Justice, News

Ex-Gambian Speaker Arrested For Alleged Witness Tampering

Fatoumata-Jahumpa Ceesay

Authorities in the Gambia have arrested and detained a former speaker of the country’s National Assembly.

Fatoumata Jahumpa-Ceesay, 61, was reportedly arrested on today (Thursday) shortly after she returned from Dakar,Senegal, where she serving as an ECOWAS election observer in the recently concluded presidential election.

No reasons have been given for her arrest but is believed to be in connection with police investigations into alleged witness tampering.

Last week, the Ministry of Justice made a complaint to the police expressing concerns by the Truth, Reconciliation and Reparations Commission (TRRC) that Ms Jahumpa-Ceesay and former Jammeh-era Minister Yankuba Touray were either attempting to tamper or interfering with its witness, ex-army Sergeant, Alagie Kanyi, or attempting to pervert the cause of justice by concealing evidence that could potentially incriminate him and junta colleagues in alleged atrocities and extra-judicial executions meted out to citizens.

Touray has since been charged with witness tampering and given a D1 million court bail.


  1. This is very sad after I read alagie kanyi testimony, I still could not get this over my head, this is purely evilness, let them knows that, the people they murdered will be waiting for them one day they will die and face to the judgment, nothing will remain on the earth for ever you owe to your deed.

    • What is really sad is that many Gambians knew the killers of OKC and did nothing about it during Jammeh’s time in office.
      What the man said is true and it’s a truth that has been known for decades. Many are complicit in these killings. There is more coming.
      God help us.

  2. For example Ebou Jallow (ex-Junta spokesman who absconded with $ 3.000.000).He asserted that he knew who killed Koro Ceesay. Instead of going back to Gambia and explain, under oath, what he knew about the crime, he has now resorted to giving radio interviews in which he accorded himself the status of a judge dishing out verdicts and exonerations. For example that Yankuba Touray didn’t knew about the plan to Kill Koro Ceesay although that evil killing took place in Yankuba’s Home.

  3. Why it’s took so long to reveal killer of Mr ceesay ? But this man alagie Kantian will never have a good life for the rest of his life.

  4. I mean kanyi

  5. I as much as Kanyi’s evilness and cruelty is irrefutable, that killing was set up by the leaders at the time: Jammeh, Singhateh,Touray. They ordered the killing and Singhateh and Touray personally took part in the killing and are therefore responsible for the killing of Koro Ceesay.

    • I think that’s an important point to bring to people’s attention, as conflicted narrators are doing everything to distract and distort the fact that there was a junta at the top of all those evil runnings. What conflicted individuals are try to do now is getting the focus off Jammeh, Singhateh brothers, Sabally, Touray, the killer squads and the Aprc bigwig mouthpieces who knew something about those horrendous manslaughters but chose to take rice, cooking oil and joints of meat and keep quite.

  6. I know that animals kill other animals for food. That is normal. I think. There is something seriously wrong with a people that accept and normalize the killings of other humans. It is pure decadence to accept and justify the act and protect the perpetrators for decades. It makes you question everything you believe about us- Gambians as a people, as Muslims.

  7. In a Court of Law, attempts to deflect and deny one’s Culpability and Responsibility of killing another person with a “they made me do it”, or I was ordered to kill or be killed, therefore, I am not Culpable or responsible for the killing” is not and has never been an acceptable or reasonable Defense. It might be a mitigating factor, but not a Defense. Those who gave direct orders to others to kill are as Culpable and responsible as the killers. Accepting these Truths and Facts about the reality of what happened in the Gambia during the Second Republic would go a long way to bring about Healing and potentially Reconciliation. Denial of it may serve our individual Self-serving Constitution and Mindset, but is not Sustainable in the long run. After all, one of the first Cardinal Rules of Military Command and Discipline is the “Right to Refuse an Order that is Contrary to the Values and Principles Governing the Conduct of an Officer and a Gentleman of a Military Service”. One may argue that “hindsight is 20/20” and that it is easy for others to make judgements one way or another. However, I am of the opinion that, those who accept the job of Protecting the National Welfare and Common Good of a Nation by joining the military of a Nation, ought to have a good sense of what is expected of them. No Coup is legitimate and no soldier should be rewarded for making a Coup or joining a Coup against a legitimately elected and constituted government. Conversedly, when armed men and women decide to stage a Counter Coup, there is an understanding that, unlike a Coup in which a Civilian, unarmed government that is forcefully overthrown by armed members of the military, Counter Coups are by their definition and nature an “Affair” between two armed members of the same military. In such a case or circumstance, it is a matter of “kill or be killed. I am not be flippant or insensitive about loss of lives in such an event. However, I am not willing to equate it with a Military Coup against a Duely Elected Civilian Government. Gambia and African Nations need to demand that their Militaries institute a Clear and Defined Lessons of Civics, Citizenship and Loyalty to the Common Good and Welfare of the Gambia and the Public Institutions. Above all, the military should not be Politicised nor ethonocentrically Constituted or Promoted. Doing so would only create Discontentment and Instability within the Ranks and File Officers of the Military and in turn Destabilize the Nation. Let the Past inform the Present and Future. Again, if my opinion offends anyone, that is not my intention, just expressing what I believe to be the Truth and Facts of Life.

  8. Sidi bojang, we are talking about killing koro cessay, this guy is a civilian not a military and sad thing happened to him.

  9. My attention or focus on my most recent posting is on the narratives and excuses being offered by some individuals as an attempt to Seal and or Immunize those who killed Koro and others by saying that the killers are the those who “ordered them to kill” not the those who did the actual killing. Such an amazing and logic defying narratives and talking points are being thrown out and about in certain cohorts and sub-sections of this Forums and Gambian Society. Such talking-heads and their boiler room talking points should not be left unchallenged. The culprits and guilty are both the ones who gave the Order and those who carried out the Order. However, like I mentioned in the previous Post, Military Code of Conduct does provide an Officer and a Gentleman of a Military Service the opportunity to refuse to carry our an Order that is Contrary to the Military Code of Conduct. Obviously, a killing of Civilians at a time of No War or a National Emergency deemed by the People a necessary act for the Common Good, falls under such a Code. The Soldiers who found themselves in such a situation have the right to refuse carrying the Order. Such an act is what distinguishes and Separates the Officer and a Gentleman from the Soldier. Let’s pray that Gambians are now blessed with such Soldiers I the making of Officers and Gentlemen of our Military.

  10. My attention or focus on my most recent posting is on the narratives and excuses being offered by some individuals as an attempt to Seal and or Immunize those who killed Koro Ceesay and others by saying that the killers are those who “ordered them to kill” not the those who did the actual killing. Such an amazing and logic defying narratives and talking points are being thrown out and about in certain cohorts and sub-sections at this Forums and in the Gambian Society. Such talking-heads and their boilerroom talking points should not be left unchallenged least they infect and or poison the Well..the Gambians’ Mindset. The culprits and guilty are both those who gave the Orders and those who carried them out. However, like I mentioned in the previous Post, the Military Code of Conduct does provide an Officer and a Gentleman of a Military Service, the opportunity to refuse to carry our an Order that is Contrary to the Military Code of Conduct. Obviously, the killing of Civilians at a time when there is “No War” or a National Emergency deemed by the People as a necessary act for the Common Good, falls under such a Code. The Soldiers who found themselves in such a situation have the right to refuse carrying out such an Order. Such an act is what distinguishes and Separates the Officer and a Gentleman from the Soldier. Let’s pray that Gambians are now blessed with such Soldiers in the making of Officers and Gentlemen of our Military and Security Services.

  11. You are lying @Sidi! You are the one positioned in smoking a sense of immunity for the actual masterminds of the atrocities of 1994 – 2017 with narcissism at its best. If Kanyi, juggulars, etc. etc. got 50 years, then Jammeh, Signateh, Sabally and Touray should get 150 years. That is what it is about. But because, one is very close to Jammeh and his hoard of goodies, a painting that may look a harrowing portrait to fine arts enthusiasts, could be a possible reason for such persons to try to exonerate Jammeh, the junta and the assassins, of crimes against a nation, and to twist the whole narrative as: “it was just soldiers killing each other by accepted military [laws or principles?]”. You simply fail to realise the purpose of a military that is maintained by the taxpayers’ money and that, the police are the competent entity to investigate and make arrests if warranted, no matter who, where, when and how crimes are committed in around the country.
    I think it may be appropriate that every serious or treasonable crime committed in military facilities or premises by its members, be reported to the police to be charged and brought before a civilian court of law, that would decide if the case should remain in a civil court or referred to a court martial.
    A gang of the army toppled a democratically elected government, then they struggle for power by killing perceived enemies within the army and the civilian populace. The council later, would struggle for power among them and the last devil standing turns out to be Jammeh. Thinking he has slashed off all obstacles in his way, he turned the army into his personal security agency and made most of the country’s meagre resources his private assets. He gave lot of rice, cooking oil and meat to some half-brains, some drugs and alcohol, a vehicle to their disposal, and turned them into assassins. They will kill for him, abscond or they be killed. Military personnel with proper military knowledge, discipline and a proper understanding of their oath of service/duty would rather try to abscond or die, instead of signing the payroll to kill fellow soldiers and private citizens. Those who were capable of chopping and dismembering human beings can be everything but innocent.
    Don’t worry @Sidi. There simply isn’t an escape hole. I am optimistic, now or later, all perpetrators and accomplices will pay for their crimes committed during the Yaya despotism. That is no revenge but purely the course of the rule of law, justice and democracy setting the records straight for our children, our future.

  12. The most stupid error the APRC government has ever made in her 22 years of progressive governance was forgiving the ousted CORRUPT, TRIBALIST, NEPOTIC, EGOCENTRIC PPP administration without setting up a”TRRC” to probe into the 1981 wanton killing of our women, men and children by the Senegalese invading forces aided by a clique of neocolonialist reactionary unit of our police forces, under the orders of Ex-Presidents Jawara and Abdou Diouf.
    With the likely comeback of the APRC into power, which any brilliant political analyst can visibly see in the pipeline, I don’t think any new APRC government will repeat the same stupid error of pardoning the former Jawara regime for the crimes against our people in 1981 and the DYSFUNCTIONAL,CORRUPT, TRIBALIST Barrow regime for killing innocent Gambians in Kanilai, Faraba Banta and Jamburr. For abusing the rights of our citizens in unlawfully arresting and jailing of political adversaries in Gunjur and Brikama and most recently illegally arresting Yankuba Touray and Fatoumata Garba Jahumpa, only on vengeance.
    The current”TRRC”, is a WITCH HUNT unit of the Barrow and Tambedou doctrine that is trying to copy the deliberations of the South Africans without taking into account the differences in our cultural and traditional norms and the causes of constituting a TRRC.
    The Gambian version is flawed, corrupted from the onset and composed of corruptible and very selfish unqualified people.

  13. The one on hooves, Kukol Samba was the chief perpetrator. Him appearing before a commission wouldn’t be a good idea then. Kukol, another block headed tribalist might have to have answered the most questions of that bloodshed he authored.
    He shot young Gambian police officers on duty one early morning and broke into an armory and looted guns. He dashed the guns into the hands of innocent young Gambians including minors. That d**kless futureless fake ass Kukoi! What a heal it would have been to bring him before a court of law. Yeah indeed, brainless Juha should have brought the d**kless ignoramus before a commission. That would have been a good idea.
    The most useless man I’ve heard about. Some one who had never been able to afford his own hand to mouth or even a proper pair of pants for his butt, but sits on a village platform spewing tribal bigotry all day long.
    Gambia, she has a lot of stupid ethnocentrists, corrupts, crooks, envious types and lazy thinking heads. Them MOJA and all them sh** of movements who have nothing with them but a few half educated and a few words together as confused and pointless ideologies.

  14. Sidi bojang, you may have different agenda concerning the murdering of koro ceesay and even those innocent civilians who were murdered by this irresponsible junta government, and hide their acts for so long this is very sad.

  15. I have a few months before finally leaving work to live the rest of my life as a pensioner. Then I’ll have more time to stay in The Gambia. I will find partners and/or collaborators to found an NGO that will lobby for a commission to investigate the 1981 Senegalese invasion, the Barrow butchering of Haruna Jatta, the 3 Faraba Banta and Jamburr youth.
    It will have as one of its objectives to sincerely probe into the role of all culprits and expose them. It will never witch hunt. I will spend my resources to found the organization.
    It is a democratic dispensation.

    • Your NGO a bias political NGO this will be a none starter.

    • Take it easy, Babu. Get well first, then you can think of lobbying for the establishment of a commission to look into perceived atrocities of the past and present.
      1981, like I always point out, is different. The deaths and destruction, was the consequence of a total breakdown of law and order.