
Ministry, Others Commend GACH Global For Providing EFSTH With Medical Supplies

The GACH Global Company has received praise from the Ministry of Health, the Chief Medical Director, the management, and employees of the EFSTH for providing seven infusion pumps, a portable ECG equipment, and a supply of critical pharmaceuticals to the Intensive Care Unit (ICU).

Below is the appreciation message’s complete text:

The ministry of health, the Chief Medical Director, management and staff of the EFSTH express their heartfelt gratitude for the generous donation of 7 infusion pumps, a Portable ECG machine, and a supply of essential medications from Gach Global Company to the ICU.

Your commitment to supporting our mission has left a lasting impact on our ability to provide high-quality healthcare services to those in ICU. The infusion pumps and Portable ECG machine will significantly enhance our medical capabilities, allowing us to offer more precise and efficient care to our patients. Moreover, the donation of medications will help ensure that individuals under our care have access to vital treatments.

We deeply appreciate Gach Global Company’s commitment to corporate social responsibility and community well-being. Your generosity not only contributes to the improvement of ICU but also serves as a shining example of the positive change that can be achieved through collaboration between the private sector and non-profit organizations.

Please convey our sincere appreciation to everyone at Gach Global Company who played a role in making this donation possible. Your support is invaluable, and we are truly grateful for the positive impact it will have on the lives of those we serve.

We look forward to continuing our partnership with Gach Global Company and working together to make a meaningful difference in the health and well-being of our community.

Thank you once again for your generosity and commitment to making a positive impact on healthcare.

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