News, Opinion

Building The New Gambia With Madi Jobarteh: Close Down NIA! NOW!!

NIA Building

(JollofNews) – If on the first day Pres. Barrow had closed down the NIA and put all officers on administrative leave pending investigation of this notorious institution today we would not be faced with the insult of having the likes of Baba Saho and many like him continue to serve the country as legitimate public officers!

The NIA must be shut down now and all of it’s senior officials recalled and put on notice not to leave the country until after the TRRC report is produced and determined! The CID of The Gambia Police Force together with other security agencies are enough to collaboratively provide intelligence services for the country in the meantime!

What’s even more insulting is to illegally attempt to rename the NIA as SIS and its Director General seeking to hoodwink citizens by embarking on a futile national tour and threatening citizens for using social media!

Where have you ever seen an intelligence agency conducting public relations in broad daylight? This is all part of the efforts to kill evidence and cover up crimes perpetrated by NIA officials who continue to serve in various government departments at home and abroad!

How could this Barrow Government act with such blatant indifference and ignorance and dishonesty to allow this to happen? Shame!!!

Close down NIA! NOW!!!

One Comment

  1. Should close right now! It’s very disrespectful to Gambians to have the picture of that dull shack in media as hub of a ‘state’ agency, not to mention the pain in the hearts of families of victims and the lack of respect for the victims still. That dull shed of a mesd and the entire premises were suppose to have been cordoned off as a crime scene among other such premises across the country. The agency’s employees are all potential witnesses who all should have testified before the commission. It is logically practically impossible that there should a single agent who would claim to have nothing to say. Nothing?
    Its employees who are not found guilty of being complacent witnesses, or to have actually committed those atrocities during their service in the terrible Nia, can be properly educated and trained gain with proper police discipline and redeployed in various police departments/posts.
    Close it down, now!