be built on.