Justice, News

Gambia: Charges Against Yankuba Touray, FJC Shelved

Yankuba Touray

State prosecutors in the Gambia Wednesday  withdrew all charges against two senior officials of the previous regime of Yahya Jammeh accused of interfering with the work of the ongoing truth commission.

Fatoumata Jahumpa-Ceesay, a former speaker of the Gambia’s National Assembly and Yankuba Touray, a former AFPRC junta member and minister who held various portfolios during Ex-President Yahya Jammeh’s 22-year presidency, were arrested in March by the police and detained for several days following a complaint by the Ministry of Justice over concerns expressed by the Truth, Reconciliation and Reparations Commission (TRRC) that they had attempted to tamper or interfere with one of its witness, ex-army Sergeant, Alagie Kanyi.

The commission also expressed fear that Touray and Jahumpa-Ceesay had attempted to pervert the cause of justice by concealing evidence that could potentially incriminate them and junta colleagues in alleged atrocities and extra-judicial executions meted out to citizens while in power.

Prosecutors alleged that on or about the 5th January 2019, at Kanifing and diverse places, the former officials with intent to obstruct or interfere with the work of the TRRC, had called Alagie Kanyi, through his mobile phone and told him that he should not mind the commission, as they cannot do anything.

Fatoumata-Jahumpa Ceesay

Prosecutors said the phone calls suggests or amounts to interfering with the work of the commission in the discharge of its functions.

The matter was first heard at the Kanifing Magistrates’ Court where Touray and Jahumpa-Ceesay were given D1 million bail after they pleaded not guilty.

In  a desperate attempt to secure a conviction, the director of public prosecutions took over the case from the police and transferred it to the high court in Banjul.

But as the case proceeded before Justice A. S. Ceesay, the state could not produce any solid evidence to support the charges against the duo. The principal witness Alhaji Kanyi also made  conflicting accounts when cross examined under oath by lawyers Abdoulie Sisohor and Lamin S. Camara, who represented the defendants.

Realising that the case against the duo is weak, the state admitted defeat and entered  a nolle prosequi and terminate the case.

One Comment

  1. Hello Gambians and Gambia. Given the source of allegations against Yankuba Touray and FJ Ceesay, the Prosecutors in the Gambia should have been more Judicious in their Investigations of the allegations before arresting the duo on the words of the Serial murderer Alagie “Mo Falla” (people killer) Kangi. Alagie “Mo Falla” Kangi like his psychopathic and sociopathic personality have no sense of right nor wrong. No sense of good nor bad. His kind operate on an animal like instincts of survival at any and all costs. Alagie “Mo Falla” Kangi knew what lies and diabolical, contemptible stories to tell the TRRC Counsel Essa Fall to get sympathy while wetting Essa Fall’s appetite for a potential hooking and reeling in the “big fish” of the Second Republic’s Principle players, for example, Yankuba Touray and FJ Ceesay. The questions decent and truely law abiding Gambians must and and ask Essa Fall and the Justice Minister is, what punishment if any is Alagie Mo Falla Kangi going to receive due to his lies told under Oath before Lead Counsel Essa Fall and the TRRC? Less guilty culprits have been arrested and detained and remained detained on allegations against them, while a confessed Serial killer “Mo Falla” Khangi remains free, gainfully employed and playing the devil’s advocate. How about Yankuba Sonko former President Yaya Jammeh’s Police Chief. How about CDS Masaneh Kinteh. When will these two who served in former President Yaya Jammeh’s government appear before the TRRC? Why are they not being investigated, and their assets frozen or confiscated as have been done to several non UDP Party Surrogates and or Ethnic Group origin officials? If this does not smell of selective justice and inquisition in the “New Gambia”, what is? Gambia is more than the Sum Total of One, Tribe, One Region or Party. The pathological syndromes of “it is our time or our Gambia”, is not a sustainable nor viable politics or governance. Which way Gambians?