News, Politics

Gambia: Barrow To Serve Full Five Year-Term

Hamat Bah

President Adama Barrow of the Gambia will serve the constitutionally mandated five-year term in office and will defy pressure from his opponents and activists to call early elections, Tourism Minister Hamat Bah said on Saturday.

Addressing a political meeting in Brikama, West Coast Region, organised by the President’s Fan Club and attended by thousands of Gambians, Mr Bah said the president will disregard a key part of the Memorandum of Understanding signed in 2016 by all coalition parties who united before the polls.

Seven opposition parties united behind Barrow in the run up to the polls, which enabled him to unseat long serving Yahya Jammeh who had ruled the Gambia for over two decades.

But despite his earlier promises to only serve for a three-year transition period after winning  elections, the president is reported to have had a change of heart and is considering forming his own political party to contest future elections.

And according to Hamat Bah, leader of the National Reconciliation Party (NRP), which united behind Barrow and is part of the coalition government, the president will not call fresh elections until the end of his term in 2021.

“President Barrow is the president of the Gambia and would remain president until 2021. This is not in doubt,” he said.

“You [the president] were given a certificate of return by the chairman  of the Independent Electoral Commission saying you have been elected for five years and no one can undo that in this country.”

Mr Bah said the government is not panicking about a recently formed Three Years Jot Nah Movement,  which is intending to launch nationwide protests to force the president to respect the 2016 agreement.

He added: “We are not worried about people wanting to go out and protest. We are in a democracy and they have a right to do that but they must follow the due process. The law is here for everybody and no one will be mistreated or manhandled as long as they respect the laws of this land.

“We are not panicking or worrying about Three Years Jot Nah. We will remain solid and firm on the ground. We will maintain security and protect Gambians at every level in this country. No body is above the law and  President Barrow will never waiver from his responsibility to protect and preserve the integrity of this country.

He warned that while the government will not restrict the right of the protesters, it will not sit by and watch the destruction of public and private properties.

“The responsibility of every government in the world is to defend the integrity of the state,  public and private properties and this government will not fail Gambians in ensuring their peace and security,” he said.

“Every citizen has a right to demonstrate and will be given a right to demonstrate and do what you want to do as prescribed by law but don’t think that anyone can distract us or move this government an inch.

“Gambians let’s rethink again. Democracy goes with responsibility. Every citizen has a responsibility to his country and we cannot abandon these responsibilities because we are ignorant of them or because we do not want to follow the due process of the law. President Barrow will remain firm and he is firm and decisive and will deal with anything that comes to his table fully in accordance with the laws of the land without waivering one inch of his life. Be sure of that. The security forces are at his disposal, he is the commander in chief of the armed forces and he will use them in accordance with the law to protect and preserve this country’s integrity. People must understand that. This is not a child’s play.”


Commenting on the current state of opposition parties in the country, Mr Bah, who was an opposition leader for 20 years during which he was the subject of mock and ridicule by the previous regime of Yahya Jammeh, accused opponents of the president of having a fixation with the president and instead of the bread and butter issues of the country.

He said: “The unfortunate thing in this country is that the opposition is failing in its responsibilities. I read an editorial in the Standard Newspaper and it said it all. Today, the media is the opposition. The opposition has failed in its responsibility. Let me give you an example, all what they talk about is the presidency and President Adama Barrow to the extend that they are not challenging Adama Barrow’s government and ministers. They are only talking about wanting to be president.

“You have to talk about issues that affect the lives and wellbeing of the people. You have to take the government to task and make them buckle up and do the right thing. That’s the role of a genuine opposition in any country but it is not happening in this country. It is always about the presidency and Adama Barrow every time you read a newspaper.

“Yes it is easy to insult Adama Barrow. Every body wants to be president overnight. An opposition party has a role to play and that’s why you are recognised and given rights by law. You got to know your job. How can an opposition member stand in public and say [the president must serve] three years when you know the law that protects you and gives you the right to criticise the president says its five years.

“Is that ignorance or nonentity?  We need a credible opposition that would advance our democracy, move this country and put this government on its toes to deliver on the dividend of democracy for the Gambian people. Not an opposition that is castigating people, the president and the presidency, which is one of the highest public institution in the land and deserves respect at every level.”


The former National Assembly Member for Upper Saloum used the opportunity to remind Gambians about the dangers of political instability.

He urged them to cast their minds back to what happened during the political impasse in 2016 and early 2017, when some over hundred thousand Gambians fled the country as refugees resulting in some people dying whilst trying to flee.

“You cannot remember that just two years ago? Now you want to allow some body to come and destabilise this country, which has been chosen as the best place to invest, for us to create jobs and a middle class society, improve on the economy and give you a better life. Under Barrow everyone is free to do what you want to do as long as it’s within the law. Let’s please remain united and committed to our country. We can have our political differences but it should not be the means to our destruction.”


  1. Putting politics aside do we have the required resources to go for another election before the end of the year?

  2. As a Republic we are in serious need of term limit.
    To preserve our freedom and liberty, to save our nation from Dictatorship, Sycophants and Crooks pretending to be Statesmen we need.
    1. Honest Men and Women who say what they will do and do what they say.
    2. Pragmatic Men and Women who think Nation before Self.
    3. Honest really Honest Men and Women in government.
    Obviously we have NONE.
    We are on our way to serious wahala ( trouble ).
    Only God can Help us now.

  3. Alex,
    Come on, Alex. Stop playing with simplistics. Simple arithmetics not complicated maths. If you honestly desire to acquire something, you seriously plan for it.
    This man , Barrow, is a LIAR, a TRAITOR, a SELFISH EGOCENTRIC imp. He signed a three-year deal with his “coalition partners” , to resign at the end of the deal never to seek reelection thereby paving way for fresh elections after the transition. THE DEAL IS THEREFORE CONSTITUTIONAL. That was the vote of the Gambian electorate for the “coalition” thereby making it mandatory and constitutional. Anything voted by the mayority is mandatory and constitutional.
    Those who deny that simple fact are HYPOCRITES, SELFISH, UNPATRIOTIC, CORRUPT only interested in filling their pockets with our money.
    Look, Alex, if the will to hold elections after three years ever existed from 2017, then we would not have been asking your question. We would have been preparing for fresh elections by now. But the will to relinquish power after three years was never borne in their plans. So they LIED, were LYING and are STILL LYING all along. We should not allow ourselves to be fooled by an illiterate British Argos Watchman who is turning to a THIEF, a BUFFON, an ARROGANT IDIOT and a DICTATOR. Someone who is leaving the Chinese and Senegalese to destroy our economy and social status.
    I lay all the blames on our educated PDOIS and self-professed Ex-PPP DISGRACED leader Omar Jallow. These are the two erstwhile groups that vehemently campaigned for this illiterate, turned DICTATOR and TRAITOR.
    It’s a bitter lesson to learn. An illiterate cannot usher the affairs of a state. SIMPLE LOGIC. There would be egocentric educated VULTURES around him who would deify him to serve their covert selfish interests only.
    PDOIS who uselessly spent over D3 million of their hard-earned income in propping up Barrow during the 2016 campaign is silent on their regret for such a sacrifice

    • Babu Soli, I think PDOIS, like many of us, will be disappointed that the Transitional project they so selflessly and heavily “invested” in has not worked as planned/anticipated, but they will feel vindicated (and rightly so) that they have succeeeded in smashing the long held myth that people’s vote cannot change a government in The Gambia. A feat that has eluded us for 50+ years has been achieved, against all odds, thanks to PDOIS.
      PDOIS, which is undoubtedly the brain behind, not only the formation of the coalition, but also its campaign strategy (focussing on issues and not personalities; rejecting confrontations and politics of insults, etc) as well as providing the sane, mature, respected and globally admired leadership during the impasse, can be proud of delivering a historic and unprecedented (perhaps in the whole of Africa) type of peaceful and organised political change that NO ONE believed was possible, just three months before Presidential Elections. So, you cannot seriously call that investment “useless”, if you truly believe in the power of the people to change government through their votes.
      PDOIS’ “silence” ( if I agree with you) can be understood, given the tendency of many Gambians to single out its Secretary General (Halifa Sallah) for blame whenever things don’t go well.
      Also, having worked so hard for a transitional democratic project, and seeing how this was abandoned from the first day the coalition assumed state authority with the support, unfortunately, of a vast majority of Gambians, PDOIS is right, in my view, to concentrate on what can be best achieved, under the circumstances, and continue its task of educating the people on the need to take ownership of our development process, once again, if we are up to the task. We all know what is happening now, so the ball is in our court to take control in 2021. No need for demonstrations or confrontation. Let’s wait for 2021 and use the power of our votes, either to effect the change we want or continue with the status quo. The choice is ours and the outcome will once again indicate whether we are serious with our nation building efforts or not.

  4. Bax,
    Personally, I will never vindicate PDOIS. Taking us from the frying pan into the fire is nothing vindictive. What political feat has PDOIS gained by the removal of President Jammeh other than enthroning an illiterate turned DESPOT, ARROGANT, a STUPID, CORRUPT, TRIBALIST and UNQUALIFIED imp?
    I lay the blames on the farfetched and silly endorsing by PDOIS of an impeccably UNQUALIFIED NONENTITY for our country’s highest office.
    Bax, stop exonerating PDOIS from all blames. At the time of their “coalition” gatherings against President Jammeh, PDOIS was the only singular party with highly qualified and incorruptible representatives at the meetings. Why couldn’t/didn’t they use, I mean, expeditiously their intellect to scrutinize all applicants to the position of president?
    What did they know about Barrow’s social and economic life before accepting him? Look at where we are today. And PDOIS is just MUTE and made redundant and useless!!!!

    • Babu Soli, if you are free and have spare time on your hands, I refer you to the testimony of Alagie Martin at the TRRC. Afterwards, I would want to know whether you still think that ending a political and governance situation that normalises such heinous practices was a waste of time.

    • Quote@Babu Soli: “Why couldn’t/didn’t they use, I mean, expeditiously their intellect to scrutinize all applicants to the position of president?”
      Observation: You were referring to PDOIS in the above statement and my response to you is that PDOIS was not responsible for vetting presidential candidates who came before the convention for the Coalition Flag bearer position. That responsibility rested with the political parties or supporters of the independent candidates. If there are any question marks on the suitability of any particular individual for the Office of President, they should be directed at the parties or individuals who put the person forward at the convention.
      And since Mr Barrow, being the object of dissatisfaction was presented to the convention by the UDP as their presidential candidate for the position of Coalition Flag bearer, our questions should be directed at them (UDP); certainly not PDOIS, as that party presented a candidate who proved his competence for the job of president, with global admiration, beyond ALL reasonable doubts during the impasse.

  5. Bax, it couldn’t have been said any better than you did.
    One point of disagreement I have with you is the issue of demonstrations and when the president should step down.
    Adama and his corrupt, incompetent and hungry bunch can’t eat their cake and have it. The people were promised a complete package of political, economic and social programs that were meant to transform the nation and our collective lot. He “headed” the coalition and sold a three year transition to the electorate. So far this is an established fact. Right?

    Then he won a tough election marred by all kinds of threats and agitation by the ruling incumbent. Under the guidance influence of PDOIS and a key player in the personality of Halifa Sallah, ALL the political parties abandon their Modus Operandi and adhered to politicking PDOIS style (just as you have highlighted). Once the results became known and confirmed, they (Ousainou Darboe, Henry Gomez, Amat Bah, Mai Fatty, Omar Jallow, Isatou Touray, Fatoumata Tambajang etc) all went back to their old habit of politics for self aggrandizement. Power wielding, fat bank accounts, shiny cars, big houses and fanfare became the order of the day whilst the national agenda took the back seat.

    The three years agreement was was the most central part of the MoU. If everything else is discarded, that’s the last thing that we, citizens of The Gambia, should loose. For me, it will be a betrayal of the lives lost to bring about change, the limbs maimed along the way to our destiny of freedom, the wealth pumped in, to make sure we have a semblance and a foundation of democracy. Ousainou will always be flippant on what he said or did not say and what he meant with his words. That’s because his politics is not issue oriented. He twist and turn his own words to confuse the unsuspecting mind, then he makes it about himself (positioning in marketing jargon).
    But that’s beside the point in this matter of three years. If you follow social media commentaries and measure the political temperature according to the mood of the people, especially the youths, you will realize that we are heading for disaster (property damages and lose of life). Remember I have given such warnings here about Faraba Banta on this platform and it indeed came to past.
    I would like to believe it will be far better to counsel the two legged dogs and the three legged dogs than ask the citizens to stay and home and not to protest. It’s too late for that.

  6. Mwalimu, no disagreement with your summation of the post 2016 elections. I think most observers of Gambian politics and politicians have recognised opportunism and greed as the main driving factors in the aspirations of many to get into public office, though still shocking to see the ease, comfort and speed with which things have unfolded.
    I agree that demonstrations are an effective democratic tool, but like any tool, they can be problematic if wrongly applied or used. I would have advocated for demonstrations to pressure Mr Barrow to step down, if I was convinced that The Gambian population (people & security) were imbued with the culture, on one hand, of employing demonstrations as a pressure tool and, on the other hand, of how to manage orderly or disorderly demonstrations. Unfortunately, I am not convinced and that’s why I am sceptical of their effectiveness and wary of calls for demonstrations.
    For me, the similitude of The Gambia, at this point, is that of a boat load of people being ferried across a croc infested river by a captain they disprove of, who is refusing to step aside.
    Should the dissatisfied people patiently wait until they get to dry land before they effect change of captain, or should they engage in a struggle whilst still on the river to effect change, knowing that the consequence of a struggle could be a submerged boat? The choice is clear for me.
    Gambia is still a highly divided and very fragile country and you only have to follow events on the ground and/or social media to observe this fact. Calling for demonstrations now would be pouring petrol on an open fire and the consequences can be irreversible and even pose an existential threat to a small nation like ours.
    Those who want change should be patient and never tire of educating the people on the need to take control. Like PDOIS always says, we have gone past the protest stage. We are now a sovereign people, but yet to exercise our sovereignty over all matters of state. That is the challenge we face and that is the challenge we must overcome. Let’s join hands with, and support, in any way possible, those who are at the forefront of this crusade.

  7. I agree political education and enlightenment of the masses should continue and even intensified.
    With the coalition agreement, that would have been woven into the fabric of every reform undertaking to make transparency and civil awareness the cornerstones of participatory democracy.
    The unfortunate setup currently has defeated that purpose. Waiting for another two years for us to start afresh will be too costly. With or without the three year coalition agreement, I would have advocated for Adama to vacate the presidency for obvious reasons. Peaceful protests and demonstrations are tools to make voices heard that cannot be conveyed by the ballot. It cannot be a taboo or a source of blood letting by our government.
    What Adama and his fellows are doing is try to delegitimize People’s genuine grievances and dissatisfaction with the way he is handling our affairs. Resistance has already started and I see him and his bandwagon on the loosing side.

    He can lurk und dodge, but the hour of truth is fast approaching.

    @Dida: your mature voice is missed.

  8. Bax,
    I have since stopped listening to the LIES from the TRRC testimonies. I know most of the witnesses were handpicked, bribed or seduced into saying what the CONFLICTED commissioners wanted the Gambian opposition to President Jammeh hear.
    I have no trust in CONFLICTED commissioner Faal a criminal turned judge. What fair deal do we expect from him.
    Bax, there will undoubtedly be civil unrest. The present government cannot tell LIES and go away with it, only to start intimidating the population with water cannons, tear gas and armoured cars. Less than 2% of the population mostly from government officials cannot be EATING the national cake while the rest search from crumbs and yet you, Bax, and others ask for patient till 2021. The adage is: we all eat or we all go hungry.
    Adama Barrow took the oath for three years. Is State House too COOL to evade that noble promise? We will agitate unrest till he keeps to the promise. PERIOD
    We cannot live with leaders turn LIARS! From here in Holland I am giving my full support to 3 YEARS JOT NAH.

    • The trouble in dealing with you, Babu Soli, is that you are quite selective in what you want to believe as the “truth”, and would not hesitate to brand evidence that does not meet your narrative of The Gambian story under Yaya Jammeh, as “lies.”
      Let’s make something very clear here: the witnesses that appear before the TRRC do not narrate hearsay evidence. These witnesses are either confessing or recalling their actions and/or experiences perpetrated or suffered during the illegal regime of Yaya Jammeh. These don’t appear intimidated and all have acknowledged coming to the TRRC willingly. Some, like Sanna Sabally, were even abroad and decided to come back, at great risks to themselves, to testify to this commission. I don’t know how you can convince your audience that these witnesses were bribed or seduced. What’s your evidence? Let’s hear it.
      Unfortunately for you, there is ample incontestable, material evidence to corroborate the evidence of these witnesses:
      -there are bodies in graves and many grieving families;
      -there are marks of torture on the bodies of victims;
      -there are forged court documents and records of long jail terms for victims;
      -there are loads of handwritten and signed notes at the Central Bank to prove theft of public funds on a grand scale;
      -there are numerous accounts at almost all commercial banks where public funds are deposited to further prove theft of public funds on a grand scale;
      -there are numerous properties, in Gambia and abroad, belonging to Yaya Jammeh which he could not have afforded from his legitimate earnings to prove corruption;
      And yet you, Babu Soli, can dismiss all of these as “lies.”
      How does one have an honest, fruitful discussion with you on these issues? Simply put, you live in denial and are blinded by your loyalty to Yaya Jammeh.

  9. Love and respect to Babu, but I avoid talking to him about the A(F)PRC and Yaya Jammeh. Talk about those two and he attacks like there is no tomorrow. I can’t understand why.
    Babu, I hope you are healthy again and doing your thing.

  10. Bax,
    There is no trouble in dealing with me. The trouble is your lack of understanding and respect for my love for President Jammeh. I respect your hatred for him. That’s your will.
    I went through the USELESS, DYSFUNCTIONAL , TYRANIC, NEPOTIC, TRIBALIST and the MOST CORRUPT administration under Sir Dawda. An administration that wasted our lives from 1963 to 1994. At their “demise” I saw the most pragmatic and patriotic administration that ameliorated the livelihood of all Gambians in 22 years under President Jammeh.
    Whatever the TRRC commissioners and their seduced witnesses are doing/saying, I have no trust for a group of conflicted partisan partial commissioners who should NOT have been appointed.
    I don’t trust your bland and lipservice opposition to Africa’s most CORRUPT and HOPELESS ADMINISTRATION, the Barrow administration. Why try to dissuade people from protesting even if violent. Isn’t that the only best way to make a BUFFON and a CORRUPT leader to stop telling LIES?

    • Babu Soli, please be assured of the following:
      1. I have no hatred for Yaya Jammeh. I only hate and despise his evil deeds; (All decent people should)
      2. I do struggle to understand how an accomplished individual like you, can have respect and love for a low life like Yaya Jammeh. (But I respect your right to love him; after all, even NAZI henchmen have admirers today).
      3. Whatever Jawara’s failings (and they were many), I don’t think anyone who lived under his rule and that of Jammeh will agree with you that Jammeh’s, as a whole, was better than Jawara’s.
      4. I shun demonstrations today, just as yesterday (against Jammeh) because of the risks to lives and properties or the existential threat a prolonged break down of law and order can pose to our nation’s very existence.
      I recognise demonstrations as effective democratic pressure tools, but I don’t think Gambians are ready for it yet. I fear the thought of widespread demonstrations in the country, but may be I am wrong.
      One thing I agree with you on, is that Mr Barrow is a waste of opportunity and I hope he is voted out, if he completes his 5 Year Term and seeks re-election in 2021.

  11. “… I recognise demonstrations as effective democratic pressure tools, but I don’t think Gambians are ready for it yet. I fear the thought of widespread demonstrations in the country, but may be I am wrong…”

    Bax, candidly, you’ve captured the current state of our Homeland; & can add that you aren’t at all wrong in your analysis…
    On civic awareness levels politically, the Gambia is currently still mired in infancy & it takes somebody at your level to understand this; & also someone as patriotic who have decent, honest & genuine love for one’s Home like you to contribute his/her selfless quota to progress one’s community for benefit of humanity at large into posterity…
    It’s as clear even to the short-sighted that Adama Barrow & his affiliates, including some other political parties, will go to any lengths playing the political card to keep Adama to serve the Constitutional stated mandate for 5 years despite initially agreeing to the 3 years Coalition MOU with partners; & Adama will certainly go for the second term in election contest despite the Coalition MOU consenting, as I have stated here before after seeing the UDP twisty manoeuvres initially which unknowingly to them at the time, have become their ‘own-hand of the devil’ that now come out to consume the UDP itself leading to its fragmentation…
    If care isn’t taken with the “3 years jotna” campaign instigations of the underlying forces, just for example, the Barrow Youth Movement, (as I observed whilst on the ground there recently) & the recently proclaimed
    “5 years constitutional mandate” campaigners, etc etc can be confrontationally engaging each other physically which can be catastrophically fatal & in no one’s benefit, neither the Genuine Innocent Gambian community at all….
    The wise approach is for all to express decent civilly (as constitutionally mandated) against the UDP manipulations & betrayal of the Gambia holistically, without confrontation & violence & wait for the next election cycle to mobilise together & vote against selfishness at all costs as indicative of Barrow & Co’s actions; just like it worked in getting rid of Evil kanilai Devildom Predator lately….
    My fervent advice to Ndokeh Ebrima Mballow (Interior Minister) please be very very careful with your deeds & utterances whilst in the public entrusted appointment because it’ll catch up with you sooner or later; just like in the demised kanilai Devil’s case, the Gambia & Community stays & outlives everyone…
    God bless God; Ameen…

  12. Bax,
    we will not allow Adama to rule for five years and by the time we drag him out of state house, any chance of him ever standing for elections would have evaporated. Gone for ever.

    Demonstrations/protests/civil disobedience and targeted sabotage is what you will see in abundance in Gambia come December 2019. The people can’t take the political classism and arrogance of Adama and his thugs anymore. He is not better than Yaya the killer and grand thief.

    It’s left to Adama to decide what direction the country will go. If the “security forces” employ high handedness, there will be casualties on both sides. They are ready to set POOR PEOPLE against each other for them to continue immorally ruling over us. It will not happen. We will hold him accountable to his words. These people are plundering us in all ways imaginable. How long will that have to go on?
    #3 years jotna!!

  13. Bax and Bajaw,
    The Conformists. Honestly, I sincerely respect your views which I don’t share anyway.
    -Barrow stole over D25 million for his useless inauguration in 2017
    – he stole millions which he lavishly spent in his hotel-office
    -he squadered millions in travels and per diems
    -he stole millions to build bungalows and residences in his village
    -his wife stole millions for her foundation
    -he appointed on tribal and partisan ties
    -he condoned the killing of Haruna Jatta and the three Faraba Banta youth
    -prices of all commodities have risen or in short supply
    -thousands of our youth are hopelessly roaming the streets
    – armed robbery, killings, and total collapse of the security apparatus is prevalent
    -constant outages of water and electricity supplies
    Above all A LYING PRESIDENT to his “subjects” What a disgrace!!!
    In December it’s either BLOODSHED or BARROW OUT. The 3 Years JOTNA will prevail.
    No more LYING leaders!!

  14. No more LIAR Presidents. I wanted to say.

    • Yaya Jammeh did the same and in some instances, even worst. I agree with the points you highlighted, but portraying Yaya as the good angel is purely disingenuous and double standard.

  15. Babu, you’ve got the candid reply from Mwalimu already; it makes me wonder whether you for one are genuinely interested in the general societal progression of (y)our Homeland or want us to see y(our) birth place burnt regardless at all costs; just because the kanilai Devil has been booted out by popular efforts of genuine Gambians & the international community together as the global Village…

  16. “… If the “security forces” employ high handedness, there will be casualties on both sides. They are ready to set POOR PEOPLE against each other for them to continue immorally ruling over us. It will not happen…”
    Mwalimu, I will repeat again, calling for caution in our exercises of dissent & differences of opinion in expressions for the betterment of the whole community together; otherwise we’ll end up playing into the hands of the devils in waiting…
    Whilst we have some genuine interested people in the 3 years jotna demonstrations for holding on to the Coalition MOU, there are countless more blended among with selfish ulterior individuals motivated agenda different from the general communal welfare; these include both the kanilai Evildom agents & elements as well as the opposing UDP Darboe-lead camp diehards…
    The legit guide being the Constitution says 5 years, so let’s go for elections & effect the necessary changes where possible; I’m sure Adama Barrow will not agitate to overstay beyond the 2 terms limit no matter whatsoever happens even if he’s to win at the next election cycle….
    I will appeal to all to view the Greater Gambian societal interest in context for the general public’S sake collectively together, after coming this far since getting rid of the EVIL kanilai Murderous Dracula…
    God bless the Gambia; Ameen…

  17. @Bajaw,
    I hear you loud and clear and am not calling for violence of any kind. Let me repeat, am not calling for violence of any kind. Not even insults.
    Having said that, you will agree with me that Gambians have never had the opportunity to hold their elected representatives to account for a very long time, if ever. The cosmetic change we have achieved has come at a very high price. Now we have a few greedy and power hungry people, headed by none other than the president of the republic himself, taking direct aim at our rare gain to derail the spirit for liberty and prosperity. If there is anyone to caution, it’s Adama Barrow and his unsympathetic chums in cabinet who are threatening (peaceful) would-be protestors with bullets and hot water mixed with hot chili. Those inhumane beings are the ones you should be addressing Bajaw. Mwalimu has only one voice and one vote and both will not and cannot be silenced.
    Please allow me to remind you about the warnings I gave on this very platform about the dangers of ignoring potential conflicts such as Faraba Banta. That incident has been brewing for months before the residents finally decided to take matters into their own hands, albeit with catastrophic consequences. If the relevant authorities have intervened at the right time, those three young men would have been living today, enjoying their lives and the community and the nation won’t have been traumatized.
    Am doing nothing other than sounding the alarm bells, as I did before, for someone to take heed and act before another Faraba Banta explodes in one hands. Only this time around, it has the potential to be bigger, deadlier and with a corresponding chaos that we are all wishing to avert.
    Mwalimu is not agitating, he is issuing credible warnings so that something could be done before it’s too late.
    As for the potential opportunist who might use the #3 years jotna group to want to score points or are on a vindictive mission, I can’t answer for their sins.

  18. I understand every point you making Mwalimu; the (my) message may be in response for quote of yours but it’s in fact message in appeal to us ALL & SUNDRY & not to you individually in particular….
    My message to all is, while we have mandate to demonstrate peacefully on dissenting, holding politicians to account is legitimately availed to us all collectively in every election cycles constitutionally; the wise option is to make that effective; as it’s been done before with the EVIL kanilai DEVIL & can be done again & again when necessary…
    Those of us wanting the coalition MOU to be adhered to have equally the very same rights as to those wanting for Barrow to continue on the constitutional mandatory term; let’s fight it out peacefully at the ballots; not physically out in the streets; that’s in nobody’s interests except those wanting the Gambia in inferno…

  19. Bajaw,
    Nobody wants the Gambia in inferno. But those who want to take the people as simpletons, fools and stupid asses will have their bitter hot soup to swallow. This is not a case of President Jammeh diehards, like Babu, trying to make a leeway. This is a national issue to uproot a LIAR, A CORRUPT, TRIBALIST, ILLITERATE ARROGANT BUFFON mistakenly in presidential attire. A clueless reactionary “leader” selling our beautiful motherland to Senegal, France and the west. Those who advocate for five years are untruthful, partisan and unpatriotic. The three year deal voted by the masses supersedes the five year narrative in the constitution. The people voted the five year clause years back, the same people overturned the same clause in 2016. The three year deal therefore stands. There is no turning back to make a LIAR heed. Leaders MUST be held for their words!!
    They cannot tell lies and get away with it.

  20. Babu, let’s uproot him by the legal ballot box; while we had the 3 years Coalition MOU consent agreement, our legal actions must be guided by the Constitution at all times where there is/are disagreement(s)…

  21. Protests and demonstrations are legitimate democratic tools to express dissatisfaction with politics and or politicians. Adama and his bandwagon should not be allowed to criminalize people who are exercising that fundamental human right.
    The promise was to uphold and respect all rights of the sovereign citizen at all times. We will not allow them to suspend our rights for their comfort and convenience.

  22. Bajaw,
    The ballot box is not the only legitimate tool to throw a political tyrant out of office. We can impeach and/or assemble in the streets until a tyrant is ousted. These are also constitutional.
    I have told you Bajaw, that I sincerely respect your views and position to wait until 2021. But imagine the hardship we’ll continue to endure. Fancy. It has recently been revealed that this COORUPT IDIOT, Barrow wasted D4 million on the recent Barrow Fans Club gathering in Kombo Brikama. Where is that money coming from? When families from my mum’s CRR have been devastated by a windstorm that swept entire compounds to the ground.
    Can’t we have these very STUPID, CORRUPT, SELFISH and HEARTLESS politicians pity our poor and destitute, live up to the oath of office, fear Allah SWT and refrain from squandering money that does not belong to them?
    That’s why I say, it’s now an “all eat or all hungry” venture. No more monkey work baboon eat. As the Mandinka say, the TINPA KA NYANI BALA YE adage is over.
    It’s not late yet for you to advise Adama Barrow to honour his promise to the Gambian people not what Macky Sall, the most CORRUPT man, is instigating him. Let him know that by December we’ll all be constructing or destructing The Gambia.
    I’m finally retiring in September. I have prayed to see that moment to allow me go home and ferociously participate in ousting the British Argos watchman. Unless he retracts.
    Africa is just tired and wary of leaders who tell LIES and never keep their promise.

  23. I doubt your figures very much Babu, especially this one above; almost half of the political parties engaged in the Coalition MOU are now themselves in for the Constitutional 5 years term instead of the 3 years consented to, as proposed originally; unless using this as an excuse to play the devil’s advocate, one like you & your lot were never part of that agreement; you for one can’t be dissuaded with your ulterior motivation…
    We can disagree to agree that politicians can, should & must always strive to do better; especially in Africa including our country but IF our Homeland REALLY worths better to us all EQUALLY than some lipservicing as in some of our cases, I’m sure we can abide by the Constitution which is the arbitrator & legal guide for legitimacy…
    Those wanting for the full 5 years term have the same equal say, opinions & rights as Bajaw who wants the Coalition MOU to be honoured BUT that doesn’t worth the Gambia’s destruction at all costs as the term limit will surely see to the end of the present government at some point & possibly sooner if we can mobilise & vote for alternatives….
    The country is bigger & greater than any disagreements whatsoever; as the Constitution has set up the framework already to always refer to in consultation; let’s agree Barrow & co has pulled out a political trick this time around & rise above & peacefully regroup, do our utmost & hit them harder at the ballot box as the Constitution dictates….

  24. Bajaw, Adama is slowly but surely turning into everything we despised in Yaya the serial killer. To allow him to rule beyond three years will embolden him in his mischievous manners.
    Majority of Gambians would like him to respect the deal. Those shouting for five years are in the minority. Their rights to their views and to peacefully protest, should also be guaranteed and protected. The fear is whether those two groups will be able to keep their hands off each other and not resort to throwing stones and other missiles at each other.
    The police will have to show what they can in the domain of crowd control without resorting to brutality. The GPF is known to be headed by men who never rise to the occasion to prove their commitment to their job. What am saying is, instead of protecting freedoms, rights and liberties, this institution is known to be the worst in everything i mentioned above.
    So where is the hope?
    The only one I can imagine now, will be for Adama to step down to avoid a showdown come December 2019.

    Yours in the service of The Gambia and Afrikka, I remain.

  25. Bajaw,
    Ask about the figures. Maybe I have underestimated. Preparations for that nefatous Brikama gathering had been brewing for months with Barrow thugs flambouyantly plying the whole country with huge sums to convince people. Money on free transportation countrywide, food and other miscellanous expenditures are incalculable. Ask any tangible source back home. I am always concerned about money and honest expenditures in every gathering/association I belong to.
    We all know money takes prime importance in development. We cannot allow thugs to play with our money, our livelihood.
    If most political parties now consent to the five year Barrow overstay, it’s simple to understand.
    Which parties? NRP, GMC, GPDP are already conformists, because they hold lucrative positions in the administration.
    The rest of the parties are just scared to their panties. Because there is a false, ferocious and sinister campaign machinery against them by Barrow and his diehards of engineering/agitating the 3 Year Jotna. They have no choice from that dictatorial administration’s false accusations other than accept the Barrow desire to stay five years.
    Bajaw, if we keep waiting, the usual African/Gambian belief “Allah Le Ya Ke”, yes, we are offending the Almighty Allah SWT, who has endowed us with all good faculties to judge and do.
    You may wait, Bajaw, but personally, I will morally and financially support 3 Year Jotna.
    Do you know that I don’t share my views with APRC who are also covertly supporting Barrow.
    I am in total disagreement with them in this matter.

  26. Babu Soli…
    Wastage of resources should be condemned in the strongest possible terms, but on what grounds can you condemn Barrow’s wastage of resources, whilst giving your blanket, unquestioned support and loyalty to Yaya Jammeh, the biggest plunderer and waster of Gambia’s meagre resources?
    Anything you condemn in Barrow has probably been committed ten times more by Yaya Jammeh: whether it’s theft of resources, killing of people, holding useless meetings, foreign travels, etc.
    Kaninlai was like a bee’s hive throughout Jammeh’s regime, where food and drinks are provided for free to the hundreds, if not thousands that congregate there everyday, particularly when Jammeh was around.
    All your claims of loving Gambia cannot be taken seriously unless you stop this double standards.

    • Babu, I think that the honest truth about your call for demonstrations against the Barrow Administration is not borne out of your love of democracy for The Gambia (because you have supported and still continue to support one of the most dictatorial & brutal regimes even in Africa), rather, it is an opportunistic political move for the chance of creating an environment of chaos and disorder, out of which could emerge the possibility of Yaya Jammeh returning to power again: an illusion that many of you Jammeh sycophants still harbour.
      You have shown no support for any of our political leaders on the ground today, whether in government or in opposition, so it can be safely deduced that the only person you would want to see in power, after Barrow is brutal and sadistic Yaya Jammeh, who should have been in Mile 2 awaiting trial, but for his cowardice, choosing to flee like the coward he always was, than be a man and face his accusers. Let’s see if he will man up, like Sanna Bairo Sabally, and come home to face his accusers.
      Also, it is not true that the coalition partners who are resigned to the possibility of Barrow serving a full 5 year term are not objecting because they are “Just scared to their panties.”
      The two coalition partners that have shown disagreement with Barrow’s term are PDOIS and UDP. Whilst UDP seems to pursue a confused and conflicting policy on the matter (not knowing whether to support 3 or 5 years), PDOIS’ policy is clear and consistent from day one.
      The MOU (for PDOIS) is a Gentleman’s Agreement and if Mr Barrow decides to renege on the agreement, then the matter is closed. It is then left to the Gambian People to decide if they want to trust a leader who can renege on a commitment made to voters whilst seeking their votes.
      It would seem, from my observation, that PDOIS has since reduced its association with the coalition government and is focused on delivering the best of what can be achieved under the current circumstances.
      But PDOIS “scared!!!”; Certainly not.

  27. Mwalimu, the Constitution which is legal guide stated categorically for 5 years which is on Barrow & Co’s side on this one rather than the Coalition MOU that legitimises their actions technically against our Coalition MOU which was just agreement between equals…
    The political opportunism trick exploited by them in this instance isn’t limited exclusively to the Gambia alone but world over in the game of politics….
    The Gambia must be bigger for us than any disagreements when we can always resolve the issue at election cycles peacefully…
    Babu, Bax has given you a befitting response already; you need to emerge from your ‘deadly loyalty’ to individualism which is undoubtedly (equated to irresponsible) selfishness & embrace better commitment to your Motherland which is certainly (equated to) selflessness….
    The Gambia as our birthplace doesn’t owe anyone of us much after this while in our ages BUT rather we owe the Motherland instead; as it’s provided for us all from the start & being there for us all at all times; we need to rise above everything, political, individuals, partisan & otherwise, to resolve the communal issues responsibly…

  28. Despite the five years constitutional mandate, citizens can remove a sitting government, through the same constitutional means in more ways than one. That’s not unconstitutional.
    Presently, the majority of Gambians have lost faith in the ability of Adama and his team to deliver what the country and the people are yearning for. Suppose there is was no coalition agreement and the president would have to serve five years, the people could have still taken to the streets to demand parliament to take a vote of no confidence in the president. That would have also sent him packing. The MoU might not be legally binding, yet it’s a moral duty to honor agreements in spirit and letter. We are doing nothing other than holding him accountable to his words.

  29. Indeed Mwalimu, Barrow and his cabal have lost the confidence of the majority of Gambians and indeed where the UDP led legislature was worth its salt, Barrow could have been removed by other legal means that would include a no confidence motion. It doesn’t make any difference that cheap and simple minded Bajaw is sitting on the fence waiting for a Barrow carrot.
    In the meantime, Bajaw, this is Nando-Lando Lamin Jassey, alias Andrew Pjalo, since you’ve christened me Lamin Jassey!
    Can you offer clarity on your narrative as the statements appear convoluted.
    “Mwalimu, the Constitution which is legal guide stated categorically for 5 years which is on Barrow & Co’s side on this one rather than the Coalition MOU that legitimises their actions technically against our Coalition MOU which was just agreement between equals…
    The political opportunism trick exploited by them in this instance isn’t limited exclusively to the Gambia alone but world over in the game of politics….
    The Gambia must be bigger for us than any disagreements when we can always resolve the issue at election cycles peacefully…
    Babu, Bax has given you a befitting response already; you need to emerge from your ‘deadly loyalty’ to individualism which is undoubtedly (equated to irresponsible) selfishness & embrace better commitment to your Motherland which is certainly (equated to) selflessness….
    The Gambia as our birthplace doesn’t owe anyone of us much after this while in our ages BUT rather we owe the Motherland instead; as it’s provided for us all from the start & being there for us all at all times; we need to rise above everything, political, individuals, partisan & otherwise, to resolve the communal issues responsibly…”
    In the process, you can shed more light on your spurious offer that a native of Basse Santosu and of Peuhl lineage would hail from Kunjuru Jassey Kunda. A real confusionist my pal Bajaw is!! Pants on fire!

  30. Oh oh….this might not end well. Pjalo beef is on your shoulders. I’ll be back when the grass is leveled…‍♂️

  31. “…cheap and simple minded Bajaw is sitting on the fence waiting for a Barrow carrot…”
    Andrew-Lamin Jassey, I never know Baba Manka have passed on some ‘fortune-telling or mind reading’ techniques to you that you happen to dig into Bajaw’s head to come with such preemptive jargons….?
    The impeachment proposal is for the legislative representatives prerogative not Bajaw’s; if you can’t remember, I hereby repeat again politics & political appointments aren’t for Bajaw; I’m always contributing my own little quota to the societal progression in my little ways…
    My statement you quoted above are in simple messages; I don’t think there’s anything complicated in there for you not to understand what my message was…
    Adama Barrow is fallen below standards but there mustn’t be any cause for destruction of lives, livelihoods & property to cause strife in our Homeland when we can effect changes peacefully at the ballot box; that’s my message…

  32. Bajaw says, “Whilst we have some genuine interested people in the 3 years jotna demonstrations for holding on to the Coalition MOU, there are countless more blended among with selfish ulterior individuals motivated agenda different from the general communal welfare; these include both the kanilai Evildom agents & elements as well as the opposing UDP Darboe-lead camp diehards…
    The legit guide being the Constitution says 5 years, so let’s go for elections & effect the necessary changes where possible; I’m sure Adama Barrow will not agitate to overstay beyond the 2 terms limit no matter whatsoever happens even if he’s to win at the next election cycle….
    I will appeal to all to view the Greater Gambian societal interest in context for the general public’S sake collectively together, after coming this far since getting rid of the EVIL kanilai Murderous Dracula…
    God bless the Gambia; Ameen…”
    Bajaw, there’s no walking astride of the fence on the subject of Barrow staying for three (3) years or five years. The “legit” guide according to you is the constitution that specifies five years. That’s for a president that campaigned on his own party platform and DESERVEDLY won a term of five years. Your attempt to legitimize Barrow’s actions doesn’t hold water at all.
    This is clearly the case of a CHAFFU SEESAY “President” that found his way to the presidency, by sheer happenstance, on the shoulders of a united coalition that spoke with, Jamaicans would say, one heart and one soul. To speak of constitutional dictates without any precedence speaks to the need for court challenges to this odious clause that’s clearly being misrepresented for some crook’s convenience! I feel utterly offended by the brazen attempt of this cabal to usurp this item of constitution to entrench themselves in power.
    Like PDOIS, we’ve all found teachable moments but that doesn’t imply that we must be sidelined. If the UDP was worth its salt, they’ll already be at the courts to challenge Barrow’s ascendancy to a position that doesn’t befit him!!
    The “Kanilai Evildom” is gone Bajaw. Poof as in magic! So let’s move on to Haadama Barrow (TANTANG MBIRO) and what was his water bucket holder (JII BII LAA) Wousainou Darboe that haven’t delivered anything to speak of from January 2017. Talk about shooting oneself in the foot. That’s exactly what has happened to Wousainou Darboe. No end of grand speeches and media appearances will change that as it’s water that’s already gone under the bridge.
    Bajaw and a host of other Gambians come across as using the online media and other outlets to curry favors and positions within the Domorr Foday administration. Just as one Lamin Tunkara, a former UDP die heart and fund raiser, has turned shades to win a job offer from Barrow (GAMTEL). In the midst of poverty, the hungry (KONKOTOLU) will show their true colors together with the deep rooted and unfailing characters of mooching and freeloading!! What does The Gambia get in return?

  33. And by the way folks, GOD isn’t going to bless The Gambia if we don’t work collectively to get this nation clean and ready for blessing!!
    It’ll be all wishful thinking and sliding downhill if the current status quo prevails!!

  34. “… oh….this might not end well. Pjalo beef is on your shoulders. I’ll be back when the grass is leveled…‍”
    Mwalimu, I’m Andrew’s ‘grandad’; his maternal great grandma Mbinki Cham remarried to me after when Old boy Sano “packed home”; don’t worry the bitter cola has been shared & chewed already; let’s look forward & strive for the progression of the community together…

  35. Bajaw Touraynding Samura, Darbo Kunda Barindingo, you all happen to believe that a show of Godliness, a fake beard and cheap prayer will translate into a case of, JII BII LAA NING WAAMO BENGTA! Also called FIRINGO. Nothing could be further from the truth. Being an adult calls for making oneself clear by not dabbling with dotted sentences and convoluted narratives. Dida would say on this medium that, TABAA BONG YEH TONYA FO!!
    Unfortunately, nothing’s in shorter supply in The Gambia TODAY as TONYA FOLALU. Bajaw sadly has fallen off of the ranks of Tonya Folalu!! Online media is there for posterity.
    Bajaw KurrtuJaw Samura, Demba Duu Seyfo. Or is gonna be Demba Duu Mansa?

  36. Nbeng nna boloo kantala dorong. grins with a small bitter coolaa kungto

  37. Bax,
    Your comparisons, arguments between President Jammeh and Barrow are banal, unresourceful, archaic and gradually becoming childish.
    The Gambian masses do say it differently. They regret losing Jammeh for the fat-bellied Barrow who is selling our soveteignty to Senegal and the west and pooling our resources for his family, buddies and political confidants alone.
    Do you know that the people preferred Jammeh’s collective “wasting” than Barrow’s selfish and egocentric stealing?
    Jammeh would share while Barrow keeps ALL for himself.
    Just a simple comparison by our people.
    Jammeh’s case is at the TRRC, Janneh commission….. We are now concerned about Barrow, the man who cannot deliver.
    Oh, yes Bax, if you believe my motives to oust Barrow are not for our national interests, so be it. One thing I know about my principles, is my hatred for people who tell LIES, who do not keep promises. One of those people is Barrow.
    3 Years Jotna. He said it, signed it and must live with it.
    We I heard his wishful, arrogant and irresponsible statement at the Brikama gathering, I just felt more disappointed at the low calibre of this CORRUPT man.

  38. Babu your arguments in support of Yaya are too feeble even for a nursery school child. Little by little other atrocities of the buffoon are coming to light.

    Despite all the power he wielded, he resorted to sodomizing under-age girls in the comfort of shadows paid for by Gambian mothers and fathers.

    Which sicko nasty dude does such a thing. Just imagine someone sodomizing his children. Woe betide you!! This man is worst than the lowest of animals. Chem laakat!!

    Don’t tell me these girls, now young women are fabricating against the monster. I know who to believe.
    I am inclined to believe, if I am told, that he even sodomize the cows, the camels and the donkeys in his farm.
    Abé chafuring nung abuloo lé kono.
    The guy is nuts but knows how to inflict pain on his victims like a true psychopath.
    Gambia, we as individuals and a collective, have failed even our must vulnerable when they needed us the most.
    The tragedy is that all that we went through is about to repeat itself all over again.
    And still we maintain silence!

    • Brother Mwalimu,
      This is the reason why I have the utmost contempt for Babu Soli. What kind of man sing the praises of a callous and calculated psycho who committed such barbaric acts against our people, except a man with a sick mind like Babu. Yahya Jammeh’s life is shrouded in lies, from his family background, his education, his various claims of supernatural powers, his belief in Allah etc. So I find it incredulous to hear Babu Soli talking about his principles of hating those who lie or do not keep their promises, when this man is the biggest blind loyalist of Jammeh. I sometimes wonder if Babu Soli and Yahya Jammeh are not the same individual. If Yahya is the lowest of animals, then Babu is the lowest of the psychos, the old men with dirty remorseless minds. What kind of men sodomize their own children? The likes of Yahya Jammeh and Babu Soli clearly comes to mind.

  39. Babu Solo,
    Mind your terminology and your wordings. Look, I don’t care what you hold for President Jammeh. I care much about my love for a man who did the utmost for the Gambia and her people. That’s me Babu Soli and what I stand for. MIND YOUR WORDS BABU SOLO and try to have respect for divergent views.
    The TRRC is sectarian, selective, useless, money wasting and composed of mercenaries, bandits and unqualified fools.
    Why arrest Yankuba Touray for refusing to incriminate himself? The exchange of views between the TRRC Chairman and Criminal Lead Counsel, Faal clearly manifests the incongruency of this useless TRRC. From their statements one can learn that we are having a useless, an unqualified and money wasting bunch of sectarian commissioners.
    Lead counsel, Faal was a coupist. What impartial deliberations do we expect from a CRIMINAL?
    I hail Yankuba Touray for his firm stance against a neocolonial setting. We die only once.

    • Babu Soli
      Do you think I give a rat ass about terminologies or wordings pertaining to pathetic loathsome figures like you and Yahya Jammeh. Decorum is accorded to humans(Homo sapiens) not filthy men like you and Jammeh. Filthy in actions, filthy in thoughts and filthy in appearance. Sweaty and smelly Jammeh rubbing his genitals on the face of a vulnerable frightened 18 year old girl. If you want to know who the motherfucking criminal is, then look at criminal rapist Jammeh not Essa Faal. How will you feel Babu if I had to rape your daughter just like your criminal godfather Jammeh did to Miss Jallow? How will you feel about your daughter being sodomized by Babu Solo? I know you will feel nothing, because that is the nature of your unscrupulousness. Do you think we are surprised by your act of hailing Yankuba Touray a hero? No we are not, because Babu Soli only hail Rapists, Torturers, Sodomizers, Thieves, Murderers, Liars, faked professors, faked sheikhs and Human rights violators as heroes.
      The wheel of justice is spinning and your criminal godfather Jammeh’s days as a free man are numbered. Time will tell.

  40. “…Lead counsel, Faal was a coupist. What impartial deliberations do we expect from a CRIMINAL?..”
    Babu, where have you get your above quoted statements from? Please do your fact checks always before leaping; you might be jumping on the wrong Faal here…

  41. If anything, what the present political climate has offered every Gambian is to openly and free be able to express opinions, beliefs and ideas. We should go on to safeguard this for each and every citizen in our country.
    However, glorifying serial rapist, serial killers, unrepentant torturers, who, without remorse pilfered our money for them to live luxurious lives at the expense of the poor, should be criminalized. Their actions (case in point: Babu Soli) amounts to hate speech to towards victims and survivors of the heinous crimes of those bandits and their criminal gangs.
    Yaya Jammeh was a hero only to people who shared in devouring the spoils of power grab and autocratic rule. Or, those who identify with his sick ideologies of ethnic cleansing and false divinity.
    I hope the revised and amended constitution will take into consideration ways and means which will make such utterance punishable with a fine, jail time or both. That’s what we owe to the victims and survivors of Yaya and his henchmen and women.

    • Agreed totally. Glorifying Yaya Jammeh should have some consequences; same way as glorifying Hitler did. It’s insensitive, provocative and could incite violence.

  42. Bajaw,
    Essa Faal was among the CRIMINALS who intended to invade the State House on 30th December 2014 to forcefully remove a patriotic legitimate government when President Jammeh was in Europe. Some of Essa’s co-criminals were shot dead by loyalist forces, the coward Essa escaped.
    Check your records Bajaw

    • So, if it’s criminal to even attempt to overthrow a government, what about actually overthrowing one? Is that criminal too or not?

    • Papa Faal who is a cab driver in NYC USA was mentioned in the attempted 2014 coup.
      Mr Essa Faal was working as an international lawyer at ICC at the time. Wrong person Babu.

  43. Here we go again Babu; what do you say to both Bax & Dr Isatou Sarr’s stated facts above & that of Mwalimu…?
    You can’t be any serious but pretending to be contributing to societal progression while you are in fact the opposite; trying at all costs, in effect to cause strife to consume our Homeland…

  44. Babu, you might despise Babu Solo’s statements but he too has stated facts; you won’t be saying anything like what you are doing if you & your immediate family were victims of the EVIL kanilai Murderer…
    Until now we never assume a ‘Gambian’ of all people, can be as sadistic as some of cruelties being revealed; I for one, I’m indeed struggling to come to accept that fact, to be honest…

  45. Bajaw,
    When you talk about victims of Jammeh, why don’t you talk about victims of Ex-President Jawara, Ex-President Diouf and all those living murderers who butchered our innocent people in 1981?
    The hypocrisy lies here. It reminds me of the White man’s hypocrisy in minimizing the black slave trade, slavery and colonization, that deliberately wasted millions of Black lives, while still punishing the whole world about the Holocaust.
    If you were an immediate family of the victims of the 1981 gruesome episode, you wouldn’t be wasting our time making a mountain out the Jammeh mole hill.
    I’m not surprised that you have already made your silly and biased conclusions by making judgement from the one-sided stories at the idiotic and time/money wasting TRRC. That’s the uneducated Gambian nature of “hearing and instantly believing”.

    • Jawara bears some responsibility for what happened in 1981, but you cannot hide behind that to avoid facing the crimes of Yaya Jammeh.
      And today, it is Yaya Jammeh that is under scrutiny; not Jawara, and your attempts to distract are futile and will fail.

  46. Bax,
    No, Bax. It’s your continuous and biased attempt to erode that 1981 Jawara gruesome episode under the carpet. That’t your neocolonial attitude of saying: that episode is history even if thousands of innocent people were brutally massacred. Only a very heartless Gambian who hadn’t lost a loved one would brush aside the 1981 butcherings of our innocent people.
    We still remember our great grandparents who passed away peacefully many many years ago because of the blood ties. How about those who were picked, especially those crammed in the nasty Banjul police jail and suffocated to death.
    How can one be so heartless to refer to that inhumane treatment of our people as innocuous?
    Referring to today, why not call for prosecution for the Haruna Jatta and Kombo Faraba Banta murder cases which are being buried under the carpet? Which Gambia are you advocating?

  47. Babu Soli
    Do you think I give a rat ass about terminologies or wordings pertaining to pathetic loathsome figures like you and Yahya Jammeh. Decorum is accorded to humans(Homo sapiens) not filthy men like you and Jammeh. Filthy in actions, filthy in thoughts and filthy in appearance. Sweaty and smelly Jammeh rubbing his genitals on the face of a vulnerable frightened 18 year old girl. If you want to know who the motherfucking criminal is, then look at criminal rapist Jammeh not Essa Faal. How will you feel Babu if I had to rape your daughter just like your criminal godfather Jammeh did to Miss Jallow? How will you feel about your daughter being sodomized by Babu Solo? I know you will feel nothing, because that is the nature of your unscrupulousness. Do you think we are surprised by your act of hailing Yankuba Touray a hero? No we are not, because Babu Soli only hail Rapists, Torturers, Sodomizers, Thieves, Murderers, Liars, faked professors, faked sheikhs and Human rights violators as heroes.
    The wheel of justice is spinning and your criminal godfather Jammeh’s days as a free man are numbered. Time will tell.
    A Gambia free of evil heartless men like you and Jammeh. How many of our sisters had Jammeh kept as sex slaves? How can someone who lived his life in public, always brandishing The Holy Quran and a prayer beards, clothed always in white flowing robes, to manifest what a true Muslim he was can turned out to be nothing but a rapist and a murderer? When are you going to start advocating the prosecution of those who gave the order to massacre 14 innocent school children? When are you going to advocate for the prosecution of those who brutally killed Osman Korro Ceesay, Ndure Cham, Ebou Lowe, Deyda Hydara, Chief Manneh, the mile 2 9 inmates, Sirreh Jammeh and her brother, the 2 Gambian Americans, the list is endless Babu.
    Why are you trying to twist falsehood to make it the truth, by twisting the truth thinking that you can turn that into falsehood. The Gambia you are advocating is not the Gambia sane minds would dream of having. You are the devil reincarnate. Imagine the agony of Miss Jallow…. injected, stripped naked, Jammeh’s crotch rubbing on her face, being molested. She was only 18 years old. Her innocence lost because she put her trust on a wrong man. Picture your own daughter in Miss Jallow’s position and tell me if Jammeh have any credibility left.

  48. Babu SOLO,
    If you don’t give a damn about your wording and continue to be vituperative, then I know you are worthless, VERY STUPID and UNCOUTHED. You are not worth a dime in believing at first instance whatever you hear. That Ms Jallow maybe be LIA
    R, who knows. I am not a worthless and STUPID brand of unmannered IDIOT like you to be swayed by words coming from the filthy mouths of every idiot who accuses X.
    Look, my daughters live kilometres away from your filthy genitals to rape them. Who is closer to you than your fucking mother? It would be more prudent and satisfying to rape your mother first and ask my opinion later.
    I would like to know why you hypocrites elude the truth behind the butchering of thousands of our innocent people in the hands of the brutal mercenary Senegalese forces under the authorities of Ex-Presidents Jawara and Diouf with logistic assistance from B B Darbo.
    I don’t want your Gambia. A Gambia of hypocrites, LIARS and unintelligent idiots. I want a Gambia where intellect supersedes stupidity, where truth supersedes lies, where bravery supersedes cowardice, where honesty supersedes falsehood, where hard work supersedes laziness, where all live equally and decently, where thieves and liars are thrown to the vultures. That’s The Gambia I advocate. Not your Gambia of THIEVES and CROOKS, TRIBALISTS, LIARS, OPPORTUNISTS and STOOGES.

    • Babu Soli
      You see how easily a bait worked against you. You filthy brainless motherfucker. Was raping your ugly mother prudent and satisfying for you, as you appeared to attest to that. In your small twisted world of fantasy, only a rapist murderer is worth a dime. You sick son of a bitch. As your modus operandi is identical to those of Jammeh, then there is no doubt in my mind that you had rubbed your filthy genitals on the face of your own daughter while molesting her. You mother fucking beast.

  49. Babu SOLO,
    Oh great son of a BITCH, a street WHORE fucked by a HOUND father. If you think your knuckle head empty brain can silence BABU SOLI, you are being very STUPID. Only a son of a whore from the ass of his parents would ever try BABU SOLI. You child of street parents.
    More for you at daybreak.