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Former Gambian Ruler Denied Over D2 Million Inheritance

Yahya Jammeh with his late mother Aja Asombi Bojang

Authorities in the Gambia have blocked the country’s former ruler from accessing millions of Dalasis left in a local bank by his late mother.

A local Islamic Cadi Court had awarded former President Yahya Jammeh the D2, 284,311, 50 inheritance left in an Arab Gambia Islamic Bank account belonging to his late mother, Aja Fatou Asombi Bojang, who passed away in July 2018 in Equatorial Guinea.

The court had awarded the inheritance to Mr Jammeh as the only child of Ms Bojang in line with the Islamic tradition.

But Abubacarr  Tambadou Attorney General and Minister for Justice said the payment of the money to the former ruler was blocked according to recommendations of  a presidential commission of inquiry which made adverse findings that Mr Jammeh stole over three hundred million United States Dollars.

“Yahya Jammeh left the shores of this country in January 2017 following a political impasse that left the country tethering on the brink of war. And since the money now belongs to Jammeh, the government has decided to forfeit it to the State,” he said.

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According to  the independent newspaper, The Standard, Mr Jammeh, had directed a former imam of State House Mosque, Dr Mbye Kebba Kah, to withdrew the money from the account on his behalf.

And in a letter to the managing director of the bank seen by the newspaper, Mr Jammeh wrote: “I Sheikh Professor Doctor Yahya AJJ Jammeh, former President of the Republic of The Gambia, being the only child of the late Ajaratou Fatou Asombi Bojang, who passed away on the 27th July 2018 in Malabo Equatorial Guinea, hereby authorize Dr Mbye Kebba Kah, former Imam of State House Mosque Banjul The Gambia to withdraw on my behalf the money deposited by my late mother in the account at AGIB Bank Ltd, Account Number; 201-2170-5673-8374 amounting to D2,284,311.50 (two million, two hundred and eighty four thousand, three hundred and eleven dalasi, fifty bututs).  I pray that you act expeditiously to enable Dr Mbye Kebba Kah (formerly Imam State House Mosque, Banjul) to withdraw all the funds in the above-mentioned account and close it on my behalf. Enclosed is the death certificate of my late mother dated 27th July 2018. May the Almighty Allah bless you all.”

Following the receipt of the letter, the bank contacted the Ministry of Justice which advice against the payment of the money.


  1. After seeing the new Gambian banknotes, I was overjoyed that none of the notes would ever feature the most minute portrait of that murderous and corrupt thief, the bluff and buffon, the husband of the most lavish thief (Fatumata Bah), ADAMA BARROW.
    The bank administrators were very shrewd in excluding the killer of Haruna Jatta, the Faraba Banta youth and most recently Ousman Darboe from featuring on our national currency.
    I congratulate them for that laudable decision.
    Belated greetings and best regards on the last Banna Salo, Jul Dere, Koriteh.

    • Correction @ Babu Soli.
      Anything is better than the ugly face of “The Killer of Casamance”.

  2. You darn right @Babu. In fact with respect to the currency change, the new notes may be incomparable to those old ones that, after a couple of dayd in a brand new wallet, would stink like that famous Gambian culinary marine spice at decomposition stage in it’s processing. How is it called exactly? I guess you would know …
    Well however, in my opinion, the change was not fought just for sparkling new banknotes to replace a stinky old one that yet would be hardly earned by a predominantly poor and an unemployed population, but would rather get funneled into corruption enabling projects to be squandered by cronies of hypocrites, greedy liars, evil-systems and status quo entrenching elements.
    The only hope now it seems is, there is apparently an abundance of citizens who wouldn’t let such terrible things to happen to the nation gain; corrupt/fool the poor people with the very public funds, loot the funds, and also kill, torture, incarcerate or force disappear them when you think they get in your way, in one’s relentless evil quest to making the country a private property for themselves, individuals, circles and groups, who would be literally protected by jungulars and other shameless bloodthirsty cowards put on hit payrolls.
    It should be seriously every one’s concern that some fool again may be with a hideous agenda to keep the evil trend on in the name of peace, unity, tradition, culture and even religion, but I’m sure no one will get anywhere with such nation-destroying agendas anymore. They’ll sooner than they’d be able to believe it themselves get ousted and this time, no one is going to get anywhere much less with public funds and a haul of exclusive vehicles.

  3. Jack,
    Look, we still have those cunning IDIOTS who can corrupt/steal/squander in daylight while we become mere onlookers.
    The system is corrupt; the legislators, the law enforcement agents, the executive, the judiciary.
    Believe it or not!!!
    Babu will join the 3-Year Jotnah Movement to root out the nasty system.
    CORRUPT practices derail me, deeply annoy me and just get me out of my nerves.
    CORRUPTION ‘eats’ into the fabrics of a country/nation and retards everything.
    Simply,I HATE/DETEST/DESPISE corrupt people.

    • Wow, does Babu Soli really hate/detest/ despise corrupt people?
      The answer for me is an emphatic NO, until that principle is applied across the board without bias.
      And who would Babu Soli have hated/detested/despised more if he applied his principle without bias: Yaya Jammeh, of course: A man who looted billions worth of American Dollars from our National Treasury and Natural Resources.
      Adama Barrow is a “petty thief” compared to the grand looter, Yaya Jammeh.

      • Ditto!
        Babu Soli is an agent provocateur. He obviously does not believe the things he writes on this platform. They are meant to elicit a response from readers. They serve their purpose, but can be quite annoying sometimes. Because to support Yahya who damaged us so fiercely is unconscionable.

  4. Bax/Dr Isatou Sarr,
    I’m not sure of the answers to give you or where to brand the two of you.
    Neocolonialists? Just sheer haters?
    Why do you believe so much in Jammeh’s killings and lootings while exonerating Jawara and Barrow?
    Why don’t you you open your mouths and candidly say what good Jammeh had done?
    Why do you minimise the wrongs/evils of Jawara and Barrow?
    What good can you attribute to Jawara and Barrow?
    Your Jammeh arguments are based on sheer hatred for a man who had done far more than Jawara-Barrow-the British colonialists put together.
    Of course, I hate corruption and corruptible practices from any quarter. I witnessed the Jawara and Barrow flagrant corrupt practices after all the hypocritical promises they made to the people coupled with inactiveness and lack of delivery to redress our people’s most basic needs.

    • I can’t and won’t speak for Bax.
      For myself, Babu Soli is absolutely right. I despise Yahya Jammeh with a passion. I see absolutely nothing good in him as a leader, a citizen or a human being.
      First let me tell you why I talk about Jammeh. It will take Gambia a lifetime to recover from the damage done to our society by that man. We must never forget, so we will never repeat. Now.
      Lets compare:
      Jawara – A Statesman by any standard. His administration was corrupt and he made many errors by staying too long in power. Till date there is absolutely no evidence that he terrorized our country.
      Barrow – Poor judgment and incompetence. Nepotism and corruption.
      ( Remember that Barrow was NEVER voted IN. Yahaya was voted OUT. Don’t blame Barrow )
      No evidence of state sponsored terrorism and absolute disregard for rule of law.
      Yahya Jammeh – Killer, Terrorist, Thief, Rapist, Fake HIV healer, Callous, Wicked, Psychopath, Sociopath, Liar and devoid of any conscience. Took Gambia back several years in development and accomplishment by forcing our children into exile. A legacy of EVIL.
      Babu stop the colonialist BS. That annoys me greatly. It a FOOL’S paradise. As I often say, Africans have only one problem. WE, AFRICANS. We steal our children’s future, we lie constantly, by nature, almost pathologic, we kill our own people and we love to blame others for our own problems and turn around and BEG “THEM” for handouts. We have no RESPECT for ourselves. We ruin our own country and flee to Europe to work as “SLAVES” for the Colonialist, by choice, passive acceptance or compliance, who cares.
      That Sir is STUPID. If we handle our business the entire continent will be heaven.

  5. Babu Soli, according to an organisation called OCCRP (Organised Crime and Corruption Reporting Project), at least ONE BILLION US DOLLARS was siphoned off from our coffers by Jammeh, with the help of Muhamned Bazi, using his business account in a bank in Belgium called KBC. (Right 2 know Facebook page).
    There is documentary evidence of these transfers from the Central Bank of The Gambia to this bank in Belgium.
    This is not corruption, because corruption, according to Professor Lumba, presupposes a certain degree of intelligence and sophistication. This is broad day LOOTING by one of the grandest looters in Africa.
    Jawara has his faults but he was neither a thief, nor a looter or serial killer. No evidence, as yet, that Barrow is a serial killer or looter. Time will be his judge, as it is surely judging Yaya Jammeh now.

  6. He should be let to inherit the deceased old woman’s hard earned 2m she made selling street food, before guy and a bunch of other so-called soldiers stepped over their oath of duty to hold up a civilian democratic process.
    What do you say Babu? Why wouldn’t they give the guy his late mother’s riches?
    They let his dizzy-faced killers loose into the jungle to regroup with the ones at large??!!
    You are right, I would say too. One can’t cease being bewildered with the idiocy that continues to befall leadership in the Gambia for the past 25yrs. The past 25yrs .., because since to date, it all went a lot far worse than the wrecking mismanagement and misappropriation of public funds. Well I’m not the least trying to imply that Yaya and Adama are comparable. The latter is not as dumb-headed, wicked and callous as the former. Adama’s shock is that he proves many Gambians’ views of the average Gambian’s mindset about Mansaya, to be right. He proves to be a thick-skinned crook who is capable of throwing kids first in the water when a boat fails to be able to hold a lot. For a lot in the Gambia, leaderships is not a formidable challenge but indeed a Barakoo/Barrke.
    One may have expected him surprising Gambians by now, telling them – get ready to have this office back, I’m done with it. That way, he will be celebrated in Gambia’s history till eternity. That could be a good lesson for generations to come and on. But sadly as it is, opportunists and sycophants around him and those who knew him when he was a property developer whatever, all thought- now yeah, my purpose in life is finally revealed to me by God. Light has come to my door. Oh yea people, when God claps for you, better dance. Then such people would advise the unsophisticated Adama – hang on buddies. They are jealous because they are not as lucky as you. They are against God because they are against God’s will. Votes brought together that was able to oust the actual illegality, Yaya and his band of bagabonds, thanks to a MOU efforts, has long faded out and away in Barrows dull memory.
    Oops, it’s about the 2m will right now. Sorry