
New York Letter With Alagi Yorro Jallow: ‘Vengeance Is For The Lord’

Alagi Yorro Jallow

Mandela Taught The Power Of Forgiveness

How can we ever describe the loss of Nelson Mandela to this world? It is not easy. I can think of no other person born in our life time whose living – whose sacrifice, whose values and beliefs – has touched more people across the globe than Madiba.

I saw first-hand as a student how his prolonged and unjust imprisonment moved hundreds of thousands of us, young people primarily, to stand against the forces that dominated and speak truth to power.

The struggle of the South African people led by him awakened in a generation worldwide from the late 1970s to 1990s an abhorrence of injustice and a passion to fight it in all its forms.

Nelson Mandela, former South African President wrote a personal extraordinary personal reflection story titled ‘Vengeance Is for The Lord’, One of the most inspirational of recent times, and his example offers valuable lessons on the importance of personal resistance to evil, and the redemptive power of forgiveness and racial reconciliation.

Not many people can attain Mandela’s level of charity and wisdom. But the story of Robben Island is an amazing testament to the healing power of a man who, as a freedom fighter and later president of his liberated country, was one of the icons of the 20th Century.

Below is an excerpt of Vengeance Is for The Lord’ and live with it.
“After I became president, I one day requested some members of my close protection to stroll with me in the city to have lunch at one of the restaurants. We sat in one of the downtown restaurants and all of us asked for some sort of food.

After a while, the waiter brought us our orders. I then noticed that there was someone sitting in front of my table waiting for food. I told one of the soldiers of my protection guard to go and ask that person to join us and eat with us. The soldier went and asked the man to do just that. The man brought up his food and sat by my side and began to eat. His hands were trembling constantly, and he was sweating profusely. He then somehow managed to finish his food and left.


One of the soldiers then suggested that the man appeared to be quite ill as his hands trembled as he ate.
I said the man was not ill and told him that the man was one of the guards of the prison where I spent so many years. Furthermore, I informed them that many times after I underwent torture in prison, I used to scream and ask for a little water. The very same guard would then come over to me and, instead of giving me water, he would urinate on my head. This is why he was trembling. The man expected me to retaliate as I was now President.
But this is not my character nor part of my ethics.

The mentality of retaliation destroys states while the mentality of tolerance builds Nations.” Nelson Mandela has remained a symbol of democracy and decency throughout Africa and beyond. “So much of the democratic progress that we see across the continent I think can be tied in some way to the inspiration that Nelson Mandela set,” Ben Rhodes, former Obama foreign policy adviser lamented.

Obama offered his own testament. “He’s my personal hero,” Obama said. “But I’m not unique in that sense…He’s a hero for the world.” Obama added: “His legacy is one that will linger on throughout the ages.” Why can’t we learn from Madiba and follow his example and forgive our oppressors as Mandela did.


  1. In Gambia’s context, I think it is premature to demand forgiveness at this material hour. The one aspect, I think must be to establish the evidences of arbitrariness and these documented first. That is the state’s responsibility. Just like when there is an accident on the road, the police by virtue of its constitutional duty are bound to investigate and establish facts of the accident. Then it goes to state prosecutor to determine whether the element of crime exist to prosecute the culprit in that car crash.
    The other aspect is repentance and forgiveness. The healing process is conditional that the offenders repent and ask for forgiveness. And then it is up to victims to forgive or to not forgive. I think forgiving for forgiveness sake counter-productive because TRUST will not be re-established.

  2. Quotes from Alagie:
    1. “The International Criminal Court, any other global agency untainted by our local politics and primitive greed should be given the green light to fully uncover the dirt and prosecute all human rights violations. Then, we as a people must not welcome these individuals back into our midst when they have completed their jail time, allowing them to pretend that nothing happened.” (from “a country held hostage”)
    2. “Why can’t we learn from Madiba and follow his example and forgive our oppressors as Mandela did.” (from: “Vengeance is for the lord”)
    Observation: I’m confused Alagie. What is it to be: prosecute and ostracise afterwards or forgive and reintegrate into society.

  3. Forgiveness? Not exactly in the present Gambian context. A better example must be set when it comes to Yaya Jammeh, Sana Sabally, Edward Singateh, Yankuba Touray and all their orderlies and trained killers. If it is true that the cool-faced Sadibu Hydara is as deadly as alleged, his grave should be chained around. Alagi, your pieces have started sounding spooky. Do you consider the consequence of letting loose such terrible killers in our society? Your contributions sometimes seems to be a – one step forward and three steps backwards. To where exactly is this article sneaking to? Is it a tribute? Is it Mandela’s birthday? I mean ….??

  4. Yes, the TRRC is not a Court venue as is Mandated and Structured. However, Lead Counsel Essa Fall insists on acting as a Prosecutor, Judge and Jury. Essa Fall is endangering the legitimacy and authority of the TRRC and its other members (Commissioners and Counselors). Essa Fall may well believe that he is doing his job or duty, however his departure from the TRRC’S MANDATE and ferocious attacks on especially, those Witnesses who are accused (not found guilty) by any Gambian Court on the Matter of Dot Fall and his fellow Counter Coup Makers is not only Suspect, but Unprofessional and a clear Violation of the Spirit and Letter of the TRRC’S MANDATE. Those who appear before the TRRC are not Criminals and were not Arrested, Charged and Cautioned. They were not told “they have the right to remain silent or anything they say may be used against them”. They are not told “they have the right to a and that they can bring a Lawyer to Advise and or Guide them” through Essa Fall’s Ilegal and repugnant ambush Sololoques, demeaning comments, gestures and self-serving plattitudes. The Honorable and Distinguished Chairman of the TRRC, Dr. Lamin Sise and the rest of the Commissioners and Essa Fall’s Counsel colleagues need to “rain” in, their colleague, Essa Fall and Caution him in Private. Educate him about the damage he is doing to the TRRC and its Mandate of Truth and Reconciliation, not Retribution or Revenge that Essa Fall, “the self imposed Prosecutor Judge and Jury” has embarked on. The Honorable and Distinguished Chairman Dr. Lamin Sise need to cut the Lead Counsel’s fangs before he contaminates the rest of the TRRC Members with his Despotic, Repugnant, Selective and Prejudicial Ilegal Inquisition that is compromising the Legitimacy and Authority of the TRRC. For Reconciliation, Peace and Security’s in the Gambia, Stop Essa Fall or he will knowingly or not Subvert the TRRC’S MANDATE OF TRUTH AND RECONCILIATION. Gambian and Gambians can’t afford such an outcome. Tic, Tock, tick, tock…

    • People like you exist only in the Gambia. A bigot, a hypocrite, a rodent in character, wicked, shameless, corrupt in heart and cancerous to the health of society. A deadly simmer simmer simmer down and crook.
      “Coup makers”?? Then how about pushing a red hot rod of iron down the guts of those killer and betrayer coup makers who turned on citizens lives and properties. That junta of crooked useless citizens – acting soldiers. They and does who justified their criminal activities during the two decades will all rot in hell! What a small country making hub for the most wicked human beings on earth.

    • TRRC has a robust research and investigative section that Essa Faal and others rely on. The information from these investigators are deployed to rebut or cross examine witnesses. As you can imagine many of the witnesses have reasons to LIE, or to create their own version of the history in an attempt to mitigate their exposure socially and maybe legally.
      It is important to understand that the torture, beatings and murder some of the witnesses participated in, is mind bugling and very stressful for the witnesses, Council, indeed the entire nation. One can see where things will get heated sometimes.
      Lead Council Faal has done an excellent job so far. He is an effective interrogator and just as he is aggressively questioning witnesses, we can all agree that many witnesses are aggressively lying and pushing back. The process is ugly but necessary. If you must blame, remember this.
      Faal did not Kill.
      Faal did not kill a CIVILIAN, Ousman Korro Ceesay in COLD blood.
      Faal did not Torture.
      Faal did not Imprison political opponents.
      Faal did not ruin the lives of Gambian young men and women.
      I think we know who did.
      Some of The witnesses did, some willfully, others under command. Blame them. For God’s sake, for once, in respect for the dead, in decency as a person blame the Killers in our midst.
      Blame YJ, ES, PS, SS, YT, (SH)
      Blame all those who conspired and help them to murder Gambians.
      God Help The Gambia.

    • Sidi Bojang
      Are you bitter because Essa Faal was trying his utmost to get to the truth of what happened during the dark days of Jammeh’s rule from those who participated, sanctioned and are willing to lie while under oath. You got hot under the collar to see that idiotic ramblings of a killer(Babuccar Jatta) when he was squeezed like a rotten smelly lying sick son of a bitch. Are you bitter because he is a Jola? The only people who are criticising Essa Faal are those like yourself Sidi, those who are afraid of the truth. It is the mandate of the TRRC to investigate and record the events that transpired from 1994 to 2018, without fear or favour. Keep up the good work Mr. Faal. The Gambian nation is proud of you.


        The TRRC is not a Court venue as is Mandated and Structured. However, Lead Counsel Essa Fall insists on acting as a Prosecutor, Judge and Jury. Essa Fall is endangering the legitimacy and authority of the TRRC and its other members (Commissioners and Counselors). Essa Fall may well believe that he is doing his job or duty, however his departure from the TRRC’S MANDATE and ferocious attacks on especially, those Witnesses who are accused (not found guilty) by any Gambian Court on the Matter of Dot Fall and his fellow Counter Coup Makers is not only Suspect, but Unprofessional and a clear Violation of the Spirit and Letter of the TRRC’S MANDATE. Those who appear before the TRRC are not Criminals and were not Arrested, Charged and Cautioned. They were not told “they have the right to remain silent or anything they say may be used against them”. They are not told “they have the right to a and that they can bring a Lawyer to Advise and or Guide them” through Essa Fall’s Ilegal and repugnant ambush Sololoques, demeaning comments, gestures and self-serving plattitudes. The Honorable and Distinguished Chairman of the TRRC, Dr. Lamin Sise and the rest of the Commissioners and Essa Fall’s Counsel colleagues need to “rain” in, their colleague, Essa Fall and Caution him in Private. Educate him about the damage he is doing to the TRRC and its Mandate of Truth and Reconciliation, not Retribution or Revenge that Essa Fall, “the self imposed Prosecutor Judge and Jury” has embarked on. The Honorable and Distinguished Chairman Dr. Lamin Sise need to cut the Lead Counsel’s fangs before he contaminates the rest of the TRRC Members with his Despotic, Repugnant, Selective and Prejudicial Ilegal Inquisition that is compromising the Legitimacy and Authority of the TRRC. For Reconciliation, Peace and Security’s in the Gambia, Stop Essa Fall or he will knowingly or not Subvert the TRRC’S MANDATE OF TRUTH AND RECONCILIATION. Gambia and Gambians can’t afford such an outcome where the likes of “Mo Falla” Khangi meaning, “People killer” Khangi, Yankuba Sonko former Chief of Police, CDS Masaneh Kinteh and many like them of the UDP PARTY are gainfully employed and walking free. Meanwhile, Essa Fall is engaged in Ethnic group selective Inquisition camouflaged as iñterrogations and in Dante’s Inferno like World, Essa Fall has condemned and arrested Colley and Mendy for allegedly “not being truthful before the TRRC. No evidence provided. Essa Fall has been bending over so as to accommodate the likes of former Major Crimes Dept., Pokice Officer LB Bojang and former Attorney General and Minister of Justice Marong, in a shameless, repugnant insidious, cynical behavior unbecoming his position. Essa Fall was pandering to them in a manner he did not extend to the likes of former General B. Jatta and former Interior Minister Bayo. Of course, what the later two had in common is “their alleged involvement in the Counter Coup Makers deaths. Essa Fall was practically begging LB Bojang and Marong to speak in Mandingka. The back and forth went on as if Essa Fall is at the Banjul or Serekunda Market haggling over an item for sale. The Honorable Dr. Lamin Sise and the TRRC Members need to discipline and tame Essa Fall’s inappropriate and conduct unbecoming an officer of the Gambia TRRC. Tic, tock, tick, tock. Time and tide waits for no one.

        • Sometimes I feel sorry for my country.
          Witnesses who were present have described horrific and barbaric acts committed by Gambians on Gambians, yet some choose to ignore the obvious and blindly defend what is an heinous acts.
          Not a single expression of shock and indignation about testimony of murder.
          Not a word about testimony of firing squad.
          Not a word about testimony of torture and beatings.
          Ask, why would witnesses that came freely, make up such story. They did not. It is TRUE.
          Something is seriously wrong with us.
          Walahi Bilahi, if we do not change our ways, our attitudes, our obvious mendacity, our sycophancy and bearing false witness, something bad will happen again in our country and the next time, it will be worse.

  5. Sidi Bojang,
    Thanks for defending the right to free expression. This is the real democratic dispensation.
    I will respond to the silliness and senselessness of Jack and Natty Dread later. They are hateful fools who believe that defending President Jammeh is sinful. They believe the world should rise up against Jammeh and the APRC.
    They are FOOLS, shallow minded, dictatorial and far-fetched.
    I’ve never heard them saying the TRUTH; that’s Jammeh founded the University, more than 100 senior secondary schools, more than 1000 primary schools, more than 100 health centres and hospitals, 1000s of kms of excellent trunk roads, bridges, a modern airport, a TV station, 1000s of overseas scholarships, women empowerment……………..I can’t complete the list.
    I will continue and respond to the FOOLISH duo: Jack and Natty Dread. These are the people who only see how Babu insults them not how they insult Babu. They think Babu should deify them. I will always respond to their senselessness.

  6. You can only trust an investigation commission whose composition you accept from the initial stage.
    Not a bunch of vengeful unqualified criminals who are sitting to squander our resources.
    What are we going to achieve from the TRRC? The Gambian masses are not the least bothered about their deliberations and their quest to implicate President Jammeh.
    Time and utter resource wasting fanciful venture.
    No war, no ethnic cleansing, no genocide ever took place From 1994-2016. So why a stupid commission to bubble over non-existent matters? A channel to enrich corrupt and selfish individuals with the taxpayers’ money. The simple and very stupid questions and answers I do hear are innocuous cases that could be looked into at the Banjul, Kanifing, Bundung, Brikama, Farafeni or Basse magistrates’ courts.

  7. People like you exist only in the Gambia. A bigot, a hypocrite, a rodent in character, wicked, shameless, corrupt in heart and cancerous to the health of society. A deadly simmer simmer simmer down and crook.
    “Coup makers”?? Then how about pushing a red hot rod of iron down the guts of those killer and betrayer coup makers who turned on citizens lives and properties. That junta of crooked useless citizens – acting soldiers. They and does who justified their criminal activities during the two decades will all rot in hell! What a small country making hub for the most wicked human beings on earth.

  8. Bourne,
    You are shallow in mind, USELESS in character and utterly barbaric and uncouthed in behaviour. How many times do I have to teach your dunce head the simple trigonometry of democracy? The art of learning to respect divergent views/opinion. But I wonder if I have to blame you, Jack, Natty Dread for your draconian dictatorial intents to silence the adversary. How simplistic and uneducative your methods and procedures! A clear manifestation of your ignorance. Though born Gambian I have lived a long life in a democracy that has taught me the fine art of not behaving as ignoramuses like Bourne, Jack and Natty Dread.
    Stop your childishness and nonsenses and accept Babu Soli as a President Jammeh and APRC diehard supporter without remorse. You are free to belong to any other useless party back home. I will respect that opinion though with tangible criticisms. Not your illogic and irrational criticisms. You have fallen prey to the unschooled behaviours of your camaradas: Jack and Natty.
    The Gambian people are welcoming the rejuvenation of the APRC. The Gambia has regretted the “change” in personalities. This is clearly demonstrated in the nation wide APRC tour which is now in the Foni.
    There are founded rumours that Barrow is courting the APRC for alliance. While FOOLS like you are playing the USELESS trump card for Barrow, this “wise” fool is cleverly pushing his political ambition ahead.
    You’ll not hear/see any reactions to the Janneh commission’s report nor the report that might come from the USELESS TRRC. Barrow is no longer interested in those commissions, the creation and vengeful backing of the disgraced UDP Ousainou Darboe

  9. Thank God I don’t have your kind of evil profundity. I rather apply trigonometry in material science and technology to the benefit of my society than distort and misrepresent democratic standards and processes with such and important aspect of mathematics. It is sad that most of our education represents nothing but to be pompous with terminologies and bragging about credentials. Set up a pen Babu, make an assortment of your likes, and try to train and tame yourselves. Democracy doesn’t mean to ease oneself off on the public highway. Democracy means “values” and those values cannot be defined in a way that simply suits ones own evil tastes.

  10. Bourne,
    In Maths and all other applied sciences, the first value we teach the students is the USE of the human brain to dominate and make good use of the resources therein, in the sciences.
    So, you see, it’s the human being we treat first in the sciences.
    Democracy as a fine art, is also about the human being first. Simple explanation, I presume.
    Why do you have to be like Babu? Is Babu important to emulate, to look like him, to be as he is? I don’t think so.
    Be Bourne, and let Babu be Babu.
    I will always express my views/ opinions without fear. There is no soul on earth to silence me. I belong to The Almighty Allah SWT. And to Him I depend and to Him I will return.
    Your administration back home is CORRUPT, INEPT, TRIBALIST, INCOMPETENT and very EGOCENTRIC.
    Look, your VERY CORRUPT Janneh Commission-cum-Prosecutors authorized the seizure of all the tractors from our poor farmers only to sell them to their rich buddies and families.
    Those buddies/families are not farmers. Now they hire the tractors to our poor farmers to plough an acre of land for D1,500. UNBELIEVABLE!
    Look, don’t get me jittery. Our people are NOT concerned about the very STUPID deliberations of the TRRC. A money squandering and corruption channel. Our people want food, water, good health services, security(which has drastically deteriorated), price stability of basic commodities, services (especially transport & official transactions), salary increment, reliable supply of electricity……….
    A reality back home. Our people are disappointed and disgusted with your VERY VERY bad and CORRUPT administrators.

    • Babu Soli, I have come to the conclusion that those who have a limited capacity to debate and persuade their opponents like most of your abusers and attackers just because you are not willing to be “Cowed down” to their lost cause of “Mansaya” and “Bantaba” fantasy, resort to insults and foul mouth utterances. I therefore, would not stoop that low to their level, nor should you. Their propensity toward the “gutter debate” should not drag you into the Sewer with them. Let them do that which they are nurtured and sustained on. Their reactionary, foul mouth and petulant, immature, temper tantrums, befitting their elementary school playground parroting should not be responded to. It is these limitations and handicaping personality and behavior traits that most decent Gambians have noticed in and among them and their Cultist, Extremist Party that have informed and awakened most decent Gambians to abandon and disassociate themselves from the likes of these perpetual agitators in quest for “Mansaya” without Dominion. Let them wallow in mediocrity and hypocritical narratives. In the affairs of men and women, and in tide of Gambian political history, such cohorts and their aspirations are the contents of Dust bins and toilet tissue paper. Tell them to Simmer down…

      • Isn’t being consistent with the use of a trademark vocabulary a sign of “limited capacity”. Hah! [their lost cause for “Mansaya” and Bantaba fantasy, resort to insults and foul mouthed utterances.] But what stinking loo on earth haven’t you dropped in that “sewer” yet? The most important personalities to me in the Gambia are those who work in those sewers and not dull and underdeveloped, stinky headed human resources of your sort. Illiterates out in the fields, sewage workers and cleaners are the blood in the ‘veins of the Gambia’ and not pompous half educated fools like you who drop the most loo in the sewer and think you are greater than those who keep those sewers clean and flowing. Until Gambians understand the curse that dumb, greedy crooks like you bring to the country, Gambia will remain a barrel to hold its citizens like crabs in it. It is clear that you hold that belief that those you didn’t agree with here have a desire to be Mansas. Sidi, you are an unskilled person who cannot earn a living if you don’t sell lies or plug your head in a Mansaya cult. You don’t have to convince anyone about that fact for it is dumbly and consistently made clear in your every piece of scribbling. You don’t have a capacity to write simple clear English so your play the freak pretending to be an educated person by deploying a trademark of words. I have skills at least to make a living for myself but not yet in a country infested by pointed-snouted rats of your like you. Mediocrity?? It can go on and on and on to your delight as it is clearly to yourselves that there are no deadlier liars, hypocrites, gluttons and ignoramuses than your council of cannibals.
        “Their reactionary, foul mouthed and petulant, immature, temper tantrums.” Wow, what a show of maturity and education!
        Sidi, you are a silly poor act who have no capacity to read and understand what you write yourself much less what others write. I bet I would choose to be a bin man in the Gambian instead of play the roles of silly, greedy and self obsessed underdeveloped human resources like you hell bent on sticking you snouts in the public honey jar with little idea how to make honey or sharing it equally among the public. You mention of “Gambia’s political history” every now and then denotes nothing but a desire in you to perpetuate the art of scrambling and grappling over what belongs to the public
        Toilet tissue papers or water, serve an import role in personal hygiene. Next time when you are crouched in call of nature, look underneath you! It helps humans to learn to properly reflect, be humble, be honest and truthful to themselves and others. Only that way, you can understand the importance of toilet tissue papers, street cleaners and sewage workers too. Where I live, to be employed in cleansing services is much more an honor than to be working around the president’s office or in the National Assembly, sporting jacket and ties or classic national costumes. I wish the average Gambian views life the same way so, we can realise the real changes that has got us engaged for quite some time now, and sometimes even got us engaged in worthless arguments like this very ongoing engagement. Self importance, ignorance, unskillfulness, dishonesty and lack of ability in proper reasoning, of a reasonable size of cross section of the Gambian society, are the curse on all of us as citizens and residents. This is not talk-shop material but a noteworthy fact Sidi. As far as I am concerned, I will not throw in my towel when it comes to helping sucky snouted cretins acting roles within the public space simply because, they are also a part and parcel of the country’s fauna and flora.

  11. Babu, trying to apply trigonometry, with clear intent to tamper with the nature angles of layouts of clearly unearthed evidence, amounts to nothing but an unfeasible and abusive application of that aspect of mathematics: trigonometry.
    Very well, if you want to be, let other be, much more where evidence stands predominantly clear over crimes committed by a group of bandits and their greedy and sucking cohorts. If you are capable of looking at it precisely at orthographic angles, or in other words 3D, you will realise for yourself that, in actual social sciences too, intolerance to one’s assertions and deeds being refuted and protested against by others, indicates nothing but a lack of ones capability of letting others be. Just as I thought of it earlier on, our small country has within it’s tiny population, quite a sizable section dangerous creeps and cretins who are capable looking into the eyes of fellow citizens and brothers and shooting at them at point blank, to bury them in unmarked-mass-graves, then lay concrete slabs over such crimes to call that development.
    By the way, it would be a bit more substantive and a good point of argument for you, if you could support some your fat figures with some form of officially published data, with regards to your masters vision 2017. Am not disputing the fact he has realised his Singapore dream!
    Babu, I know you are not capable of keeping it in the cankered contains of your sycophantic head that, I have never referred to any administration at any given point of time as; “my administration” I hope you will learn to leave with that position of my type. Others too have a right to be nonpartisan and to be critique of everything going wrong with regards to our public offices and their occupants irrespective of which party they represent or what type political ideology they associate themselves with.
    Who wouldn’t let Babus and Sidis be what they are even if they are about just to reap watches, wallets and rings from
    bleeding murder victims?
    Why you know I am not educated Babu – because I am this low struggling hard to keeping myself engaged to professors like Babus, philosophers like Sidis and a few others like the “pens of” …
    Do I really have to right the terrible and horrible wrongs of the past two decades with the wrongs of the present? Absolutely NO!
    Let others be, even if they won’t fall in love with a particular political party or let themselves get brokenhearted by one.
    Right now, the seriousness of the discovery of unmarked mass graves overrides the significance of the concrete slabs of the so-called developments that are laid over those graves. When wrong reigns over right in a society, that is an indication of a total dearth of a consciousness among its people and that kind situation is a calamity.
    My prayers for me and my fellow citizens is: let our sets of thinking be shed with brilliant positive lights, irrespective of our political camp affiliation, religion or culture.
    Perhaps you can provide a list of names of all those rich buddies to whom those monopolized tractors are sold to. Don’t you realised the fact that proving and bringing to light such information in the latter serves more public interest than a consistent showcase of bombastic vitriol?

  12. “…professors like Babus, philosophers like Sidis and a few others like the “pens of” …”
    Bourne, we are still dealing with none other than our very own retarded Radiokangkang from the onset; Babu’s self-anointed so-called “professor in maths” is equally farcical & the very same equivalent to EvilDom Liar Jammeh’s Aids & diabetes cure claims among others; when evidently, the Devil kanilai Evilness couldn’t cure it’s own poor mother of all people from diabetes ailments….?
    The only little difference is Babu has probably picked up bits in following on the contributors’ debates & postings on here all along & in other media elsewhere since metamorphosing from the Radiokangkang name before to Babu Soli name currently…..
    Such a character is unfit to tutor neither teach nor mentor an own child, much more students of in a school academically & otherwise in any decent society anywhere….

  13. Bourne & Bajaw,
    You are only capable of digressing from real issues back home. Why are you deliberately/intentionally avoiding the facts I have laid before you?
    Our people are hard-up, underfed, children malnourished, woeful sanitary and education conditions, deplorable security situation etc… …..yet our “learned fellows” are squandering BILLIONS of Dalasis at the STUPID USELESS TRRC. Is that our development priority? I can’t still imagine why you can’t concentrate on bringing this useless administration to book. Instead you waste your time on highlighting the LIES at the TRRC.
    Taking on Babu makes no grounds for the Gambia. Because the difference is, Babu focuses on real and current issues while you just fight back, deny and fail in giving alternatives. That usual Gambian behaviour.
    Our country is failing, sinking in misery. Corruption is rife, prices of basic commodities are unaffordable, the youth have taken to the streets to loiter, robbery and thuggery have trippled, nowhere is secured, the borders are porous yet the administrators are partying/politicking!!!. This is the fact, not Babu’s.
    Just recently, three years back, with President Jammeh we were better off.

  14. Bajaw, you are spot on! This therefore all comes down to the radiokangkang man on the same frequency 0.000 B/S.o.l.i. / on central mad professor time. When he is at lectures, never forget to open the widows to let dangerous gases escape to avoid hazardous explosions.
    I won’t deny that Babu was very well nourished and shiny-fat during his master’s looting and hoarding of public funds.

  15. Babu, the facts in reality are those you highlighted here-in above are as direct results & consequences of the kanilai Evildom misdeeds & thieveries for the previous 22 kanilai Devilish cancerous years; the societal problems truthfully didn’t spring out of nowhere just within the past three years….
    The commissions currently being held are necessary amongst the priority areas for the societal redresses of the Devilish misdeeds & wrongs wilfully committed for the closure of the society’s open wounds to start the closures for healing processes, for reparations where possible & reconciliation for the Gambian community as a whole together with lifelong scarings for direct victims & families & the whole Gambia close-knitted family community which will undoubtedly stay with us All….
    Human beings’ sacrosanct lives are number one most important & needs are the real basis which ALL realistic meaningful developments worldover are geared towards to serve Truthfully….
    What lies are you & your fellow devilling about development in the Murderous kanilai Devildom period with the butchering of innocent human lives wilfully killed, raped, tortured, maimed & robberies that took place from the inception of the thieved Taiwan loan millions, the perpetual rounding up & daylight robberies of the local forex business money exchangers, diversions of the Gamtel revenues on international call terminations, etc etc etc down to the emptying of Central Bank hard-currency coffers when the rapist kanilai Devilish coward fled with its filthy-raping tail curled between its doubleft (double-left) legs running to hiding on the equator….?
    You & your fellow sicken like minds shamelessly opening your Devilish souls on here, claiming “it’s within your human rights” can only claim for that genuine humanity rights under the Decent society which emerged today from the past 3 years to date but which was totally absent for the past 22 kanilai Devilish years; when many jola & other innocent lives perished needlessly but maggots like your likes except for connecting your dirty lips onto the bloodsucker modus operandi of the kanilai Murderdom you & your likes never stood up to fight for their sacrosanct lives ever before like you’re Devilishly claiming for on here now….?
    Where is the decency for you in particular & your likes, IF you factually process any AT All…?

  16. Rectification please – factually process any AT All… should read – factually pocess any AT All…?
    Thank you…

  17. Bajaw & Bourne,
    Come up with real issues that are deteriorating/retarding our efforts to enable us find solutions in order to emancipate our country and the African continent from imperialist, neocolonialist and enemy economic, social and political subjugation, domination and eventual defeat.
    Leave Comrade Sidi Bojang alone and in peace. Leave him to write his mind. His writings are all worthy, laudable and educative. I read everything, absolutely everything on this tabloid. So leave the contributors in peace.
    Now, do you know that 50% of the 1.45 Billion pledge made to Barrow by donor countries has already been transferred to the Central Bank of The Gambia months ago? Do the Gambian people, especially the poor rural masses, those who cannot read and write know anything about the arrival of that money? Which development sector(s) will that huge sum of money go to? Is the money being used? What collateral conditions are attached to debursing such a huge sum to The Gambia.? Can you find out? Finding out, setting up an investigative team to halt any form of misusing that money would indeed be rewarding.
    Another devastating information. The families of the 3 Faraba Banta martyrs who were gunned down in defending their village, by Adama Barrow’s assassins to defend the business interest of his buddy; Julakay are on the verge of losing their compensation money.
    Barrow induced his hand-picked Alkalo of Faraba Banta, Omar Khan Kujabi; who succeeded his blood brother, the sacked disgraced corrupt Alkalo, to write a statement/writ, UNKNOWING, to the signatories, pardoning the gunners, Julakay and all those complicit in the case. The statement was accepted by the Barrow administration, the case was dropped and the complainants are losing compensation except the megre D25,000 they received from Barrow on his visit.
    The families energetically refuted the Alkalo’s statement saying that the Alkalo took their ID cards without explictly telling them the TRUTH, a serious criminal offence, and using the cards and falsifying their signatures to write his letter of pardon. But the Barrow government is still dormant about the case. Remember that the commissioners that investigated the episode from July to mid August were paid D150,000 each. A one-and-a-half month long investigation! The Attorney General’s Chambers authorized their pay without delay!!!!
    I visited Faraba Banta in July 2018 before I fell ill talked to the families and learnt their plight. The situation was sad and still sad with the government bent on making these poor people lose!!

  18. Who are those dangerous breed of friends you yourself claimed the ‘fool’ Barrow is ‘wisely’ winning over? Babu, he is playing it your dear lover, (Jammeh)’s way. Barrow’s actions shouldn’t be a surprise to you or any other citizen for that matter.
    Shouldn’t you understand for yourself that sick sycophants and demons of Jammeh are still crawling in the shades around the ‘fool’ Barrow’s administration. I wouldn’t call him a silly fool but a silly opportunist exactly like Jammeh and his cohorts.
    As far as your financial informations are concerned, I will take them as merely sordid lies once you fail to provide information from the donors that remittance of such big moneys were indeed effected.
    You wrote a lot of digits so far reaching trillions with a supporting proof. 1000s of schools, 1000s of hospitals, 1000s of of kilometers of road, 1000s of international scholarships, TVs and Airports as if Gambia has expanded in territory and population, or as if you are the only Gambian with access to information about Gambia.
    After all, you are the one without an issue as you look the other way while remains of your fellow citizens and brothers who were cold bloodedly murdered in their youth are being exhumed. Hopelessly, when folks try to bring your attention to such horrendous crimes, you would distractingly point fingers at Senegalese for killing innocent Gambian in 1981 and shamelessly omit the main perpetrator’s name; Kukoi Satan, the first evil citizen of the Gambia to walk his way to the country’s main security facility then, to shoot innocent young Gambian security personnel in cold blood, before breaking his way into the state armory, to loot guns, that he would dash to teenager on the lanes around the GBA.
    You look quite a conflicted soul with the degree of lack of remorse you keep demonstrating way back on the country’s online media.
    Don’t pretend you care about the poor in the Gambia. Not with your $100 handouts to villagers! Such generosity is called Gsmbia hypicrisy. Many Gambians your type, would wish people around them to be unable to afford their daily meals so you can keep dashing them stinking worthless dollar bills that only help to make them feel more the wrath of poverty. Your type on your part love to see such people in desolate poverty laying their hopes on you. Your lover too, Jammeh, had always played with their intelligence by the same method, lying and deceiving them with his perfected art of hypocrisy.
    It is indeed very frightening to see remnants of his regime again, already massively cankering the present opportunists’ administration in the same style. When you are out to fight corruption, drop Jammeh in Sidi’s toilet.

  19. … without supporting proofs. ..

  20. Bourne,
    You are cynical. You are jealous of other people’s efforts. Why are you numb and untruthful? If a Mr X gives scholarships to needy students, is he looking for simplistic fame? Is the Bill Gates Foundation offer of assistance to the thousands of needy Americans ,the world’s richest country, simplistic fame?
    I created wealth and occupation( employment) in my village, yes I did, with faith, humility and joy. In the process I saw families move away from the ladder of extreme poverty to acceptable living conditions.
    I’m indeed happy about helping my own people from my sweat. I will continue to do it with more energy and perseverance.
    You are just jealous and being cynical. People like you are just hateful.
    I don’t care your banal and foolish criticism.
    In a few months I will go back home after retiring. This will give me more chance of staying with and helping my people with my very lucrative retirement salary. I want my people to live like me or even better. If you are jealous about my microfinance project initiative, tell me what you have done to “emulate”. Try to be progressive, productive and useful. Not on the permanent critical stage. Then you’ll remain HOPELESS.

  21. You are a lousy bluff and an empty barrel telling people what you did for villagers in the Gambia and asking what others have done in the Gambia though you are here in these forums pretending you want to be anonymous! Babu the swollen headed fool who wants a lineup of himself with Mr. X and Bill Gates!! Who said there isn’t a need for philanthropic gestures in rich countries like America? Anyway, it is my opinion that governments made up of your kind are the makers of beggars around the world.
    You show off as a very faithful and a well taught Muslim which is not also true because you prove not to have learnt the lesson of humility. Do someone like you really care if I ever said I’m unimpressed about Bill Gates donating off his wealth?
    Evidently, you are not one capable of making goodwill or freewill gestures but indeed would implant you name in village paupers heads for praise songs in order to quench your foolish arrogant thirst. See an unrepentant cold blooded murderer like Yaya Jammeh handing out envelopes of public funds to divide and rule poor Gambian communities, and see a Babu Soli crawling through the valley of creeps in the guise of a philanthropist. Hah! I wonder when you will ever retire ..
    I can bet you are capable of Yalwaan in the name of projects for poor Gambians. When you collect a 100 then you give 1 to village paupers to make them scapegoats and keep 99 for yourself.
    Hopeless you shall ever be because you extol bloodshed of young Gambians and coverup lies around such crimed – that is, supporting death and sorrow of other fellow Gambians. Also an old pensioner with death wish to young people who don’t agree with him … Even if I was an actor, god forbid I play your type of role! The anti imperialist/neocolonialist employee of the colonialist going hip hip hooray with his lucrative retirement benefits. Hey, the Yaya Jammeh type of mindsets are the least intelligent and most jealous breeds in the whole of Africa.
    I haven’t done a thing for Gambians and I don’t pretend I can do anything for them. If I ever could; my very extended family is larger than most villages! Can you keep that in your tired old brain?
    However, I have always loved, supported and extolled the breath in every life, including my perceived enemies’ lives too.

  22. “…If a Mr X gives scholarships to needy students, is he looking for simplistic fame?…. I created wealth and occupation( employment) in my village, yes I did, with faith, humility and joy. In the process I saw families move away from the ladder of extreme poverty to acceptable living conditions…. ”
    # Except for your habitual LAIR nature Babu & Devillings by wild false claims & perpetual LIES upon LIES on here you have no such an intention &/ even ability to do such towards the greater community; I challenge you to state the name of the place & what you have done, for the truth about your claims to be ascertained; the Gambia is too small for this can be verified easily…?
    Except for using others in your selective lies to buttress your narrative you don’t have the needs & betterment of the Faraba people in that unfortunate incident at heart at all; otherwise why haven’t you & Sidi bojang ever defended justice for Masireh (Massie) Jammeh, Haruna Jammeh, Jasarja Kujabi, ousman koro ceesay, Deyda Hydara & many many more murdered in coldest blood ever by the kanilai Evildom Dracula Devil..? Why should anyone ever believe an iota of lies you two devils spew about….?
    Maggots like sidi & yourself can just refer to yourselves as humans because of your shapes in human skins but you are the most evil of devils in the equivalent of the Devilish kanilai EVILNESS & fellow a(f)prc cohorts….

  23. Bourne & Bajaw,
    You are both failed guys. You are both NOTHING and will never be anything except the flesh and figurative outlook in you as “human being”.
    Your NOTHING-NESS has driven you to be the extremist hateful elements ever. You can never live with the achievement of others. You will never succeed, because you are hateful and Allah SWT despises such creatures.
    Which Gambian doesn’t come from a broader family lineage? Yet those who come from such families like Babu, and have succeeded elsewhere, continue to devote their time and wealth for the welbeing of others outside the perimetres of that extended family lineage. Because those are the successful good samaritans who see beyond their families. Not the SELFISH EGOCENTRIC elements like Bourne and Bajaw.
    Stop digressing from real issues. I always refer to real issues, the present economic and social predicaments of our people. And you never come up with suggestions/solutions because you are more interested in taking on Babu Soli, who has succeeded more than the two of you glued together.
    What have you done for your families? I am not going to refer to your community because your SELFISHNESS AND EGOCENTRISM ARE ALREADY MANIFESTED!
    Call me LIAR, whatever, because that’s the last resort of verbal/written utterances of a bunch of FAILED sons. The Gambia does not need you anymore. Stay where you are and rot there. Of course, I’m going back soon because The Almighty Allah SWT has given me the success and health to live the rest of my life among my own people and continue to help them.
    Pray to The Almighty to weed the DEVIL OF HATE from your inner being. Maybe you will succeed then. You FAILED and HATEFUL lot!!!

    • Babu SOLI
      What a shameless, arrogant lying sick of a beast you are. Failed are those whose lives are to lie with a straight face to win an argument. Failed are those whose philanthropic adventures are nothing but a tool of braggart to satisfy their wicked soulless self. These beastly creatures, two of whom we came to know as failed Yahya Jammeh and his sick side kick by the fake name of Babu SOLI. Failed are those who rejoice at the demise of their fellow country men and women. Failed are those who portrayed themselves opposite to whom they truly are. Humility,
      faith and trustworthiness should never be used to describe you (Babu lying Soli). You are nothing but a sick lying psychopath who have no remorse, empathy, goodwill towards mankind.I sometimes wonder if you are not Yahya Jammeh himself because your opus operandi are identical. Pompous, untruthful, wicked, cowardice, braggart, foolish, jealous, uncouth, hateful, ill mannered and idiotic.

  24. I will never pump my chest to show off my contributions to fellow humans much more my own family & love ones….
    Just to prove your lies upon lies on here, except pumping lies please state & tell us what philanthropic endeavour you claiming to have ever done & which village, so we can prove it for real; I’m waiting for your response…
    Thank you

  25. Natty Dread
    This shameless IDIOT who doesn’t even have a true Gambian name has come from his slumber hibernation to write his STUPID mind again, challenging a bona fide Gambian, someone who has contributed a lot.
    What do you know about Babu? If you doubt about my name, it showS how STUPID and uninformed you are about Gambian names and surnames.
    Only HATEFUL IDIOTIC beasts would not praise the efforts of selflessly untiring philantropists. It’s simple. They are the JEALOUS EGOCENTRIC bunch of unpatriotic undesireable sons, the likes of NATTY DREAD, BAJAW and BOURNE. They are just USELESS!!!!!

  26. Bajaw,
    How can you pump your chest for something you have never done, can never do and will never do? Tell me your true NFAMARA name as we call the Bajaws in my village, your true surname and village. Then I honestly promise to send you to my village.
    I will send someone to your home to find out, invite you here in Holland and then ask my people to accomodate your emissaries to my village and second home in Brusibi. I’ll do that, HONESTLY.
    You’ll learn a lot and bow your head in shame. I don’t know how you can be so JEALOUS and HATEFUL by denying everything that one does or has.
    JEALOUS and HATEFUL people have no future. They are contrary to The Almighty Allah SWT’s creation. That’s why they fail in life. That’s why you Bajaw, Natty Dread and Bourne will fail, unless you ask for The Almighty Allah’s forgiveness for hating His creatures.
    I look forward to receiving your name, surname and village of procedence.

  27. Man, just look at Babu’s twisted and trademarked writings and just try to reminisce the warped cancerous mouth-corner of Yaya Jammeh, conceding to his defeat in the 2016 election. I can bet, you haven’t seen before, and you will never see a bitter, lying and an ugly human face like in that scenery. Babu, when a soul is damn too crooked and mischievous, it cannot help but show itself like put through an X-ray. Holland?? People who have lived there for just one year won’t be dumb enough to play an act of your type of character even from a theater script.
    Nonetheless, be Yaya Jammeh or not, why wonder if a youth from Gambia can fail in his or her live when it is a country, also home to contempt dishonest wicked old men and pensioners like you.
    You cannot do better than you are demonstrating in these engagements right now because the brilliant souls of those lovely young Gambians you think are wasted, are relentlessly haunting people like you and lover, the ugly beast, Yaya Jammeh.
    What does success actually means to you Babu? Yaya Jammeh, born and raised in desolate poverty, who grabbed on power as a pauper, would definitely think he is successful after reaping off public funds and even citizens’ private properties. I won’t have him at fault though because that concept of his is his social education and his constricted view of the meaning of success.
    Babu Soli, don’t worry about my failure/s in life because though I’m not that one who threw poor people’s meager resources on Humvees, Bentleys and rolls royces, I’m neither living a life of agony like you or Sidi or your Jammeh ‘itself’; borrowing Bajaw.
    Your boss and other swollen faced killers, are panting their hearts out now because even the meticulous Fatou, whose tactics I’m beginning to learn to understand, can’t help them escape the wrath that is looming over their heads. We simply don’t care what Americans and Afghans were doing to each other for this matter. Lack of justice out there
    somewhere, simply won’t determine, influence or drive the Gambian’s quests for justice in the Gambia, for victims of the Jammeh Junta, inner circle and their ‘polutical accomplices’.

  28. Folks let’s switch code to a substantive matter at hand. That’s the buffoon Hamat Bah’s mention of Haadama Barrow running as a presidential candidate under an NRP ticket.
    Another rudderless ship sets sail. Shall we say Ahoy? HARDLY!!
    Instead, it’ll be KUNOLU BENG NNA MAANO BANG NA.
    Apparently, the opportunism that pervades Gambian society has become the new canker in everyday life and politics in The Gambia. It is exactly what breeds new life into otherwise moribund individuals!!

  29. Babu, if you are claiming to be doing anything philanthropic in kerewan sambasireh village, I know one Lamin Mansally from the same village who can varify for me on the ground; I also have a former colleague I worked with in the Gambia sometime back who’s wife hails from kerewan sambasireh, who too can verify…….?
    PLEASE stop “Beating about the Bush” wasting & twisting about, & say precisely what philanthropic endeavour (except habitual lies in your nature) that you are doing anywhere on the ground in the Gambia & let’s verify that facts; “… A wretched liar is always wrestled in a sea of ashes for all to be able to identify one…” – A Manding Adage….

  30. Bourne,
    What do you know about Holland? Guess as usual and tell lies as usual. Your usual manner of writing about Babu, someone you don’t know anything about. Do I have to define success to you? Simple. Give me your correct personal profile, I’ll invite and meet you here in Holland and you’ll see SUCCESS. Promise me that you’ll come. No need for a literary definition of SUCCESS. I’ll take you to my house, invite you with my family and make you feel/see SUCCESS. That’s all.
    Why do I have to worry about your failure when I know that you are already a failure. You speak the language of failed people and behave exactly as they do. Envious, hateful, selfish and unproductive.
    What I should be worried about is your success. Because I’d love to assist you. Will you live that long to retire (I wonder if you are doing a decent job). Will you ever retire to live the life of Babu? Let me sincerely and honestly tell you (like it or not), Babu is REALLY satisfied with his retirement. That’s what The Almighty Allah SWT has granted me and I’ll make the best use of it with humility. In Shaa Alaa.

  31. Andy Pjalo,
    Allow me some time to respond to these unproductive undemocratic sloths. They have all long been trying to silence me. I will vigourously fight back.

  32. Bajaw,
    I asked for your profile which you are refusing to give, but would ask elderly Babu foolish questions, a toddler like you. Change your strategies!!!

  33. We’ve now got your answer to your nonexistent philosophism;remember Allah will judge everyone in the Hereafter; just continue with your devilling endeavours, refusing to repent & see for yourself….

  34. Babu SOLI,
    We know what you said about yourself and from the idiotic and uneducated scribbling of your hateful banal, marinated with tall tales of philanthropy, Mathematics professor, very lucrative retirement salary, very successful daughters, a Manswanko hairy asshole, a die hard supporter of Yahya Jammeh, a sick lying petty little man, a hateful remorseless and jealous degenerate etc, etc, etc. So stop asking us what we know about Babu Soli. The Babu Soli on this thread and many others is a controversial, lying, hateful bigot, hateful tribalist who brags about his education, his philanthropy, his ugly wife, his backwardness and his lying habits. You are nothing but a failed father, husband, brother and neighbour. You are the carbon copy of Yahya JAMMEH, brass, arrogant, hateful, odious, immoral and wicked. We are not trying to silence you but reveal your true character of hate, sick lying son of bitch and unfaithful husband like Yahya JAMMEH. You have given us a biographical account of yourself over the last few years and what a sick lying psychopath you are. It is a shame to see an elderly Gambian as you claimed you are to go this low. You have no honour, clout, class or prestige. You are a disgrace and will die a disgraceful and hateful idiot.

  35. What I know about Holland?? I know that in Holland – billionaires, prominent politicians and public figures ride bicycles and board public transports through Amsterdam and across the whole country and nobody even cares. If you see people bopping up their chest about their material acquirements in life, usually it is because they come from poverty stricken communities or societies where as well you will find corrupt, opportunistic, sycophantic and mentally unsophisticated characters in abundance. That is why you can live in Holland for many many years and you won’t hear any in public saying, “I gave him €100” or, my car or my villa cost so 1000s. If someone talks in the public in Holland like that, no doubt about it; it is people like Babu or myself from materially very poor backgrounds. Babu, it takes more than living in Holland and owning a chalet in Brusbi to be civilised person. Civilization takes more than things people own. Your lack a great amount of civilization. Be satisfied with your retirement because you need not necessarily be satisfied or dissatisfied with other individuals retirements, lives, failures or whatsoever. Our country, is a very poor country and that should be everyone’s concern. When the average living standards of Gambians in general are improved, and their basic needs met in abundance, then nobody cares if you or Sidi uses gold toilet paper rolls or flies a private jet to Holland for weekends. I don’t need to meet you anymore even if you are an angel. Responsible people don’t behave like you do even undercover. All you wrote are mostly read by none but Gambians so we take for grant you are that Babu for that purpose. To see me in Holland? Do you want to kill me??
    @Andrew Pjalo, very little amazes me when it comes to the average Gambians’ set of thinkings. With citizens like @Babu Soli dancing on the remains of murdered young Gambians .., what is their to drop your jaws again?