Human Rights, News

Faraba Banta Shooting: Police Boss Never Authorised Use Of Firearms

IGP Landing Kinteh

The head of the Gambian Police Force has denied giving officers the authority to use live ammunition during Monday’s deadly standoff in Faraba Banta.

At least two people have been confirmed dead and several others were seriously wounded when armed officers deployed in the village to quell a protest by villagers against the mining of sand in their village, fired live ammunition at them.

As criticism of the police intensifies, the Inspector General of Police, Landing Kinteh, said while the clash between the villagers and the subsequent lost of lives is regrettable, he did not give officers the mandate to shoot at the villagers.

“The Office of the Inspector General of Police wishes to make it clear that it did not authorise the use of firearms and will investigate the circumstances that led to this unfortunate incident,” Mr Kinteh said in a media statement.

“The Office of the Inspector General of Police wishes to express sincere condolences to the bereaved families and promise that appropriate action will be taken.

“The community of Faraba Banta is hereby urged to keep the peace, be law abiding and refrain from violence while investigations are launched.”


  1. The IGP is responsible for training and professional development of ALL Officers of GPF. If his troops kill civilians, he cannot divorce himself from this tragedy by simply saying “not my call”.
    Once the investigation is completed, someone will have to stand in front of a judge in criminal court and show cause. In the new Gambia, after a thorough review there must be full accountability.

  2. Let him resign. That what’s what he’s ought to do in his capacity as igp. He shouldn’t be seeing that office as his bread basket or in order words a source to put food in his children’s palm. Hope he doesn’t in the first place guess that me, for an example, is someone who know him and holding grievances against him. “Amangn lafi nna kairoo lah” Happily for me I don’t know anyone out there except there pictures in the media. He should shut up about “i didn’t order this and i didn’t order that”. How on earth can he evade responsibility for such a brutal act of members of his department? This is not passing judgement! That is what an honest igp should do in such a case. His resignation in my opinion, would facilitate the whole Barrow administration to be probed. The national assembly, though with a UDP majority shouldn’t take this matter lightly. There shouldn’t be a room for partisanship here but a time to set examples for each other.

  3. I read with utter dismay and disgust the police IGP statement that, he did not authorized the killing of protesters in Farababantang. Trying to absolve the police and himself of any crime is at most unprofessional and a dereliction of duty. Does this guy understand the basic tenets of policing and leadership or is he woefully incompetent and therefore not fit to head even a private security outfit. I ask these questions because it’s beyond me to comprehend how a head of the police force can so quickly come out to try to save his skin while blaming some trigger happy police miscreants for killing unarmed and civil protesters. The least Mr. Kinteh should have said is to acknowledge that the buck stops with him. Similarly, I hope the sand mining company is also held accountable for this unnecessary loss of life. Greed seems to be the overriding factor in this situation. This new government is biggining to loose its way and there is no two ways about it.

  4. IGP kinteh is aware of it they’re all jammeh’s loyalists but Adama Barrow is a weak leader so let him resigned and return to his job.The real estates his collides needed him there.

  5. Let’s barrow resigned and returned back to real estates his collides needed him. All this security officers were all jammeh loyalists so Mr president pls resigned.

  6. Little by little, facts are coming to light. It’s now known that the protesters weren’t armed. It’s also now safe to adduce that there was a probable breakdown in the command chain leading to the unauthorized used of firearms and live ammunition. So far so good.
    As typical of this government, the “presidency” has made another press statement promising swift action and justice. What is our president scared of to face the nation and give a statement?
    The police in their usual tirade of lies, has also made a press release promising and warning all at once. There should have been a press conference. But we know they are afraid of sharp questions and can’t answer adequately in the English language. Sadly though, the voice of the affected is drained out by those of the mighty and the powerful.
    My thoughts and prayers are with the departed, the families, the weak and the meek. May Allah the all knowing , the all capable and the giver of life intervene for the people of Faraba with his infinite mercy.
    A government is sanctioned to protect lives , respect the liberty and dignity of its people and ensure their prosperity. This government, just as that of Yaya, has turned into a live taker, an abuser of fundamental liberties and a plunderer of our wealth. The signs are indeed very evident that those who kill you and steal food from your jaws will not deliver on the covernant of democracy.
    Here are my suggestions to Adama moving forward:
    1) Sack the interior minister and the police chief for moral ineptitude to continue to man those positions.
    2) Face the nation and the people of Faraba Banta and admit to a sequence of failures of your government leading to this catastrophe. Apologize without reservations.
    3) Investigate swiftly, make the findings public and act on the recommendations of the investigating body.
    4) Lest you forget, Gunjur is simmering on very similar “environmental tensions”. As obtained in Faraba, don’t wait again until precious lives are taken before acting. Suspend the operational license of Golden Lead now. History will condemn you if you fail to heed.
    5) Immediately stop canvassing for a political future for it has become a source of major distraction on the challenges at hand.
    6) Reorientate your focus on the coalition agenda that brought you to power. Go back and reread that document. It will guide you once more on the importance of your three year mandate.

    Yours in the service of The Gambia and Africa, I remain.

  7. He is lying, he is responsible. He is the one in charge of the force and he is the one who authorities who carries which weapon. Will he and his thugs or any of the blood thirsty politician again claim that only rubber bullets were used?

  8. “Covering his backside”, as we say in the UK! Don’t worry they will find a suitable “scapegoat”! The killing of Gambian citizens is described by Landing Kinteh as an “unfortunate incident”; is life so cheap in The Gambia Where is Barrow, where is the leadership, why doesn’t he address the nation? Social Media is boiling with anger at what has taken place and the governments’ apparent inactions. Excellent comments Mwalimu, people like yourself should be at the helm; common sense and intelligence is needed in Gambia.

  9. The IGP didn’t give the order to use live fire? Unbelievable! Does this mean that the command and control procedures of The Gambia Police Force (in relation to use of firearms) allows the use of live ammunition against the civilian population without authorisation from the IGP? Where then, in that chain of command, does the authority to order the use of live fire and deadly force begin? It is very scary to think that a lowly, poorly trained NCO or junior officer leading a squad of officers at a public disturbance incident, like a demonstration, could have the authority to order the use of live fire. The nation needs to know what is going on. We cannot go on like this anymore.
    I subscribe to the view that President Barrow needs to commit himself to the Coalition Agreement, focus on the Transition Agenda and step aside after 3 years. I think the situation in the country (indifference/slow reaction to public concerns, leading to demonstrations everywhere) and happenings in government (corruption allegations and reports of indiscipline) are clear indications that his admin lacks what it takes to lead “New Gambia.”
    The sooner we get a new administration, the greater our chance of averting a national disaster and the better for us all.

  10. I will remain calm whilst the investigation is taken place, also I would like to contribute to prevent this kind of incident to happen again.
    1. In an event of demonstrations security forces should have a special trained or experts who can analysis and and advised the nature of the demonstrations before deployment of forces.
    2. Based on the trained experts, should be able to tell the level of threats and what methods to be used.
    3. There are four levels threats each levels has a different response.
    4. Low level demonstrations will not need an excessive force, verbal communication very effective, low level demonstrations order and instructions in a positive manner is good whilst on going negotiations is taking place to calm the situation. Remember you are dealing with angry people’s who they believed on their agenda. And you as security force should not take their case as personal just be professional.
    5. There are various types of ammunition to tackle various types of demonstrations and strikes and riots each action should be determined by the security experts and must be justify.
    6. Here ammunition types commonly used widely, if communication fails, option like, can arrest be used? can water cannon be use? depends on level threats.
    7. Can tear gas be used ? Depends level of the threat.
    8. Can a rubber or teaser be used ? Depends on the level of the threat.
    9. Live bullet are generally last option which the security experts should consider that last option as threats to live and beyond.

    Yes we need security forces to restore law and order in order to maintain peace and stability, but also there is a level of response to each of these scenarios.

    Am sure president Barrow knows what I’m talking about as he used to be a security officer.

  11. Bax, Jollofnews 19th June 2018
    I’m just saying what Solo Sandeng was. My statements only reflect the truth. It doesn’t matter Solo Sandeng was a foreigner, which indeed he was; our laws are there to defend the offended and punish the perpetrators. I’m not opposed to that NATURAL fact, NEVER.
    Let the law take its course in the Solo Sandeng case, but impartially and apolitically, and do exactly the same in the Haruna Jatta case as expected. We are waiting, one year into his cold-blooded murder by the invading Senegalese forces.
    Jung Ansumana Manneh, a Gambian citizen who for 14 years sacrificed his life to liberate Guinea-Bissau from the nefastous Portuguese colonial brutality and subjugation was later bludgeoned to death by clubs and matchetes and nothing came out it. The Guineans never bothered to bring to justice those responsible for that gruesome act of wanton killing.
    What contribution has Solo Sandeng made on Gambian public life; economically and socially; other than support the UDP for purely personal gains, and disobey the laws of our country and foment social and political discord and tension in our peaceful country? His death was regrettable anyway, but as the courts are dealing with the matter, I have absolutely nothing more to say!
    All President Jammeh cases are being tried in every sector of our judicial system: at the Supreme Court, at the various Magistrates’ Courts throughout the Gambia, at The Seyfolu and Alkalolu village and district courts, at the Commission of Inquiry, at The Military Court Martial, at The UDP thugs’ decision-making bodies, at the Barrow Youth Movement decision-making assemblies; and at the TRRC (to come up soon).
    Which APRC case is being tried in spite of all sorts of abuses on their rights and privileges since January 2017?

    • Babu soli, should that amounted to killing ?

    • Babu, you are again at it. Solo’s deaths will be followed to the bitter end and the culprits including Babili, shall pay the price.
      The killings in Faraba qualify in the same category as Solo’s killing. Presidebt Barrow, Interior Minister Mballow and IGP Kinteh will have no choice but accept the ultimate personal responsibility for these deaths. Those police officers who discharged the bullets will pay the price for their unlawful actions.

  12. The head of the Gambian Police Force, should be fired.
    He is not in control, and the deceased family should sue the government for negligence, all they need is a smart human rights lawyer on a, no win no fee basis.

  13. Babu soli solo sandeng is more gambian than you