News, Politics

Gambia’s Barrow Sents Condolence Message To Ex-President Jammeh

Aja Asombi Bojang

President Adama Barrow of the Gambia has sent condolence message to former president Yahya Jammeh and his family following the death of his mum.

Mr Jammeh’s mum, Aja Asombi Bojang, passed off on Friday in a private hospital in Equatorial Guinea after brief illness.

She has been living in the oil rich country with her son, daughter in law and grandchildren since January 2017.

Mr Jammeh, who ruled Gambia for 22 years was forced into exile following his surprise defeat in December 2016 elections.

But keeping up with the Muslim tradition, Mr Barrow has put aside any ill feelings towards his predecessor by reaching out to him and his family.

According to a posting on the State House Facebook page, Mr Barrow on behalf of the people of the Republic of The Gambia, the first family and on his own behalf has expresses his condolences to the former Head of State and his family.

The president also offered prayers for Mr Jammeh’s mum to rest in peace.


  1. This is what is expected of a good leader who is god fearing and sympathetic, thanks you Mr president this time politic aside because this is death,again wish the old mom an eternal peace and may Allah grant her Janna and forgive all her sin she has committed without intentions

    • Bunch of forgetful praise singers. That sign of leadership, humility and magnanimity was manifested by President Jammeh Babili Mansa by sending condolences to Adama Barrow when his son was bitten to death by a strayed dog. The boy was Barrow’s sacrificial promise to his Jalangolu. It was during the tense and heightened moments of the political impasse. In spite of the chaotic situation Babili Mansa showed a humane sense of remorse for the dead.
      That was the real manifestation of matured leadership which none of you graced.
      Adama Barrow is just returning Babili Mansa’s humane side of dealing with the bereaved whoever it might be.

      • Babu Soli; you are not genuine, when people lost their their love one, instead you encourage and pray you are on mission of bigotry and Hippocratic behaviour name calling and bullying. Barrows son and yahya Jammehs mom these two are not politicians and they happen to died during heightens time that thought the public, instead praying for them nor you act like you are in a battle field hunting for your enemies. You claim that you a professor, you claim that, you are highly educated, at times I wondered whether your age and your experience could be the factors of making you behave like that. You once trading abusive words someone in this forum for a long time, man have a self respect atlease.

      • A Kanilai green green gangster calling himself a Professor of Mathematics. Go visit your moronic self proclaimed Professor in Equatorial Guinea and morn with him. He never imagined he and his complicit mom will ever live and die in exile. Now it will be the prerogative and mercy of others to allow or deny him and his mom burial in their homeground near loved ones.

  2. Thank you Mr. President. Your action today is the real definition of class and leadership. Some people may call you weak or spineless because of what you do here today. Do not listen to them because I think you are a strong and wonderful human being. You are the leader of the entire country regardless of whether somebody is your supporter or opponent. May God bless you.

    You have refused to let the actions of your predecessor in such circumstances dictate or influence you. That tells a lot about you. You have shown the whole world that we are better than that. I have no doubt that history will judge you favorably. Regardless of political, religious or personal affiliations, the least that the living can do for the dead is to show sympathy and offer prayers for they are not able to defend themselves. I also do offer my sincere prayers that God grant her and all those before her eternal peaceful rest. Amen.

  3. If we lose love and self respect for each other, this is how we will finally die. Jammeh wouldn’t have acted in such a humanly manner. His shame will follow him to his grave.