
Madi Jobarteh: Reprisal Is Dictatorship! Free Killa Ace And The Youths

Arson, vandalism and stone throwing are not part of freedom of assembly and those who engage in such must be apprehended to face the law. What happened to Notorious Officer Gorgui Mboob’s House and the ransacking of Police stations in Serre Kunda in the July 24 protest was unlawful and must be condemned.

What we expect is the police to do a thorough investigation such that when it is done with its investigation they would arrest those responsible to prosecute them.

So far what has happened with the recent arrests rather indicates an unprofessional job by the police whose objective is to avenge against certain citizens for their stance against police brutality!

Ali Baba Ace Cham or Killa Ace is a champion against dictatorship and police brutality and has confronted the Anti-Crime Unit for its brutality!

Ali Baba Ace Cham was not present at the burning of notorious officer Mboob’s house. Killa Ace did not organize or plan or lead the protest in Serre Kunda. Killa Ace did not take part in any of the acts of vandalism. Therefore why arrest him if not to revenge!

Killa Ace is a responsible Gambian youth with a deep sense of purpose and patriotism. When he challenged the Dictatorship with his weapon of voice ‘ku boka c geta g’ these officers where maintaining and protecting that Dictatorship!

It is therefore against the sovereignty of each and every Gambian to subject that patriotic youth to such harassment by arresting and detaining him incommunicado! The ACU purposely arrested these youths over the weekend just to punish them by detaining them and relying on the 72-hour limit to perpetrate such abuse.

At Kairaba station the officers there were told not to allow anyone access these youths which is a clear violation of Section 19 of the Constitution that guarantees that anyone arrested to have the right to access lawyers and family immediately.

What is even more insulting is to claim that the arrest came from the top! Why should Yaya Jammeh-era criminality continue in our law enforcement? Is this the change we sought?

If the police are sure that indeed Killa Ace and these youths were the arsonists why not charge them accordingly at the very moment they were first arrested? What is the police waiting for? What is the purpose of their detention for 72 hours?

Killer Ace

This criminal attitude of subjecting citizens to intimidation and torture must stop. If indeed the top means President Adama Barrow or IGP Mamour Jobe or Minister of Interior Mballow, let me put it then that they are playing with Fire.

We the conscious and determined citizens will not ever again allow public officers of any category to abuse our power that we entrusted to them to serve and protect us. We will not pay you just for you to harm us. We will challenge you for as long and hard as it takes but never again shall abuse of power rear it’s ugly head in Mother Gambia!

For The Gambia 🇬🇲 Our Homeland

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