Human Rights, News

  Gambian Police Officer Charged With Murder Of University Student

Kebba Secka

A serving Gambian police constable who plunged a knifed into a 25-year-old man and left him to died in a pool of his own blood has been charged with murder.

First Class Constable Lamin Trawally allegedly stabbed Kebba Secka, a Business and Administration  student of the University of the Gambia around the busy Palm Rima Junction at the beginning of this month.

Constable Trawally was on patrol with colleagues around the popular tourist area when they came across a group of youths they suspected of smoking cannabis.

Police said when the officers tried to conduct a bodily search on the youths, a scuffle erupted between them during which the constable stabbed Secka.

After plunging the knife on the youth, the constable reportedly fled the scene and left him to bleed to death. His body was later taken to the Edward Francis Small Teaching Hospital in Banjul for post-mortem examination.

A murder investigation was immediately launched and four people were initially arrested but later released by detectives after investigators established they are not culpable for the crime.

Constable Trawally was later arrested and questioned by detectives. In the course of the investigation, he came clean and admitted stabbing Secka with a knife

He was charged with his killing and is currently in custody awaiting trial.


  1. I sent you an email yesterday and have not replied to me. I am sending this comment again to inform you that your story is very misleading and lacks merit especially the part stating that the alleged suspected murderer was on attachment with DLEAG and he was patrol with his colleagues.
    We have made it very clear from the onset that there were not sanctioned operations around the said area nor were any of our officers on any operation within that vicinity.
    Equally you stated that he was on attachment with DLEAG. The suspect Lamin Trawally was never on attachment with DLEAG nor was he on operation with our officers posted in the TDA.
    Please do try to verify your information with affected parties before penning your stories.
    Ousman Saidybah

    • To mr ousmane saidybah, I read this stories from two editorials papers and third sources all of them stated the same thing, now what is your point of argument?

  2. To ousman saidybah, I have read the story from two different editoal sources and third one as well, all states the same thing. Now what is your point of argument?

    • Tafel, my message was addressed to the editor. While I do not know in what capacity you are responding to my comment. I want to make it clear that I used different means to reach the editor via telephone, email, Facebook and messenger when my attention was drawn to a paragraph that was misleading and in accurate relative to the story.

      I finally had to comment on the article because the story continued making rounds even after the police issued a press release on the said matter.

      Reading something from several editorial as you claimed doesn’t necessarily make it right or accurate.

      My response aimed at averting misrepresentation of facts.

      If you had read the story before it was edited or read my comment well you will understand that the comment aimed at clarifying an issue we felt was not accurately reported.

      The the story was later edited and the specific paragraph erased without any corrigenda.

      The goal was not to censor the story but to give accurate account related to the said incident and on the claim that the suspect was on attachment with DLEAG.

      If you had gone through my message you would have noted my concern which is not an argument as you are insinuating but a response indicating the facts colligated to him being on attachment.

      There is need for balance reporting of our stories and verification before going to press otherwise misrepresented facts will be considered to be true just as you are now alluding to have read it in two other editorials.

      Hope my bone of contention is now understood TAFEL