Justice, News

US Revokes Fatou Bensouda’s Visa Over Afghanistan Inquiry

By Patrick Wintour and Owen Bowcott in London and Julian Borger in Washington

The US has revoked the visa of the international criminal court’s chief prosecutor in response to her intention to investigate potential war crimes by US soldiers in Afghanistan, The Guardian Newspaper has reported.

A statement from the office of Fatou Bensouda, a Gambian national, said she would continue to pursue her duties for the court, in The Hague, “without fear or favour” and that she would continue to travel to the US. She has not been restricted from visiting the UN headquarters in New York.

The US state department does not provide details of individual visa cases but made clear it was implementing the threat last month from the secretary of state, Mike Pompeo, to impose restrictions on any ICC staff who investigated US or allied personnel. The move marked a hardening of America’s policy of non-cooperation with the ICC, and a downgrading of the role of multilateralism.

“The United States will take the necessary steps to protect its sovereignty and to protect our people from unjust investigation and prosecution by the international criminal court,” a state department spokesperson said.

They added that visas would be denied to “ICC officials who are determined to be directly responsible for any ICC effort to conduct a formal investigation of US or allied personnel without the relevant country’s consent”.

The state department said the US would not “interfere with travel to the UN for official UN purposes”.

The US has refused to recognise the ICC since its inception in 2002, weakening the court’s authority and providing an excuse for other countries, most notably in Africa, to also pull their support. In 2017, Burundi became the first nation to leave the ICC.

Pompeo’s move came as he delivered another snub to multilateralism by skipping a meeting of G7 foreign ministers in France on Friday and sending his deputy, John Sullivan.

Bensouda’s office said she had an “independent and impartial mandate” under the Rome statute governing the ICC. “The prosecutor and her office will continue to undertake that statutory duty with utmost commitment and professionalism, without fear or favour,” it added.

The ICC said the US decision was not expected to affect Bensouda’s trips to the UN in New York, where she gives regular briefings to the security council. The UN office is seen as covered by a form of diplomatic immunity.

“It is our understanding that [the visa withdrawal] should not have an impact on the prosecutor’s travel to the US to meet her obligations to the UN, including regular briefings before the UN security council,” a spokesperson for her office said.

Bensouda asked ICC judges in November 2017 for authorisation to open an investigation into alleged war crimes in Afghanistan by the Taliban, Afghan government forces and international forces, including US troops.

The investigation is also expected to examine CIA activity in detention centres in Afghanistan. The court has not yet decided whether to launch a full-blown investigation that would cover events after 2002.

Pompeo said on 15 March that the ICC was “attacking America’s rule of law”, as he announced a policy of imposing visa restrictions on “individuals directly responsible for any ICC investigation of US personnel”.

“If you’re responsible for the proposed ICC investigation of US personnel in connection with the situation in Afghanistan you should not assume that you still have, or will get, a visa or that you will permitted to enter the United States,” Pompeo said.

Last September, the US national security adviser, John Bolton, launched a blistering attack on the ICC in a speech to the conservative Federalist Society in Washington, denouncing the court as invalid and “antithetical to our nation’s ideals”.

“We will provide no assistance to the ICC,” Bolton said. “We will let the ICC die on its own. After all, for all intents and purposes, the ICC is already dead to us.”

Bolton threatened the ICC with sanctions and possible prosecution of its officials if it proceeded with investigations into alleged war crimes committed by US military and intelligence staff during the war in Afghanistan or investigated Israel or other US allies.

In response, the UN-backed court said it would not be intimidated or dissuaded from its global mission.

“The ICC, as a court of law, will continue to do its work undeterred, in accordance with those principles and the overarching idea of the rule of law,” it said.

Courtesy of The Guardian


  1. Laughable, isn’t it? “The most democratic country is resisting truth!” Fools and idiots are those neocolonialist African elite who believe everything American is divine. Those who cannot honour or trust their culture, norms and traditions. I never blame the American. One has to see one’s home FIRST.

  2. Silly idiots would say “even” America did it wrong so it’s therefore right in Africa. Silly idiots, neocolonialists in Pan African clothing! They keep shouting Africa Africa but at the table with their colonial employer, they’ve will sell their own brother for a pound of Dutch cheese. Tzeeeeee!

  3. Forget the Americans, let’s talk about what concerns us – Gambians. This woman, this poor excuse for a human being served as solicitor general and legal adviser to Yahya Jammeh, and at one time was his Minister of Justice.
    She was his TOOL against real and perceived enemies.
    At the time when several innocent and noble Gambians were arrested, tortured and killed by The AFPRC. She was aware and fully complicit in ALL the crimes committed by Yahya Jammeh and Edward Singhateh. She was present in court on many occasions to personally conduct and direct the illegal prosecution of political prisoners, innocent soldiers and civilians.
    This woman should be in Mile 2, not walking the halls of ICC. She is EVIL!

  4. Unfortunately, African leaders and people have been guilty of “selling” their own people for centuries. They are the continent that is populated with people who are most ready and willing to do the Colonialists, the Neo-Colonialists, some American and European Countries’ bidding on “Demand” Direction and Supervision. The idea that Americans and European leaders and Politicians can do as they wish to any Non Caucasians aka White people with Impunity and Reckless abandonment is so embedded and entrenched in the International System, it is taken for granted. However, it should not be. The War Criminals of the Nazi Regime justified their murderous actions and behavior with the prevailing attitude and sentiment that they are “just following orders” and that “it is war” and as such they are not guilty of any crimes. Yet, they were Prosecuted, found guilty and most of the Central figures were hung and others faced the firing squad in front of the Russian Military. Others were sentenced to long Prison Terms. This happened due in part to the fact the the “balance of power” sifted from Europe to America and Russia. Americans of that age wanted to send a message that “there is a new Sheriff on the World’s stage and that the old kind of Impunity won’t do. However, when the Americans tasted the elixir of Global Power or “Pax Americana”, they immediately became drunk with it. First, in Korea, then in Vietnam where the Americans bombed the Civilians and Committed Genocide and Crimes Against Humanity and got away with it. They were aided and abetted by the most Undemocratic Institution, the so-called United Nations and its Repugnant, Despotic and Selective so-called Security Council which has done more harm to the World’s Security than any other of its kind. Until that time that Africa Secures a Permanent Seat at the United Nations Security Council, and or until the Security Council renders the Veto Power Null and Void, the American War Criminals like Kissinger, Elliott Abrams, Rumsfeld, Dick Chaney, and some of the American Presidents starting with Andrew Jackson the Native American butcher and Trail of Tears and Slavery advocate to recent Presidents such as Nixon and many Republican Presidents would continue to Commit War Crimes with Impunity. They would hide behind a fasade of insidious, cynical, hypocritical, narratives of “Saving the World for “Democracy”, fighting Communism, fighting “Terrorist and Terrorism”, fighting against “Militant Islam”, all kinds of “ISMS” except the one “ISM” that is never stated. American Hegemony aided and abetted by their European Cousins across the Atlantic ocean. Who do I blame for the state of World? Americans? Europeans? Fifty percent blame to these “Usual suspects. The other fifty percent is of the African and the rest of the World’s. It takes two to firm a Superior and Subservient relationship. If Africans and those sidelined in the International Political and Economic System Collectively and in a Sustained manner Resist and Fight against the Unequal, Uneven and Unjustifiable International Political and Economic System, like the Russians and the Chinese did, the Current System would not Survive, it would either bend or break. As is presently, all Human Rights Violators, War Criminals and Genocidal Criminals are not treated equally. Infact, Africans are more likely to be Prosecuted with these Crimes than any member of the human race. Why? It is like the prevailing affairs in the Gambia where Serial Murderers of the 11/11/1994 Counter Coup such as Alagi Kangi are gainfully employed and unmolested, while the Mendy is arrested for allegedly not been truthful with his testimony. Where is CDS Masaneh Kinteh? Former Gambia National Police Chief during the Jammeh regime, Yankuba Sonko? He was removed from his very visible position and hidden in the Gambian government while their Compatriots are been prosecuted. Why? At a micro and macro level, when these Mountains and Valleys of Selective, Unequal and Unjustifiable International, National, Domestic Political and Economic Systems are Leveled and rendered Null and Void, do not expect anything less than what we have been subjected to and continue to be subjected to at the International, National and Domestic Political and Economic System’s Level of Governance. Wake up…

  5. Bogus allegations and bunkums against one of Gambia’s most illustrous daughters.I am proud of her and the few like her who overcomed the tremendous hurdles in a men’s world. Like my own daughters, sisters aunts all those Gambian women I so much revere, I stand firm by your side Miss Bensouda against this imperialist onslaught.
    That was Jammeh’s fight; against imperialist intrusion and subjugation with their neocolonial henchmen in our midst.
    We’ll never forget them as long as they covertly and overtly continue to subjugate us. Long live the true Pan Africanist children of our home.

    • Jammeh fight against imperialism? With what? A $3Million Mansion on the Potomac!! Anti imperialists don’t bleed their nations dry and invest in the imperialist countries.

  6. Lightening, thunder and brimstone on oppressors and killers of all kinds, gender and races, and everywhere across the four corners of the earth.

  7. Forget about Fatou Bensouda. She’s only doing her job, and whether we agree with the idea of the ICC or not, it’s her employer and she’s duty bound to investigate possible war crimes wherever they may have taken place and whoever may have been the perpetrator(s).
    What needs talking about is the behaviour of the USA here, but also all the major powers, who shield their citizens from probe by the ICC. This is undermining the work of the ICC and eroding confidence in the institution’s credibility. It should not be a surprise when countries withdraw their membership from the ICC.
    But this is not the only talking point about the USA: a country that has betrayed the trust of the world and is now behaving in ways that threaten world peace and endanger life on this planet. From the recognition of Israeli sovereignty over the whole of Jarusalem and the Golan Heights, to regime change and attempts of regime change in Ukraine, Libya, Iraq, Syria, Iran and now Venezuela.
    From imposition of tariffs to the use of unilateral sanctions to stiffle trade and undermine competition against its products and give an edge to its companies from its competitors, like Russian arms exporters, completely disregarding international protocols that guarantee FAIR Trade.
    And now, perhaps for the first time in modern history, the designation of an arm of government of a sovereign UN member state, as a terrorist organisation. The designation, by the Trump Administration, of Iran’s Republican Guards, an elite unit of that nation’s Armed Forces is mind boggling and the consequences of such an idiotic move can be unimaginably disastrous for the region and probably, for the rest of us.
    The United States has thus been turned into a ROGUE STATE that is threatening world peace and life on this planet. The world needs to stand up to this bully and his criminal cabal in Washington and Tel Aviv before they plunge our world into perpetual darkness.

  8. Bax,
    I simply get confused when I read from some of us who still tend to believe that the White man’s world will leave the “Dark Continent” to evolve around her own axis of political, economical and social evolution. This will never happen as long as we have brained-drained and inept and corrupt “leaders” like Adama Barrow and his group of “yes sir, yes ma” bunch of very useless administrators.
    It is even more disgusting to read our learned contributors still talking about the validity of the White man’s ICC, an institution that only criminalizes the black man while setting free George W.Bush, Tony Blair, Benjamin Netanyahu……the world’s outstanding criminals with the worst records of genocide. SIMPLY THEY ARE WHITE SKINNED!!!!!!!!!
    Please listen to H.E. Dr Arikana Chihombori Quao , AU Ambassador to The US addressing the African Diaspora in the Americas (https://youtube/aXMP1Az5HL8).
    That speech is enough to awaken our African spirit to work for the development of our wonderful continent with her marvellous citizens. That African spirit in President Jammeh made him excel among African leaders.

    • Come on.
      She is the Chief prosecutor of ICC.
      She was Jammeh legal adviser and solicitor general.
      What else needs to be said.

  9. “… That African spirit in President Jammeh made him excel among African leaders.”

    Babu Devil yaya Ali baba Jammeh is in the very category as some of the genocide devils you mentioned; which “African spirit” will unleash, rape & torture on humans for containment, including innocent defenceless mowen….?
    The African content, & Gambia including is saddled with greedy politicians most of whom will syphon the depleting resources dry when at the helm….
    The Gambian situation will evolve, politically gradually; for there’ll come a time when majority of the voters to vote on informed choices at elections; for the majority will be able to relate that even the high costs of chaalo (bonka fish), for example & rest of exorbitant daily living-costs & the rest of the economy are related to the selfish political deliberations….

  10. “That African spirit in President Jammeh made him excel among African leaders.”
    This is a provocation. Jammeh is nothing but a fraud!

  11. Rectification please – including innocent defenceless mowen….? – should read – including innocent defenceless women….?
    (Sorry my phone’s done it’s devilling again…¿)
    Thank you…

  12. She exonerated America from being an adversary to the continent though! America that was industrialised thanks to the Transatlantic Slave Trade!

    Now, imagine you get killed by your own cousin brother and I, having to convince your kin that it is a homely affair and that, it is not as serious a case as the killing of your brother by a non-relative …
    Anyway, dunderheads and ‘polutical’ sycophants in Africa will either drink water from Jammeh’s ‘Giituma chi Safara’ or nod to Barrow, “yes sir, yes sir”
    Africans and blacks would want to kill me when I met them in Cape town and call it “cleansing” and “a family affair”. Others in the Gambia want to cling to power by killing me and labelling me a neo colonialist.
    This African chapter will remain a Formula 1 Circuit if African leaders and citizens fail in seriously reasoning with themselves. Lord Almighty! I have to stop speaking broken-English now because it burns in the heart of a Cameroonian Monsieur that he would want to kill me and have his breath back. I have to find and put myself together to love his cackling, bitter and heavily accented French anyway. My African dream has become really farfetched with such and experience.
    As long a we fail to reason with ourselves, the starting point of this race will always be our finishing line. Being real and true to each other, loving and respecting our own lives is our unity. Unity is our strength to deter belittlers and adversaries.

  13. Bajaw,
    Will you sincerely stand to testify before The Almighty Allah SWT, all the allegations you continuously profer on President Jammeh? Are you sure that he raped, killed…..? Were you present at these incidences? Or are you accusing him on the pretext that you gathered information (false or true) from the testimonies at the TRRC?
    Present your case(s) before any Gambian or African law court(s) and stop your banal and baised accusations.
    Those who womanized, marginalized, undereducated and destituted our women were the clan of PPP administrators during their thirty-three years of evil administration. What did they do for our Gambian women? Tell me just one good thing our women achieved with the evil PPP administration.

      Can you please have the decency to stop MENTIONING the name of Allah when you know deep down that you are lying to your tooth. It is your right to support Jammeh, but MENTIONING Allah while trying to twist the truth into falsehood is a great sin.

  14. What the PPP did for the Gambian women was flocking them up at statehouse to crack groundnuts!!! However I haven’t seen anyone who claimed in the name of SWT, to have witnessed them raping women.

  15. Babu, yaya devil jammeh’s deeds are being relayed by innocent victims after another, who I believe are more God-fearing than Babu Soli….
    Even some of the innocent people rounded up as “witches” some time back & forcefully fed with hallucinations drugs, some women amongst them said they were raped while under detentions….
    If you & yaya Ibliza Jammeh believe it is innocent let it devilish-self come back from hiding on the equator to clean its filthy name in the Gambia…?

  16. There is nothing more humiliating than using one’s authority in office to lure/oblige a woman into sex.
    I was in Banjul in the 60s/70s and witnessed the pompous behaviour and malpractices of those PPP evil men….M.C Cham, Omar Jallow, Lamin Kiti Jabang, just a few, whose daily activity as Ministers was to telephone their numerous fiancees all day and leave their wives to run after other women all night. Those men who lived a life of promiscuity. NO…. ASTAG FIR LAH.
    That’s why they were flushed out of office after 33 years, at the click of the finger without bloodshed.
    Our women lived and survived in their positions at the mercy and unscrupulousness of those SEX HOUNDS.

  17. Laughably, we were all flabbergasted, when we all mistakenly welcome the camouflage devils in uniform-cum “soldiers with difference” in our yearn for meaningful societal change for the better; only for the kanilai Evildom Devil & cohort coldest blood murderers to turn out to be dirtiest ever in thievery & rape as weapon unleashed on the innocents Gambia…
    Babu, which PPP government employee(s) was ever murdered in colder blood for any reason like Ousman Koro Ceesay, for example…..?
    PPP might have under-performed than expected but they are clouds apart in comparability to the a(f)prc devils of a kind & co-infectious maggots evidently….

  18. Women were definitely lured into sexual exploitation when PPP organise fetish sex romp festivals in Kaninlai. That is, if anyone cares to properly recall the dirty acts of party in the past … They slaughtered cattle like it the last time they will ever eat meat. Some of them after absconding after the fall of the Yaya cabal, made stupid senseless audios to go viral – crying over “food” in the Gambia they missed so much. Normally, people don’t cry over missing food they have always worked hard to put on their tables !!!
    And again, what a dumb class of educated individuals some so-called intellectuals prove to be. Such are the type of old people who seem tired and confused due to the fact that there is absolutely no chance of a cure for their corrupt and opportunistic tired old brains. Such old people are certainly very dangerous in the country’s politics. It is clear that while the country pushes to go forward, such tired old brains keep pulling those efforts backwards. They don’t care if the criminal regime of Yaya probes in Kukoi’s perpetrated weeklong slaughter of innocent Gambians but would expect his successors to do so anyway. These are the kind of hypocrites why Gambia is cursed. These type of old people should be taken to a special sanctuary and given medical and psychiatric assistance.
    Jack, what happen to you? I think you too, need Jollofnew’s help before Bax may call for order.

  19. It is indeed worrisome that people who take it upon themselves as saviours perhaps out of their young, flimsy inexperienced and out-of-school bookish minds that development is young age are just ignorant.
    Those who haven’t seen the past cannot talk much about the present. They have to learn. That’s why they made that VERY STUPID selection, giving our country the most REACTIONARY, INEFFICIENT, CORRUPT, TRIBALIST BUFFOON dressed as a “president” and backed by a clique of blind “intellectuals” inside and outside the country.
    It’s sad but true that we’ll never improve while people who bark as “intellectual saviours” cannot perceive the sinking of our country. We will remain RETARDED.
    President Jammeh made a leap forward anyway. Thanks to his efforts we are enjoying some basic amenities.
    THE PRICE OF A LOAF OF BREAD ROSE FROM D7 to D8 yesterday. That’s your DEMOCRACY, our people have to “eat”.
    In almost 2 years 4 months in office, that ILLITERATE BUFFON with his henchmen have stolen BILLIONS yet our learned saviours are houling about “perceived development in the future”. Disgraceful and disappointing “learned elite”. A high school drop-out dancing on the conscience of our reactionary elite!!!!! UNBELIEVABLE.
    In less than 2 years in office the “wise” buffon, wives, family and buddies could build mansions, send children to expensive private universities, own homes in Senegal, shuttle around the world in private jets, amass more wealth than any Gambian leader in the same period and still subject our “intellectual” fools at his command.

  20. An infestation of young people of “flimsy inexperience and out-of-book-minds” of a country is less hazardous than that of – block headed, p-sycophantic, blood drinking, unreasoning, inept opportunistic and corrupt pensioners who think the world should be revolving around the rot in their canary-egg-sized-brains. Old people who want to justify the whale of corruption and looting of the past with that of the present.
    At least one should be glad to see those sane old and young of today who burn down all sorts of corruption at all times and of every nature to ashes and dust. Shouldn’t it feel like a hammer on every straight thinking Gambian’s head that a Gambian anti imperialist president president had looted the Gambia and thrown his loots in Potomac, DC, USA?
    Young people would have listened to old people who highlight and condemn such barbaric acts of corruption of the past and those of the present. It is amazing that old people with an experience of the west cannot even assess what a “leap forward” of a country means. I would rather bark or ‘HOUL’ than bray about it, at least for the shake of demonstrating – I got a brain bigger than a cola nut to see through it all.

  21. Come on. You are more dictatorial than Hitler.That Hitlerian attitude in politics of annihilating opponents/adversaries.
    Calling on Jack to express your dismay at his change of opinion in speaking his mind only reflects the usual patriachic politics you are accustomed to, the bloody Gambian politics of Jawara and Darboe and those UDP hooligans and despots back home and in the diaspora. YOU EITHER BE WITH ME OR YOU ARE AN ARCHENEMY.
    I no longer bear any respect for your “democratic” feat. People who are adamant in silencing the truth and dissident voices. Perhaps you live in the USA or China, the world’s most undemocratic and human rights abuser countries.
    Reveal Jammeh’s corruption and tally it with his development efforts and come to a right equation, in 22 years. On the other hand reveal the BILLIONS squandered by your BUFFON and wives, the killing of innocent youths in Faraba Banta to salvage the business of their close friend Julakay, the killing of Haruna Jatta, the Jamburr lady, the illegal arraigning and remanding of nine military personels for over a year on suspicion charges because they are Jolas; all in less than two years.
    Yet you cannot distinguish between truth and lies. I hate LIARS most especially when they are intellectuals or leaders. What’s wrong with your “young” brain? I swear that our country does not need it.
    We are looking for patriotic, incorruptible, energetic and selfless Gambians to kick the ass out of these CORRUPT INCOMPETENT administrators at State House. You are not included anyway.

  22. There is a difference between one “making a point” and “writing for hobby’s sake”. When we write for hobby’s sake, I can say the letters in this text I’m writing are green and take for granted I made a point.
    All resourceful contributors right now can surely figure out how far detached you are from reality and the theme in this forum when you mentioned the name Hitler and Jack.
    The living Hitler of Africa is hiding in EG right now. Check that out and stop trying to make a fool of the discussions here right now!
    As I said before, certain pensioners need to be somewhere there under a professional care because they are worthless when it comes to bringing about good in the country.

  23. You have no point for discussion. I always come to the point. Barrow is CORRUPT and INCOMPETENT and those failing to echo that are either ignorant or selfish. Are you among those? I don’t think so.
    Barrow has annulled all institutional activities which he has delegated to his Barrow Youth Movement, the most powerful and richest movement in less than two years in existence, worth billions of dalasis siphoned from the taxpayers’ money.
    What do you say about that?
    There never existed an APRC Youth undercover movement that took up national development projects as we are seeing today. A blatant channel for CORRUPTION and FAVOURISM.

  24. I have a lot more than to criticise in the Gambia’s political plight than the crocodile, Yaya and teddy bear, Adama. The twisted and closed sets of thinkings of some of her elderly citizens, cultures and traditions makes me want to vomit. I think I’ve discovered that ‘Buwas’ indeed exist in the Gambia not just as in the myths but also crowing elderly demons in daylight. Some elderly people can be seen literally aching for more blood to drink. Such twisted minded elders evidently belong to cannibal societies who go hunting for witches.
    My shocking knowledge of Gambia made me loose appetite for beef and mutton.

  25. 1)
    A Senegalese functionary who was driving at an abominable speed, lost control of his car, knocked down a lamp post and killed a by-stander in Foni Bulock. His statement to the passers-by, the onlookers was that he was a functionary. He didn’t regret the killing and knew that with USELESS Barrow, he will go scot free, because The Gambia is an undercover protectorate of Senegal.
    While the dysfunctional “coalition” was meeting to thrash out its HYPOCRISY/USELESSNESS, with the Gambia’s most grotesque hypocrite…Fatumata Tambajang; Barrow was partying with his Barrow Fans’ Club at an office inauguration ceremony. Only policking and NO national development plans. That fans’ club functions as a governmental institution to look into the development programmes. A channel to foment CORRUPTION, FAVOURISM and TRIBALISM…
    I listened to speeches at the ceremony, their LIES about the construction of the Bambatenda-Yelitenda bridge. It is the richest non-governmental organization funded by Barrow with our taxpayers’ money
    There is no office where you will find the Director or Managing Director. They are all travelling abroad with an entourag. That’s how they receive fat per diem emoluments. The trips are all undercover, not announced on GRTS or Radio Gambia. The ban on travellimg is a FARCE a LIE meant to fool our Gambian people most especially the unschooled ones.
    Basic commodity prices have all risen drastically and schools in the provinces are worse than ever with the low-paid teachers failing woefully to deliver. No books, no rulers, no good boards and in some schools NO CHALK.
    The vehicles procured by President Jammeh and stationed in Kanilai have all been removed, sold in Senegal or Guinea-Bissau and the monies pocketed, on the orders of Baa Tambedu, Janneh, Ousainou Darboe and Barrow himself. A large fleet of modern vehicles purchased for the AU Summit held in The Gambia.
    May The Almighty Allah SWT answer my prayers and bring this CORRUPT watchman to pay dearly for his WOES. He made promises none of which he is respecting now. Let him pay for his LIES. MAY ALLAH HELP US.

  26. I think there are good reasons why a certain class of citizens would vomit to everything political, cultural and religious about the Gambia. Some elderly or young Gambian would either be at one time defending the shameless patent corruption of one silly, clueless and cold-blooded administration or, hypocritically at double standards criticising another council of harlequins of an administration. It is called “grab-and-take-politics” or in other words “loot-it-and-stuff-it-in-your-and-friends’-bellies”, over the common prosperity and a promising future for younger generations. Just see a wildlife documentary where lions or hyenas would make a kill. Hwww Khhh Khhh Hrrrm. In such a calamity, our journalists may likely not even have time to highlight the Senegalese donkey at those wheels mowing down a citizen to boast as you claimed. Why not buying your story when only you seem to be capable of telling the truth!!
    I think you have no cause to worry about Barrow facing charges. Time and resources shouldn’t be exhausted in bringing charges against suspected or evident state criminals. No one just shouldn’t try confusing the process. It should be one epoch charges after another.
    I know some Gambians believe it for real that God had ordered Yaya to take off his white slot-in leather shoes for Him(God) to talk to him and that, angels had lifted Barrow and put him over Gambians in fulfilment of God’s promise to Gambians but, I, with a great sense of humility, understand God’s grace, will and cleanliness in a different way. Simply waving a Kor’an, clenching one thousand stringed prayer beads, dressing in white flowing gowns and kaftans, and being punctual at Friday prayers like ‘Gibril’ on God’s mission, are the least proofs that we fear him.

  27. It amazes me how we spend our time discussing everything BUT what is important, in our quest to shield the truth. We have known about crimes committed by AFPRC against Gambia for many years, now it is in the public domain.
    Lets put things in perspective:
    1. Jan 1994 – Brig Gen Abubakar Dada informed Gen Sanni Abacha that senior members of GNA are planning to overthrow Sr Dauda’s government. Abacha’s instruction was clear, monitor the situation, but do nothing to interfere or intervene in the internal political affairs of The Gambia.
    2. Jan 1994 – The Brits and Americans met to discuss the political situation in the Gambia. They informed Sir Dauda about the coup plans, but made NO recommendations on what to do.
    3. Sr Dauda met with Gen Dada who assured him that he can control the GNA officers.
    4. Sr Dauda was informed that Col Lawan Gwadabe will replace Gen Dada.
    5. Sr Dauda appealed to Gen Abacha to allow Gen Dada to stay in Gambia.
    6. Gen Abacha REFUSED, because he wants Col Gwadabe out of Nigeria. Gwadabe was making final preparations to effect a change in government in Nigeria, and Abacha was very afraid of what was at the time a very serious and dangerous mutineer.. He chose to deploy Gwadabe to The Gambia instead.
    7. July 21, 1994. First Attempt.
    Finally ALL the senior Officers in GNA, including the Presidential guards are fully on board.
    8. Gen Dada decided to disarm the GNA Officers, because there was rumor that Sr Dauda was to be arrested and executed at the airport by Edward Singhate. This was unknown to most of the conspirators. Singhate’s plan was secretly leaked to the Nigerian Commander by YJ.
    9. July 22, 1994. Second Attempt was allowed by GNA senior officers once Sr Dauda was safe in the State house, close to the escape vessel, away from the killer – Singhate.
    Lessons learned:
    We control our own destiny by.
    1. Hard and smart work.
    2. Honesty in all we do.
    3. Respect for Gambian life and liberty.
    Next I will give you a hint about the genetics of Peter and Edward Singhate. Why they do what they do. Their motivation and Psychological make up.
    We must be careful how we recruit young officers into our security services. It is important to do a comprehensive physical examination, but it is more important to do a COMPREHENSIVE PSYCHOLOGICAL HISTORY and EXAMINATION to include both maternal and paternal history of serious MENTAL illness.
    May God protect The Gambia from MAD MEN and WOMEN.

  28. Dr Isatou Sarr,
    What an amazing chronicle of events. Please don’t forget your promise to give the genetics of Peter & Edward Singateh.
    May Allah protect The Gambia from MAD MEN and WOMEN and…CORRUPT IDIOTS who are t wasting the fabrics of our country today.
    What LIES are you attributing to? Please tell me the LIES I have written before I respond to your allegation.
    I have all rights to mention the name of The Almghty Allah SWT in my attributions, haven’t I?

    • You have all the rights to mention Allah but only fools will be grabbed by it. No one with brains will fail in figuring out the falsehood of you mentioning Allah and His cleanliness.
      By the Babu I enjoy your jokes though the are tasteless and very serious ones.
      Are you itching inside your head to scrape out some vulgarity Godly Babu? We know how Godly you are!

  29. Natty Dead,
    Since yesterday, I’ve been waiting for your response. I challenged you to explain in details the LIES you attributed me with. When I hear from you I will give you a more adequate response. Don’t keep me waiting.

    • Babu Soli,
      You’ve failed, failed mankind, failed to defend the truth, failed to feel for the suffering of of our fellow countrymen. You have probably heard how Lt. Basirou Barrow was tortured and killed in cold blood by those under the direct command of Yahya Jammeh. You failed to feel the anguish of those family members who had to listened to harrowing details suffered by their loved ones before their final breath, the agony of Dot Faal before his death. YOU ARE a very wicked insensitive little old man. YOU ARE NOTHING but a coward like Yahya Jammeh, who used Allah’s name while even mastubating. You failed BABU SOLI, YOU FAILED YOURSELF.

  30. Babu, why can’t you start acting your ‘age’ you stated, for once; & stop sounding blatantly tribalistic in all your postings, then people would start taking you seriously….
    You defend the Murderous kanilai Evilness & Devil kukoi samba Satan, for example, regardless against the innocent victims & families at all costs; claiming to be your right to expression without any remorse/respect to be considerate to the deserving innocent victims & families; in your position one should be expectant to “die by one’s (your) own sword in your (one’s) very hand….?”
    (One) You can’t (mustn’t) expect it differently; truth is always the same anywhere, everywhere & anyhow….

  31. Bajaw,
    Why is it so difficult for you to live the life of saying the TRUTH? WHY? Have you read Natty Dread’s piece falsely accusing me of lying in an unethical tone? I expected you to reprimand Natty Dread for his lack of respect and lack of truthfulness. He accused me without giving reference of his accusations. Is it because Natty Dread is in your good books and that Babu Soli is a foe? But should that exempt you from judging fairly? Come on Bajaw. I don’t want to be so uncouthed as Natty Dread, thus refraining from using foul language, which I once promised not to use. I am disappointed at your biasness!
    I defeated tribalism from birth. My village in the URR is a mosaic of tribes; Mandinkolu, Fulolu, Sarahulelu, my tribe, MANSWANKOLU( in the minority almost consumed by the Mandinkolu). I speak better Mandinko than Manswanko. I’m married to a very beautiful Fula lady. I speak the four languages. Then, can you please expose my tribalist inclination(s)?
    The microfinance project I finance comprises women of all tribes in my village. Here in Holland, I lodged a lot of Gambians of all tribes before they moved out to make life on their own, here, in Germany, or elsewhere. Why do you accuse falsely? Do you want to become a LIAR?
    I have NEVER hidden my admiration and support for President Jammeh on the merits of his development achievements. I always compare him to his EVIL predecessors who sunk our country into decadence. If you believe he killed, go to the courts. Personally I don’t share that conviction of yours, so there is no family I have to bereave with.
    I sincerely believe that genocide was committed by the Jawara administration in quelling the 1981 Kukoi uprising aided by the invading Senegalese forces. I strongly believe in investigating and punishing the culprits of that gruesome episode.
    The TRRC is revealing cases of MAD people who unexplicably took it upon themselves to overthrow and kill Jammeh. They expected death at failing to do so which some of them succumbed to. STUPID MILTARY ADVENTURISM!!!!!

    • Babu Soli,
      I don’t condone personal attacks and I hope contributors would exercise restraint, but surely you can see that your continued defence of Yaya Jammeh and his murderous regime is provocative, to say the least, and may actually border on insensitivity, given the revelations coming out everyday. Curiously, you have often demanded evidence whenever Jammeh is accused, even were evidence is abundantly displayed before your own eyes, but you have no qualms labelling victims of November 11 as “Mad people who inexplicably took it upon themselves to overthrow and kill Jammeh.”
      The problem though, is that this claim of a Lt. Barrow led coup against the Junta, which you took as “evidence”, is made by people who took part in the killing of those people or were complicit in that heinous crime. Though you have not heard the testimony of the victims, you are comfortable to call them “mad people”, but it’s a completely different approach when Jammeh is the accused. Both Koro Ceesay and Deyda Hydara were murdered by the regime, possibly with the approval of Yaya Jammeh, as no serious efforts were ever made to investigate the crimes and bring people to justice. On the contrary, the testimony of the lead Police investigator into the Koro Ceesay murder said he was ordered by his superiors to discontinue the investigation. Do you need a degree to know where the (Executive) Order might have come from?
      And why was KC murdered? We now know it was to conceal the theft of the $35million loan from Taiwan, which he insisted must be included in his budget speech.
      About the vehicles in Kanilai that were auctioned off or so it is claimed: have you asked yourself how Yaya Jammeh, a broke pauper in 1994, could possibly legitimately own so many? Please Babu, be sensible and show some humility here for the crimes of your hero.

    • Quote @Babu Soli: “I have NEVER hidden my admiration and support for President Jammeh on the merits of his development achievements.”
      Comment: Indeed Babu, you have always endlessly yapped on here about the developments of the criminal Jammeh regime, but what I want to observe with you, is that your approach to viewing development is not worthy of an intellectually trained mind, never mind that of one calling himself a professor.
      I would say that development for an intellectually trained mind is viewed from a wide variety of angles and taking so many other factors into consideration, rather than just from the angle of the number of physical structures, like roads and bridges, completed within a certain time frame. The latter approach (of seeing only the physical structures as development) is just too simplistic and only excusable when it comes from an intellectually untrained mind, like an ordinary farmer or a cattle herdsman (no disrespect meant to these category of hardworking folks).
      For many people like me, one of the most crucial factors to consider when gauging the level of development under any administration is the amount of funds acquired for such development purposes. In this way, we are able to ascertain whether we had value for our monies or not, and whether the administration is due for praise or damnation for their development efforts.
      For example, a family that live in an all grass thatched hut will experience development if a philanthropist was to build them a solid mud house with corrugated iron sheet roofing and such a philanthropist would deserve all the praises he/she gets from the community.
      However, if it came to be known that the so called philanthropist actually received funds on behalf of this poor family that was more than enough to build them a fully self contained cement bungalow, with flush toilets, showers and running baths, then only a mentally challenged person would continue to praise the efforts of this crocked criminal, masquerading as a philanthropist.
      Babu, we must know how much funds was paid into Gambian coffers or received on behalf of The Gambian Nation for the 22 years Jammeh had been in power to be able to ascertain whether we had received value for our monies before we can praise his development efforts.

  32. Permit me to tell you a story, a sad story that you may not hear publicly.
    Edward Singhateh went to pay a “visit” to OKC family after himself and his brother murdered the minister in a most barbaric way. Understandably Koro’s grief stricken mother was very upset and angry. Let’s just say she was neither welcoming nor polite. She was not afraid to point accusations at her son’s killers publicly.
    Right there, right then, in the presence of all those paying their respects. Edward Singhateh’s men drew their weapons with live rounds, pointed at Nanding as she is affectionately called.
    You tell me who does that.
    Look up the word Psychopath.

  33. Babu, you aren’t a foe to me but you are just only bitter about demises of the Murderous kanilai Evildom & kukoi Satan which you can’t do anything about; probably you don’t realise for yourself but you only make references to others when it suits your narrative but your tasteless arguments & criticisms aren’t genuinely public-affairs-driven but specifically against for refusing to swallow the bitter pills of reality; how many other tribes & affiliates combined does yaya & kukoi Devils events killed yet you never defended for redress on their behalf…?
    You think just laying claims to wild philanthropism on here in your account will pull wool over over our eyes…?

  34. Babu, the November 11 ‘would be coupists’ for example, were all arrested but why murder them in colder blood instead of prosecutions in courts according to the law; you saw no problem at all with that….?
    Mustapha Devil Danso too you have been defending on here all the time, wilfully killed commander Mahoney for the 1981 coup to succeed; he was prosecuted & sentenced to death in court of law but the sentence was commuted initially to life in jail; Mustapha was later released by fellow kukoi Devil & co; they went on to kill many innocent people in cold blood until they were outdone in neutrality & Mustapha’s legitimate execution was seen to the letter lawfully but you still find faults with that too amongst other unlawful injustice by the (your) Dracula Devils that befell the Gambia…???
    Babu where can you particularly claim for anything good & meaningful ever for the greater collective Gambian community as a whole…?
    You are very evil indeed to your own place of birth you call “home, community, people & family”; except for your wild (false) empty philosophy claims on here, you have no good intentions ever for the Gambia as a community of people; to say the least….

    • There were no 11 Nov. coupists.
      It was all along an agenda of that bloody junta of bloodthirsty demons from onset, to find a way to summarily murder the most honest and most professional personnel within the Gambia army. Those were the personnel of the army who wouldn’t buy into the junta of demons’ sudden madness and burning desire for power and lust to loot public funds of the Gambia. The host country’s of Yaya Jammeh, Edward Singateh, Peter Singateh, Sana Sabally, Jugulars, certain green boys and accomplices, should start thinking about extradition processes, much more when they are deporting poor asylum seekers. What are the creepy administration that fenced itself around with suspected perpetrators doing about it? The TRRC have done and are doing a pretty good job already!

      • Bourne, I have actually started believing that there was no November 11th, as narrated by these criminals. I am now convinced that the alleged coup was a hoax, intended to putsch the Army of those known to agitate for action against the Junta because they (the Army) felt betrayed by the men in the Council.
        The story of an attempted coup was one big, fat lie; the same sort of lie they fed the public about the death of Koro Ceesay and the disappearance of Daba Marenah and co. Having seen the level of dissatisfaction within the Army and fearing that it can escalate to a coup, the Junta hatched a scheme that lured some soldiers into Fajara Baracks, arrested them, tortured them and then executed the potential leaders of any attempt to remove them. It was brutal and in full view of other soldiers because they wanted to send a message.
        Babucar Jatta’s testimony at the TRRC, in addition to other curious facts about the event, convinced me beyond any doubt that this was not a coup attempt and no fire fight took place that night/early morning, as narrated. It is almost impossible for trained and armed soldiers to engage in a prolonged fire fight in that type of terrain without both sides sustaining casualties. But that seems to be what exactly happened. No casualties on the side of the “loyalist forces” were reported; not even injuries.
        And one incident in Jatta’s testimony completely debunks the claims of a firefight. According to him, when they entered Fajara Barracks, they came through a side gate and were walking across the open football pitch when a burst of machine gun fire erupted towards them. None was hit before they quickly took cover.

        • Now, let’s think about that narrative for a second. Here was a trained soldier, perhaps one of the best with a machine gun, positioned in a fortified firing position, pumped up with adrenalin because he’s been involved in a fire fight all night and expecting enemy soldiers to advance towards his position any moment.
          Then suddenly, in front of him and walking across an open football pitch, with no obstacles whatsoever, was a group of enemy soldiers advancing towards him. Here’s the first curious fact: either this (machine) gunner didn’t know the distance a machine gun bullet can travel or he completely misjudged the distance, rendering his bullets harmless and ineffective. But that’s not even the worst because according to Jatta, all the bullets ended up in the branches of a Mango tree.
          Wow, a trained soldier could not even aim a gun at the direction of his advancing enemies. I could have done better in his position and I’m sure many here could have done better too. What this tells me is that the gun fire was not meant to hit people but just a show to give the illusion of a firefight. There was neither a coup attempt, nor a firefight. It was brutal putsch of likely challengers from the Army that also sent a chilling message to everyone of the cold bloodedness of the criminals calling themselves AFPRC.

          • Bax, I do keep asking myself if folks are seeing very well through these ruffians’ testimonies. How could anyone in his right frame of mind be fooled with tales Babucarr Jatta was tiredly trying to put the commission to sleep with. It takes at least an intelligent criminal to throw people off from the truth. I read those fools testimonies with painful laughs. A machine gun fired towards enemies coming towards you in an open terrain …. and no casualties whatsoever? Stray bullets from machine guns installed at fortified positions can cause injuries at more than half a kilometer’s range much more targets at sight. A professional soldier won’t even present such a forge of a story in the first place. Bro, can you imagine what Gambia will look like if it were a country as big as DRC and with a population of 60m people … Surely we’ll have a bigger proportion of these types of criminals and the country would have been the worst place to live on earth.
            Real men, as horrible and terrible they may be, at this point in time at the TRRC, will simply confess to their crimes and call it a day if for nothing but respect for the taxpayer who paid for those uniforms and weapons. But no! Some of them rather still be beating about the bush like an ostrich with its head shoved in the sand …

          • In Nov 1994, it will be a stretch to describe any soldiers in the GNA as a trained soldier. Having said that, let’s set the record straight.
            By August 1994, it was obvious that ALL members of AFPRC were.
            1. Killers
            2. Criminals
            3. Thugs and
            4. Common Thieves
            There was plans by BB and DF to remove them from power. Large numbers of soldiers at ALL (3) camps were on board. The problem was the senior officers who were courting favor from the Junta.
            The plans were failed when the group decided to invite the then Army commander to join them. BJ immediately betrayed them and gave them up to the council.
            I am convinced that BJ will NOT testify truthfully when he is pressed by Essa Faal on next “quarrel”. But ultimately the BLOOD of Bashiru Barrow and Dot Faal are on his hands and he knows it.
            There are sinners in our midst.
            God Help The Gambia.

  35. Stupid Hypocrite’s Microfinance Adventurism !!! You were sold out to the sorry Dutch anti immigration far right groups supplying them with lies about trying and innocent young Gambians and Africans. You are one perfect reason why Gambian remains a dangerous place for its citizens. You are indeed one of those few Africans helping far right haters with those false and hateful propagandas and narratives about Africans and immigration in general. Psychopaths cannot help but demonstrate who they really are. Only a psycho will insult victims of unearthed mass graves!!! I bet the Dutch authorities will arrest you if you talk of innocent massacred people like that in your real identity. They are very humane people and it must be a psycho among them talking like you are right now. The Dutch democracy cannot be abused or undermined like you are doing under anonymity!!!
    I must admit to other contributors I am sorry for my type of repulse to your hateful writings as such will only inspire you in scribbling more insults, lies and hatred. Greedy beings like your sort who enjoyed eating ‘beef benachin’ at the expense of citizens getting slain!!! Have you ever asked yourself or wondered why your lover, Yaya, never set up an inquiry into the 1981 killings to bring the culprits to justice? Who was it exactly, responsible for the death of all those young innocent Gambians even before Senegalese forces came in quell the process of massacre in the Gambia?
    You know you don’t have at this point anything important to say that’s why you are insulting victims from mass graves finding means to exchange vulgar insults with contributors. Insulting mothers and fathers have become a culture in the Gambia during those 22 years thanks to savages and poorly educated genres of human beings of certain cultures and social educations.
    You are the only one here really abusing the purpose of using a pen name!
    Saying how diverse you are because you married bla bla bla and you did bla bla bla only sheds more light on what Jammeh’s inner circle and squads of killers are all about. You were maddened long ago by your confused mathematics equations and unaware of it yourself!!! Your could even be doing what Edward Singateh did: killing a mother’s only son and going to her to express condolence. Such are the types of dangerous elements within the Gambia society. Gambia is not at all safe because of your type and those absconded killers.
    How are you going to retaliate? By calling me; JACKASS? MULE? DUNDERHEAD … or even curse my parents? I’ve learned of the Jammeh green boys lately in Europe. They will jump start insulting people’s parent like they have none and will make unsophisticated comical audios of how they missed the party and food from Yaya’s Statehouse almshouse ..
    Hah! Mathematics professor in Netherlands?

  36. Rectification please – except for your wild (false) empty philosophy claims on here, you have no good intentions….
    Should have been – except for your wild (false) empty philanthropy claims on here, you have no good intentions…
    Thank you….
    “Would be coupists” means those alleged (accused on false allegations) to have been with intentions staging the coup; of course there were no coups at all like all right thinkers stated above & elsewhere; the Devils’ evil lies will follow all of them & the advocates to their burning graves; Insha Allah; Ameen….

  37. Hello Gambians. My contribution to the current cacophony within this echo Chamber against what most reasonable and honest Gambians would consider an unfair, coordinated and insidious attacks on Babu Soli is, PLEASE, SIMMER DOWN. Babu Soli like any Gambian has a god given previledge and right to express his opinion on any subject and issue. One may not like his opinion or the manner in which it is laid out, however, it is his opinion. The insults and subliminal messages wrapped in some of the postings when attacking Babu Soli and anyone who expresses something good about former President Yaya Jammeh’s government is, to say the least, INTOLERANT AND UNMITIGATEDLY WRONG. Babu Soli has been consistent with his view of the First and Second Republic’s Principle players and their governments. That is, Babu Soli is of the opinion like a lot of the Silent Majority that former President Yaya Jammeh’s government had done more in terms of Infrastructural development in the Gambia compared to the 31+ years of the former President Jawara’s government. One can disagree with the Messenger (s) but One does not have the unfettered Privilege or Right to “abuse”, “attack”, and insult the Messenger. Of course, there are those who specialize in the ugly and distasteful “art” of abusive and distasteful attacks heaped on those they disagree with. Intolerance and insidious subliminal messages of Ethonocentrism that is wrapped up in most of the attacks on those who express a view of the expected packaged view of the Second Republic of Yaya Jammeh needs to be tempered and mitigated in tone spirit of the words and their hidden meaning. Gambia is too small to be divided and balkanized. Civility Humility and Tolerance is Needed from all who post on this and other sites. Gambia is more than one Ethnic Group, One Region, One Party and or One Opinion. Let us Simmer down with the “fire and brimestone attacks, abuse and insults. If I offended anyone, it is only my attempt to express my opinion..

    • Sidi village idiot BOJANG
      Suck it when it bothered you to hear people calling Mad professor SOLI for what he is, Insensitive petty little OLD man, blinded by hate and stupidity. You 2 idiots are a damn disgrace to our nation and mankind at large. Only heartless fools will rejoice at the achievements of Yahya JAMMEH, when all these ugly revelations were being aired. Families coming to terms with the brutality meted out to their loved ones. Your opinion is offensive to the memory of our gallant men and women downed to death by an evil man named Yahya Jammeh. So go to hell Sidi VILLAGE IDIOT BOJANG with your petty little old man SOLI.

    • Indeed Babu Soli has his right to his opinion. It is those opposed to his opinion who don’t have a right to be opposed to what they don’t agree with.
      Reread comments and check out for what INSULT means in your bugaboo dictionary please.