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New Online Gambian News Site Launched

Ebrima Papa Colley

A new online Gambian news website which intends to bring to the public space the voice of the poor has been launched.

Founded by Ebrima Papa Colley, a former reporter and cartoonist with the Gambia Daily Observer now based in the US, will serve as a news platform for all Gambians across the country.

“This is a paper that has arrived for that donkey driver, somewhere in the Serrekunda or Brikama market—that fish seller, that taxi driver, the RVTH or Bansang Hospital watchman and nurse, that sand miner, somewhere in the Western Division or Region, that little girl with a plate of “Naa Naa” atop her scalp, and that commander in chief, somewhere near The Quadrangle, basking in the glory of a presidency. It is for us! It is for Gambia,” marks Colley.

He added that is also for President Adama Barrow, the UDP, APRC, PDOIS, GDC, NRP, PPP, NCP, and those lizards and butterflies that are part of anything Gambia or Gambian and will cover various interests range from health, economy, education, local/Gambian news, Pan Africa, religion, economy and opinion.

He mentioned that orders have been placed for radio equipment for the new medium.

“My biggest worry is time, which isn’t my biggest comparative advantage. But I can safely say that there are Gambians out there who can run this paper far better than I ever could. It’s up to those Gambians to take the challenge,” Colley stated.

“Societies, historically, cater first to the rich and their whims at the expense of what seminally maters to the breath and wellbeing of the powerless and vulnerably poor. It is up to the conscientious and God-conscious to fight for justice for the weak, helpless, and poor without being uncharitable to the rich. It’s up to you, the reader or listener to think where forGambia news stand.”


  1. Welcome!!!!!!!
    Hope you stand the challenges of professional journalism outside the whims and caprices of:
    1-tribalism as Mandinka KIBARO and KAIRO tabloids
    2-opportunism as GAMBIA ECHO
    3-partiality as GAINAKO
    4-insincerity as FREEDOM NEWSPAPER
    5-indecisiveness as FOROYA

  2. I’d like to take this opportunity to wish an accomplished man of the written word in our midst every bit of success he desires for himself in his new venture. Gambiano, I did miss reading your sketches. I hope there will be a section on dedicated to creative writing and literature in general. Well I don’t know your academic background but there is a strong smell and taste of Shakespeare’s acts and of King Oedipus’ oracle tellers.

    By the way, Bakary Darboe lunched a political party called Gambia for All, and here is an online newspaper called Mere coincidence?
    Does it mean if Gambia is for all (Gambia for All), someone should also be there for The Gambia ( All in good humor with a bottle of iced wonjo bought from a very hard working girl in hand.
    I couldn’t just miss the beautiful short alliteration.

    NB: Ever thought about an acting academy/school in The Gambia?
    Yours in the service of The Gambia and Afrikka, I remain.

  3. Good addition and a very warm welcome. The comments section, as evidenced by this forum, is a great tool for interaction which would attract and most likely maintain followers. I hope readers would turn it into another lively forum for positive and fruitful debates and discussions.
    Well done Mr Colley and looking forward to the commencement of radio broadcasts. Hopefully, we will be able to interact with him, and take him on, about some of his views. Personally, his seemingly anti-Senegalese posture whenever I listen to him on Freedom Radio, is an area of interest to me. Hopefully, an opportunity would arise to address issues relating to Gambia-Senegal relationship or whatever he wants to call it.

  4. Astute observation Mwalimu!
    I love it when sharp folks can put matters in proper perspective.
    The Gambia certainly needs mature media with sober leadership.
    In the meantime, Bax’s employment of tact and diplomacy is noted. He’s definitely an asset to the PDOIS movement.
    Last but not least, the village crier keeps flying off the handle at every opportunity. Why can’t Babu Soli show restraint that befits a school teacher? The level of denial certainly doesn’t bode well for good health.
    I wish Ebrima Pappa Colley (Gambiano) and the management team success in the new endeavor.