Justice, News

Naturalised Gambian-Americans Beheaded By President Jammeh’s Guards

(JollofNews) – Two Gambian born naturalised US citizens who went missing while on a trip to the Gambia in June 2013 are said to have been beheaded by senior officers of former President Yahya Jammeh’s regime.

Alhagie Mamut Ceesay and Ebou Jobe are reported to have been beheaded with a machete in Mr Jammeh’s home village Kanilai, some 119 kilometres away from Banjul by General Sulayman Badjie, Colonel Solo Bojang, Lt. Nuha Badjie, Major Momodou Jarju, Captain Mustapha Sanneh, Captain Michael Jatta, Staff Sergeant Sulayman Sambou SBN, WO1 Nfansu Nyabally and Corporal Saikouba Jarju .

Ceesay and Jobe arrived in the Gambia in May 2013 to start a business and provide employment opportunities to youths.

But according to eye-witness accounts reported to the US State Department and the FBI, their vehicle was stopped at a security checkpoint in Burusubi while travelling back from a music concert on the night of  22nd June 2013.

According to their families, the two friends were asked to get out of the car by the officers who placed them in handcuffs and threw  them in the back of a pick-up truck.

They were later taken to a private apartment that they rented, which was ‘completely’ ransacked before they were transported to headquarters of the feared National Intelligence Agency (NIA) in Banjul. They have not been heard or seen ever since.

State prosecutors have Thursday charged the officers with murder and conspiracy to commit murder.

A local magistrate has since issued a warrant for the arrest of the officer who are all currently at large.


  1. These criminals should be chased to the gates of hell as their last resting place. These primitive beasts should not be given sanctuary anywhere on the surface of the earth. They have given up their rights as human beings and should be treated as beast whenever they’re reprimanded.

  2. This morning I am think of their families; This is deeply distressing/

    Not a time for words>> only sad thoughts.

  3. All these tugs were operating within institutions, GAF, GPS, NIA etc. Even if they were taking orders directly from the Head of State and CoC, i cannot see the reasoning for spearing the CDSs and IGPs at the time of these crimes. They were negligent at the least. At worse, they cannot be more innocent than those charged for these henious crimes.

  4. Their photos should be abundantly printed an circulated all around the sub region with the support of the ECOWAS intelligence services. They should be tracked down even if they are hiding in a hole in Cassamance or in a cave in Afghanistan. Cold-blooded killers like them won’t hesitate to run and run and run, to save their dirty stinking unwanted lives.

  5. They are bastards and they should be brought back to be executed together with their Shaytan Yahya Jammeh and Saul Badjie. People forgot about Yankouba Touray, it was at his that Koro Ceesay was killed before he was burnt. Yahya and his bastards may they burnt in the worst part of the hell fire. These people are bastards, they should be reported to the Interpol

  6. Dr Isatou Sarr

    It is now abundantly clear that Yahya Jammeh is NOT WELL.

  7. It is now abundantly clear that Gambia is not well.

  8. Let the state come out with a more convincing account of why these two gentlemen were stopped at night, their homes searched and ransacked, taken away to……(I don’t know wher) and beheaded. That sounds so simplistic a story that with all the gruesome nature about the incidence from state reports, we still need to wait for more reporting and accounts before coming to conclusions.
    Why these two gentlemen? What were their CRIMES? Who gave all these evidences?

  9. It was a barbaric action taken against these young men and their families deserves answers.

    • “Guilty until proven innocent!”
      “The media’s the most powerful entity on earth. They have the power to make the innocent guilty and to make the guilty innocent, and that’s power. Because they control the minds of the masses.” Malcom X

  10. So are the TV adverts for Kellog’s corn flakes and Coco Cola.