Human Rights, News

Gambia: Ex-President Jammeh’s Victims Step Up Fight For Justice

President Yahya Jammeh ruled Gambia for 22 years.

(JollofNews) – Victims of right abuses including torture, arbitrary arrest, prolong detention and extra-judicial killing by the previous Gambian regime of  President Yahya Jammeh have formed an association to help advance their cause for justice.

The association, the Gambia Center for Victims of Human Rights Violations (GCVHRV) which is already registered as a non-profit organisation will be inaugurated on Wednesday at a ceremony in Kotu.

The association was formed following consultations with government officials, civic organisations, and other Non-Governmental Organisations.

President Yahya Jammeh who ruled the small West African nation of less than two million  with an iron fist for 22-years is living in exile in Equatorial Guinea after losing December 2016 election.

His regime  was criticised by right groups including Human Rights Watch of carrying out enforced disappearances, arbitrary detention, torture, and other human rights violations.

It was also accused of routinely targeting voices of dissent, including journalists, human rights defenders, political opponents and critics, as well as lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender people.

The right groups said consistent patterns of violations… have created a broader climate of fear that extends to other sections of society, in which the dominant response is one of self-censorship.


  1. Dormu Rewwum Gambia (aka Luntango Suun Gann Gi)

    Bless them. Justice will come, inshallah … although even the air of freedom we breathe is justice of a sort.

  2. I am on your side my oppressed brethren and sisters. Lets join hands to bring this evil man to justice. Lets make him pay his dues together with all his evil enablers. This fool shall never be allowed again to enjoy any form of freedom till the day he take his last smelly breath.

  3. GCVHRV is a welcome idea. The organization should have clearly defined objectives such as:
    1. Make Gambians aware of them
    2. Educate Gambians
    3. Encourage Gambians and others to report.
    4.Collect data
    5.Protect data
    6.Ensure privacy
    7.Coordinate and share data with authorized entity/government .
    It is important that we as a people only seek the truth as part of our history to learn from. We also want to right wrongs but we DO NOT SEEK VENGEANCE .
    God Bless The Gambia

  4. The people who lost loved ones by Jameh through torture and severe beatings , of course they want vengeance they are entitled to at least that.. God bless those surviving souls who are still in pain

  5. and so it begins; This should be a significant test of President Barrow’s claims to a renewed and impartial Justice system; God Bless to all with legitimate claims; May you find closure through the Law.

  6. This is indeed what everyone should now seek Mike. Ask no more than justice and punish those who were involved. Let the people be free from the pain..

  7. Him-beast, Jammeh, shouldn’t have gone that far to Equitorial Guinea. He should have been put under house arrest in Guinea Conakry by an ECOWAS mandate. Justice is being delayed all the while, which means being denied.
    He should be extradited as soon as possible.

  8. Dormu Rewwum Gambia (aka Luntango Suun Gann Gi)

    Bourne, I know the traditional saying is that “Justice Delayed Is Justice Denied” but in the situation that The Gambia found itself in, “Justice Is A Dish Best Served Cold”.

  9. In a separate note, that gentleman Lawyer Mr. Gomez finds himself slapped with a civil suit from a erstwhile client for embezzling a fee he paid to him for a case the infamous was representing the client – courtesy daily observer.
    Now that he is not having the ear of the tyrant, I wonder how he will continue his dubious machinations without presidential cover!

    • Dormu Rewwum Gambia (aka Luntango Suun Gann Gi)

      Kinteh, The Honourable LEARNED Gentleman is a member of the Gambia Bar Association. Show some respect please!

  10. oops Sorry off the topic!

  11. When will gambia university relieve Jameh of his doctrait and professor certification that he did not earn ? Scotland relieved Mugabe of his when he abused human rights to his own people. Wake up gambia government and the same goes for the Vice President as she sat and did nothing while she called herself doctor

  12. What’s in a title? Tell me, does a title put food on the citizens table to eat or improve their quality of life?

  13. Maybe a title might impress his Cabbages and Tomatoes in his Hot exiled walled garden ?

  14. On reflection: The Gambian Government could consider a one off settlement to all victims families who suffered. I cannot see any sense in Government having to pay the Plaintiffs considerable costs as well. ?

    Justice denied is Justice delayed; As my learned friend suggests.

    Perhaps in these cases Justice delayed further,,, is Justice denied. ?