Press Release

Press Release: Clarification On Audio Of Ex-soldier Trending On Social Media

1. The Gambia Armed Forces (GAF) High Command’s attention has been drawn to an audio (and accompanying photo) of an individual claiming to be a GAF soldier, making threats against a political party and/or its leadership. This audio has been circulating widely, particularly on YouTube. Given the serious nature of these threats and the apparent intent to tarnish the reputation of GAF, it is necessary to urgently address and clarify the matter.

2. Upon investigation, the individual in the audio has been identified as ex-Private Drammeh Sulayman, also known as “Ba Alagie,” who previously served with the Guards Battalion under the Republican National Guard. He was enlisted in December 2011 as part of Intake 32B. Ex-Private Sulayman was last posted to the Guards Battalion in Fajara but has been declared ‘Absent Without Leave’ (AWOL) since 7 October 2015.

3. In April 2016, after six months of absence, he was officially declared a deserter, and GAF Military Police were ordered to arrest him if found. It has been discovered that he currently resides in Europe. In the audio, ex-Private Sulayman impersonates his former colleague, Lance Corporal Jarju ML, who is still a loyal and dedicated member of GAF, serving with distinction at the Guards Battalion.

Ex-Private Drammeh Sulayman

4. Therefore, GAF wishes to make it unequivocally clear that ex-Private Sulayman, alias “Ba Alagie,” is no longer affiliated with GAF. His irresponsible comments in the audio do not represent GAF in any way. The High Command condemns in the strongest terms the threats and offensive remarks he made on social media.

5. GAF remains committed to supporting the government’s transformation agenda through the Security Sector Reform. As always, GAF will remain apolitical, loyal to civilian authority, and uphold its commitment to transparency and accountability.


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